Posts for NaruSnake

Post subject: [H.S] Projet Resident Evil 1 besoin d'un runner
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Bonjours à tous, je me présente je suis NaruSnake et je recherche un peu d'aide pour mettre en exécution un projet sur RPG Maker VX ace. Comme le titre l'indique j'ai pour projet de réalisé Resident Evil 1 sous Maker et en l’occurrence j'aurais besoin de quelqu'un qui sache se servir des outils de Tasing ou m'apprendre pour réussir à avoir des information pour les armes, les points de vie ennemies, du joueur, et ne sachant pas me servir du RAM Watch ou autre outils je fais appel à vous cher amis. Merci de votre attention et merci d'avance pour votre aide toute personne qui m'aiderons seront crédité sur le jeu. Je pourrais vous donné mes coordonné Skype pour ceux qu'ils souhait m'aider. Il me reste plus cas vous souhaité bon jeu à tous et espère avoir une réponse , Merci NaruSnake.
Experienced Forum User
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Posts: 11
the game is battle arena toshiden
Post subject: phantom character
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 3/25/2012
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hello everyone here I have one trouble on psxjin when I want to play has my plays my character does not appear has the screen and I do not understand why then if somebody has a solution I am taking in advance mercy
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 3/25/2012
Posts: 11
ah ok not I have version 1.0.1 I have just noticed thank you for information I makes change version immediately
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Posts: 11
Do hello with all here is with the emulator I have small problems here what occurs when I record a video and that I it revisionne after it do at all what I film for example on plays of combat style street fighter when I make a perfect during the recording Ben when I view I am caught damage and all is to shift on the levels of the blow with final C me which am beaten by perfect is a bug of the emulator? if somebody could help me please
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Posts: 11
I do not think of putting run for the moment in the workbench I wondered right if my run had a category on the site and I test above all of found the person which could help me has to improve me so that one day to be posted little a video official on the site I would post my run in this page for those which will want me advised well and from my with dimensions I will involve myself to do something of more beautiful has to see
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Posts: 11
Mothrayas wrote:
NaruSnake wrote:
Am hello everyone I new on the site but will I like to ask you something initially I am not the claims to say that I am a good tool assisted speedrunner I would even say that I am more than initial but I made a first tool assisted on megaman 1 without taking damage in a little more than 29 minutes, I know it is null as time but I wondered its could be in the category tool assisted superplay?
Well, if you used tools such as slowdown/frame advance/savestates to make it, then obviously it is a tool-assisted superplay, and could be categorized as such. However, if you meant about submitting it, then don't, because as a first work it's very likely to be suboptimal, and a simple "no damage" isn't going to cut it for a new category. Additionally, one of my first TASes I ever created was a no-damage no-zipping Mega Man 1 TAS, and if I recall correctly, it was roughly 25 minutes long, so there's clearly some improvement to be had. Or did you mean something else entirely?
yes I use tools like the savesstaes for the rerecording and the slowdown because of being only the tools which I can be used for the day of today as I begin and than I have average English I have difficulty has to understand how its walk but to return from there on my superplay it is largely improvable I am ready has to divide my run to have opinions of anybody more powerful than me
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 3/25/2012
Posts: 11
Am hello everyone I new on the site but will I like to ask you something initially I am not the claims to say that I am a good tool assisted speedrunner I would even say that I am more than initial but I made a first tool assisted on megaman 1 without taking damage in a little more than 29 minutes, I know it is null as time but I wondered its could be in the category tool assisted superplay?
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ok merci ^^ c'est sympa de m'aider parce que ma premier run d’essayé j'ai du le faire d'une trait c’était un peu long ^^ merci encore
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merci ^^ en faite j'ai déjà fait ma premier run ou j'utilise juste le rerecord et le slowmotion mais il y a juste un truc que je n'est pas compris encore c'est du genre pour un jeux long on peut pas l’enregistrer en un trait j'aimerai savoir comment ou fait pour reprendre sa run ou on l'avais laissé
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Joined: 3/25/2012
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Salut à tous bon je suis nouveau et j'ai découvert le TAS grâce à RealMyope et j'aimerai essayer sans faire de vidéo officiel pour le moment mais je ne sais pas encore me servir des outils et j'aimerai savoir si quelqu'un pourrais m'expliquer comment m'en servir et à quoi il serve svp ^^ (j'ai beaucoup de mal avec l'anglais)