Posts for Moogle

Joined: 4/2/2014
Posts: 1
Location: Connecticut
The news of this initially irritated me to the point I felt I had to say something about it. Although I'm aware this is likely a joke I somehow feel the need to speak my mind anyways. I understand the idea of profiting off of one's own hobby is very alluring. It's the kind of thing most people only dream of. There isn't anything wrong with the concept unless it is at other people's expense and unfortunately this seems to be the case. The main problem is the cost. I'm not sure how the price was determined, whether it was out of necessity or ignorance I can't say; but a $25 monthly fee is blatantly excessive, especially considering other subscription services such as Netflix don't even charge half this price. Seriously, this equals out to $300 dollars a year. I could buy a yearly pass for Xbox Live for a fifth of this price and have far greater of a time playing games with my friends than I would passively watching a tool-assisted run of a game. I assure you I love watching TAS videos, but I'm not going to claim they are a better source of entertainment than a nigh unlimited number of shows and movies from Netflix or spending an afternoon messing around in Halo or Minecraft with my best friends. It seems the value of these videos has been grossly overestimated. I'll admit I'm not extensively familiar with the amount of work and effort that goes into making a tool-assisted run. From what I've gathered it seems it can be quite laborious. I fully appreciate and respect the authors for putting in all the effort. However, I simply do not feel it warrants the cost. This is by no means a necessary or justifiable service. It seems to be one produced solely out of greed and it's really quite sad.