Posts for MiraiGen

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Joined: 5/21/2008
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LTTP would probably be better. Less luck manipulation and more optimization techniques. I'm not a TASer but I've dabbled in it and I'm very familiar with the concepts, but still, just agreeing with the general populous.
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Run the original encoded video in VLC Media Player if you're having problems. And be happy.
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haha okay, not a 'minor trick' but a minor trick in comparison to the door X-Raying. I misspoke. The door tricking breaks the game so badly I believe it's a separate category of it's own.
Thats like saying the the 0 star run and the upcoming OoT run (which uses a more game breaking glitch than this) shouldn't be labelled any%. If a run which aims for the absolute lowest number of frames to reach the completion sequence then it will always be labelled an any%. If there is another version then it can only be called a any% non-glitched.
I didn't say that it should apply to other games, stop stretching my words. I said that THIS run of THIS game shouldn't have any sort of % label. Super Metroid has such a huge collection of runs and this one deviates so far from that it should get it's own category, as Kej just said.
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I think that the LTTP glitch is too game-breaking to be a good comparison. Castlevania:AOS is a better example, where he uses the wallslide glitch to skip half the game, and there's another run elsewhere without this trick. The X-Ray Scoping glitch should be a separate category and it shouldn't be labelled as a % run at all. Let's be honest - him copying the save file to generate garbage data for Tourian was a minor trick at best and really only necessary because of the FIRST glitch. X-Ray Scoping in Doors is a separate bug and should be treated that way.
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The problem with labelling a run as "glitched" is that then you have runners building entire speedruns with a new glitch not totally sure if it'll fit into the criteria since it could fall under a non-glitch, glitched, any%, low%, etc etc etc. When you start finding more and more ways to use the X-Ray Scope's door trick it's not that complex - you label that single glitch. When someone discovers a brand new glitch that they have to categorize it could mean the difference between acceptance and obsoletion, acceptance and a new category, or rejection. This is what the legal courts call 'precedence' and it can be a real headache when it comes to bite you in the ass later. The idea of making "All bosses required to enter Tourian complete/skipped" a category is a good idea, but then you run into the issue of "What if someone uses the glitch to get more Super Missiles and beats the boss later?" or something. Eh, I dunno. I think we should call this a "Glitched" run and call the rest of the runs as we see them. Sure it'd be a debate every time some new trick is discovered but it's better than arguing about what to call THIS run.
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The other Any% real speedrun show boss sequence, item collection, selected path, and all sorts of fun wankery (like mocking Crocomire as he leaps up from the lava) set it so far apart from the 'Doortrick' speedrun that this does I don't see how it could possibly obsolete it. Entertainment and speed are the two keywords here, and in a lesser game I could see the point being made, but Super Metroid is a fantastic game and I love having a bunch of different videos of TAS of it. Speak honestly - if we knew about the save-file garbage data and the X-Ray in a door shifting trick in the early days of TASing, wouldn't we still have an Any%, Low%, and 100% speedruns? I vote that it stays as it is, but we give it a new name for how crazy-different it is, much like the 'glitched' Zelda 3. EDIT: Personally I'd say each movie should fall under "Boss skip/not boss skip" with this trick and go from there.
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Is it going to be like the 'glitched' TAS where he explains how things work while the run plays, or like JXQ's OOT commentary where he sits and MST3k's the run?