Posts for MoonKid

Post subject: FCEUX forget configuration of my Wii controller
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 10/9/2016
Posts: 3
FCEUX forget configuration of my Wii controller. Everytime I restart FCEUX (Debian unstable) without reboot and without reconnecting the controller, FCEUX forget the Gamepad config of that controller. This means everytime I start FCEUX I have to configure the Gamepad again.
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 10/9/2016
Posts: 3
Thanks for the bug report. This means that currently it is not possible what I want without doing some hacks? In the bug report I read about "fullscreen" in window mode. How is that possible? I wasn't able to set this up.
Post subject: Use full screen size in fullscreen mode
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 10/9/2016
Posts: 3
I want to use FCEUX (2.2.2 on Debian unstable) in fullscreen mode using the maximum size of the monitor but keeping the apsect ratio. My monitor has a native resolution of 1024x600. I read the manpage and thougt I understand it but I didn't. In some configurations the picture doesn't use the complete size of the screen. In others the picture is scaled to the complete (X and Y) screen but without keeping the aspect ratio. It would be nice to use one of the scaling mechanisms of FCEUX to have better picture (without pixel stairs). But it is not a must have. A fullscreen picture with pixel would be no problem at all. This are the (maybe) relevant parts of the config file.
SDL.AutoScale = 1
SDL.DoubleBuffering = 0
SDL.Frameskip = 0
SDL.Fullscreen = 0
SDL.InputDisplay = 0
SDL.KeepRatio = 0
SDL.LastXRes = 1024
SDL.LastYRes = 600
SDL.NTSCpalette = 1
SDL.NewPPU = 1
SDL.OpenGL = 0
SDL.OpenGLip = 0
SDL.Vsync = 1
SDL.XResolution = 0
SDL.XStretch = 0
SDL.YResolution = 0
SDL.YStretch = 0
SDL.XScale = 2,000000
SDL.YScale = 2,000000