If you're gonna go trough the trouble to actually TAS this game, it might be a better idea to go the whole way and use both luck manipulation and some crazy combos to beat your opponents in 2-3 turns. This will of course require deck changes (and you'd need to find such combos), but it could very well be worth it in the long run.
I'd agree the video would be a lot more interesting to watch if it used a variety of combos to beat each opponent, but the question is what would you do a TAS of?
The story mode (haven't gotten to 2010 because it freezes in the first few minutes of a duel on the [J] and [EUR] versions of the game) in 2009 is very slow, hampered by a really slow run speed and just an awful 3D engine that likes to crawl to a halt mid-duel. The only other mode is World Championship which could be more amusing, if you beat each duelist once to consider it "beat".
Regarding entertainment value however, I'd suggest a variety of OTK and FTK decks, like say a luck-manipulated Exodia hand, or (if that's too troublesome) a variety of card tricks to search out the Exodia pieces. Combo decks could work too, though a few of them are too slow to be used at a fast pace. But if speed isn't going to be considered a first-priority, it is a viable choice to prevent the viewer from becoming bored watching it.