Posts for Morfos

Post subject: having problems recording with AVI for SNES9X
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I made a movie of me beating Blast Hornet with only the X buster and no damage taken. When I try to record it into AVI format, it lags because there's so much movement. Can anyone help?
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NEStopia emulates the dipswitches the game uses correctly.
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Posts: 12 Back in the Nintendo World Championships 1990, the patterns for Tetris were predetermined (aka NOT RANDOMIZED). So, I've attached the proper emulator and savestates for you to try this tourney game for yourself. You'll have to configure the controls for yourself since I used my joystick. You may use as many save states as you like. To load the save states of the patterns I've found, press 1, 2, or 3 on your keyboard. The ultimate goal here is: Get 4 million + . If you're interested more about the old event (NWC 1990), try a Google search. You'll find everything you need to learn about this shit.
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Isnt the prism bug only in the JPN version? I thought it was fixed in the English version.
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Posts: 12 Rockman only is used. Edit:Its not mine at all. Im an idiot, and I have no memory and I lost the run I did.
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I was quoting something rbudrick said, i dunno, I have gotten the same sequence atleast twice for one sequence when playtesting this.
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Hey, does anyone here know of a program where I can plan my tetrises? I have all of the pieces planned out, but I need to plan carefully if I want to get a full tetris every time in Nintendo World Championships 1990. Thanks.
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SAw it. There are 4 exact patterns in the game. If only someone could tell me how to use the hex editer so I can trace exactly what pieces are coming next... edit:and an optimal path on SMB would be nice.
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Im pretty sure Lost levels wrote something on that matter. It only set off the "this a copied cart" message because someone had to change a byte in the code so you could progress in the game. (I think it was a blackout or it would just freeze, changing the byte would allow you to progress through the game until people found out about the copy message"
Post subject: Nintendo World Championships 1990.
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Alright, I have trouble getting into tetris with a really good chunk amount of time left, when I play it non TAS. Does anyone have tips for this game? I want to make a TAS run for it, but I cant think how to get to Tetris with atleast 3 minutes to attempt to get a close to max score on it. Edit:Should of been clear. This is how the game works. You have 6:15-6:27 depending on the time switch of the cart to rack up the highest score possible. In SMB: You have to get 50 coins to progress to Rad racer. Your score will be multplied by x1 in SMB. Rad Racer - After a 20-second delay of screens congratulating you on completing the SMB portion, it's off to Rad Racer. Maintaining a speed of over 200 km/h is the advice given by Phillips. Completing this event as soon as possible, which sends your car into a 'power slide,' is essential because it takes well over 2 minutes to finish the race. Points scored in Rad Racer are multiplied by ten during the final tally. Tetris - This is where all the big points are earned - your score on this game is multiplied by 25. Thus, the time you saved by completing SMB and Rad Racer can pay off quickly here. On average, though, players get the same amount of time to play Tetris as they did in Rad Racer. Those familiar with this game know that at times Tetris can be more of a game of luck than skill. Because of the 25-fold increase in points, high scorers at the Dallas NWC were taking big chances - building up dangerously high structures in the hopes that a 4x1 piece would fall soon, enabling them to fill four lines at once for huge amounts of points.
Post subject: Any other games that Crooked Cart works on besides OoT/MM?
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I know this probably isn't the right place as CC is impossible to reduplicate on an emulator but it's a question that's been boggling my mind...Are there any other games that CC could possibly work to an advantage?
Post subject: Pokemon R/S/E IV calculations?
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I was thinking about doing a TAS for R/S/E... Except here are a few problems, that have troubled me about the game engine... -How does the game calculate how much does a Pokemon benefit from a single IV value? IV values go from 1-31, and it's randomly generated for every Pokemon. Only one problem... I'll take the example, Snorlax at level 50... It's HP is 222 with 22 EVs. I add one point in, it gains a single HP, adding 2 more points makes it gain another HP. At max HP, it's HP is 238... This is bugging the hell out of me, How much does each individual pokemon benefit from how many IV points are invested? Take another example, Bulbasaur at level 50. It's HP is 205 with 22 HP EVs. It gains a single HP point for every IV point. It also seems the IV growth is entirely different at different levels. I know it seems a bit useless for me to ask this, but this is bugging me. Im not a math major, and Im sure someone here knows the answer. Can anyone help?