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I think i'm the only person in the world who actually likes this game
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You know, I have very fond memories of playing this on the game boy when it came out, and i actually accidentally discovered that warp to the snowfield once. I hadn't yet gotten that far in the game so i didn't know what the hell was going on. I died pretty fast when I touched one of the snowmen :P I thought something was wrong with my cart back then, but it never happened again. Interesting to see it reproduced here!
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The same thing could be said for the soft reset trick in zelda and metroid then using the 2nd controller.
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well especially if it's intended it should be using, because it would save loads of time, if you could super jump there's no reason to switch to rush coil for example
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as a matter of fact, here is the list of these glitches copied from some wouldn't be suitable for a speedrun, but i think some others would, like super jumping, freezing the robots and navigating the pits Super jump: Hold right on controller two and Mega Man’s jumps will almost touch the top of the screen! These eggs are perfect for collecting power-ups. Slow-bo mode: Hold up on controller two for slow motion. (Actually, it’s really only the animations that are slowed down.) Time stop: Hold up and A on controller two to freeze most robots in their tracks—including Mega Man. (You won’t be able to move unless you jump first. But you can still fire your arm cannon, which is why this is such a useful trick.) Note that robots in motion will usually continue to move, but you can use this to freeze most of the Robot Masters during at least one stage of their attack. Then you can fire away at the helpless robot for an easy victory! Jump/Stop combo: Hold up, right, and A to freeze the action and give you the super jump! Invincibility from bottomless pits: If you happen to fall in a pit, quickly press right on controller two and the jump button on controller one to jump out—even after you hear the “death” sound effect! You’ll have to play the rest of the stage without music, but it’s worth it to save your skin! Navigate bottomless pits: Hold right on controller two, then jump into a bottomless pit. Keep that button down while you move left and right using controller one. You can slide through the pit safely avoiding anything up above. When you’re ready to leave, press jump on controller one to get out. There are a couple of catches to this, though—one, if you stay down there too long, you’ll die; and two, sometimes Mega Man takes damage down there. Still, it’s a useful trick to get past those long bottomless pits without using Rush Jet. Missed me! Zombified Mega Man: (Named after the “Zombie” effect in Final Fantasy III.) Here’s a really interesting one to try. While holding right on controller two, jump into a pit. Now hang out down there until you hear the “death” sound effect and your energy meter plunges to zilch. When this happens you must jump out immediately or Mega Man will perish. Once you are out of the pit, you can journey on with absolutely no energy. No robots will be able to damage you. The disadvantage is you can’t fire your arm cannons (Mega Man no longer has enough energy to do that!), but you are allowed to fire all the Master Weapons you’ve obtained (which run off their own energy supply)—including Rush—which means you’ll be able to defeat the stage boss with no problem! One final note on this trick: any energy you pick up will cure Mega Man’s “zombie” state by restoring some of his health. He will be able to fire again, but he will also be able to die. An Energy Tank will also do this to him, in case you need to be able to fire again. Weapon energy will not, so you can safely charge up your weapons like normal and still be “zombified.” Turn a weapon energy capsule into Rush Jet/Marine: Having problems getting past the pink lifts in Spark Man’s stage, or the underground lake in Gemini Man’s stage? Would Rush really come in handy but you haven’t beaten the robot necessary to get the correct form? Then this trick is for you. First, find a weapon energy pellet or capsule (a capsule would be better as you’ll get more energy for it.) Now, go to your sub screen. If you want Rush Marine, point to the Spark Shooter; if you need Rush Jet point to the Shadow Blades. (You therefore must have these weapons for this trick to work.) Now press right. Rush will appear, wagging his tail. Press A or START. Pick up the energy capsule. Although the chosen mode won’t appear on your weapons list until you either use it or get it for real, you can now use Rush in this new form. Also, you’ll have to fill up its energy before it will be of much use, but this can get you out of some tight spots! Sustained Rush Jet: This one’s covered in the Data Base section. Whacked-Out Level: (Submitted by too many people to name.) Use the super jump listed above to enter the screen in Gemini Man’s level where Proto Man appears. If you position yourself correctly, you will fall straight through the block that Proto Man lands on, before he even blows it up. I hear this will cause his whistle to extend and goof up the graphics for the rest of the level, although I’ve not tried it myself. Longer Whistle: (Submitted by too many people to name.) I’m told that if you open the subscreen with just the right timing when Proto Man is making an appearance, you can hear more of his whistle than what plays normally. I haven’t tried this, but my guess is this extended whistle is identical to the one which plays during the ending. Invincibility: Go to the weapons screen, then hold up and A on controller two as you exit the subscreen. Mega Man will get frozen in his faint-warp state and cannot be harmed! This isn’t really useful because you can’t do anything while phased, but it’s a pretty neat trick. (Try it while fighting the Yellow Devil!) Its greatest asset is its use in the trick below... Longer ending: After beating the game, hold up and A on controller two during the time that Dr. Light is telling Mega Man, “I discovered you lying here when I came in. I wonder who...” Then, keep holding these buttons down! The ending will continue like normal until Mega Man tries to teleport out of the lab. At this point, because you are holding down the freeze buttons, he will get stuck in his teleport stance and nothing will happen. The music will continue to play, and you can sit there and listen to it as long as you keep those buttons held down. (Thanks to Metool for telling me about this.) Try this, as the ending music is actually about two times longer than what you normally hear—and it gets pretty wild too!
Post subject: Mega Man 3 question (second controller input)
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I was watching the newest MM3 run and I had a question occour to my mind. Oftentimes, in these games, the speedrunner utilizes glitches and mistakes in the programming that were never intended to be used in gameplay to make it faster, most of them discovered BY speedrunners.... however isn't there a very well known glitch that if you input commands on controller 2 you can do things like jump very high (save on rush coil)? I seem to remember a popular strategy for beating the last boss is doing a super jump by holding up on controller 2 and you jump and top spinning right into him. is there a particular rule that says this can't be used? becuase it totally should be used! [Edit by Bisqwit: Given a more descriptive subject]
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Started version 2, up to the sanctuary. Dunno if i'll post progress here as I go along or just wait until it's done like last time
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some of these comments are really good (others, not good or contructive, saying "it has mistakes" is not constructive, i KNOW that, how about pointing them out?) for those of you that pointed out mistakes and added possible strategies, all I gotta say is i'm dumbfounded that after all this time i can still learn things about this game (and thanks, of course) the bombs/hammer combo on helmasuar....ehh.... it would take a bit more time I think becuase of waithing for the bombs to explode (and making sure they don't knock me silly, and further away from him) and i'd have to do a lot of switching for need to have the hammer equiped in the room before anyway to get past the turtles so it would mean at lesat 2 switches to use bombs i think. i also never knew the arrows could be used on the sandworms, the only problem will be making sure I have enough, but if it makes the battle much faster than it'll be worth it. nitsua's comments about routes through rooms: this is actually somthing I want to work on in a major way, I plan to to insane amounts of testing and re-records to get through them as fast as possible lastly to fabianx, about unnecessary switches, could you please point out exact instances if it's not too much trouble? I didn't think I had any becuase I tried to avoid switching unless i'd NEED the item that i was switching to, but if you found an instance where i didn't, please by all means tell me, i'd be happy to know.
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you know i never knew that 10 second thing, it always played for me right away, weird.
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yeah the 2nd route will not have bottles, there will also be some changes as to when i get the ice rod, i don't think i have to visit the sanctuary before going to aghanim and stuff like that. as for taking Sorry you think it looks ugly to avoid them, but I think it looks ugly to get hit, it's just something we're probably not gonna agree on. Since the 2nd time around i'll be using a lot more luck manipulation to get the enemies where I want them, you'll probably see waiting for enemies to pass diminished greatly, or even eliminated. the way I feel speed is important, aesthetics are even more important. About the desynchs, would it maybe help if i posted my config file for snes9x?
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all the defaults really, i didn't mess around with any settings other than remapping keys. oh, i had sound turned off but i doubt that it's that, becuase i've watched it with sounds plenty of times, hell i'm watching it with sound right now. when i've sent it out to my freinds i've sent them a zip of movie, rom and emulator if it's not the emulator maybe it's the wrong rom? although i don't think there's more than one version of the us one out there, not sure.
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i should also mention that TSA's run is not a no-hit run. i could easily shave it down past his if i took hits here and there, but as i explained, i don't like the way it looks
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feitclub, it's a test run, it'll be much faster the next time around. as for desynching, i used the "improved" snes9x that was posted here in the snes9x forum with all the default settings. the rom is the english one.... dunno what the problem is other than maybe you're using the wrong timing on the emulator? the next time around i think i'm going to aim for less than 90 minutes, as i've come up with a lot of improvement ideas and such, and general optimization of course.
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haha I've been playing the game since I was 11 (i'm 24) and i never knew that. The next version of this run I'll get NO bottles then! I thank you!
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i'm curious to now how to do it without them. if there's a way, i'm not knowing it, because even with half magic enabled it takes more than just one magic meter to take off both heads.
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urgh, my upload is slow, it's still going up. my server is being really weird today. I will edit this when it's up. EDIT: IT IS UP
Post subject: The OTHER Zelda: A Link to the Past run (my first)
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I figure i'd just start a new thread for this, since the other thread seems to be about omni's run, and I wouldn't want to steal his thunder there. Anyway in the past five weeks I've been working on this game in secret and have produced my first run. Consider this to be a test run, i don't consider it to be nearly good enough to submit for publication. some notes on it - Time is 1:46:48 (to the end of the triforce conversation) this met my goal of "somewhere under 2 hours" but believe me when I say It will get much faster the 2nd time around - That's 384480 frames - 5252 re-records - Dark world dungeons done in this order: 1, 4, 3, 2, 6, 5, 7, 8 - played mostly at 140ms or 300ms switching items and other menu stuff done at 500ms - this is a NO HIT run. there are PLENTY of places where it would have been faster to get hit. however I don't like that aesthetically speaking, I think some of the dodging and bucking/weaving I do looks much cooler than watching link get hit every time it's conveinant. I won't do a run for this game where I take damage, I know omni is doing a damage run, and his will most likely be faster, I'm aiming for no-hit though, it looks cool Major mistakes I will fix in the next run - I collected 2 bottles. why? "seemed like a good idea at the time" I knew you need one magic potion for trinexx, I thought another one would speed up the kholdestare battle. However I didn't need it, and the time it took to get the bottle wasn't worth it. - Ice wand I got right before level 2. Later I reflected it will be faster to save it for before level 5, since I can get it and then just jump in the lake. - Too damn many rupees collected in level 1 - A ghastly pause after collecting the pegasus boots. - I think I may be able to skip getting the mirror sheild some minor notes - In some places where i'd have to make a "round trip" or visit the same area twice I used different routes. (eg: the forest, the desert palace, death mountain) I plan to determine which is faster and then stick to it. - Dashing will be completely optimized in the next one, and walking through doors also (link likes to bump into doorways. I plan to do this again (after a break) completely frame by frame - the blind battle could be a bit faster - I got better at switching items as I went along so near the beginning it's not perfect, it will be next time. There's other stuff, but I can't think of it right now. I plan to do some preperation for the next version by watching TSA's stuff, see if i can learn anything (i've never seen his run, decided to go into this "fresh" and see how fast i can do it) One thing I'm pretty much completely satisfied wth is the order of the dungeons, I put a LOT of thought into that. anyway here's the link I used the "improved" snes9x and the english ROM image. Please remember, this is my FIRST run EVER. so be gentle! I know it has some parts that are a bit sloppy but like i said, it's a test. the next version, i'll be aiming for perfection. comments welcome be gentle.
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voting yes, simply becuase this is an extremely hard game that is enjoyable to play, but too hard to have fun with. i've never seen the entire game and he went through it in a way that i personally found very entertaining.
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back to the breath of fire thing, i think bof2 would be a LONG run, becuase you would need to level quite a bit (it's a very hard game!) and the leveling takes forever, you'd need to abuse the monster island area after getting grandpa with heavy luck minipulation to kill the super-enemies there for fast levels.
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as a huge fan of both the bof and lufia series, i would love to see these done.
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that's not even true, so few people use dialup these days, and having a 28.8 bit connection is ridiculous, if you must use dialup, at least go out and buy a 56k modem, seriously. "only a select group of people have broadband" is not true at all, maybe it was a few years ago but the vast majority of internet users are on at least an ADSL connection or up these days. I don't personally know any of my freinds that has dialup.
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or better yet, when you open it, you can browse for the file.
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well wouldn't it be more reasonable to make this exe file work only if the correct rom is in the same folder? that way people will have to get their own rom files and still have the ease of an executable file.
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This is one of the most entertaining runs i've seen in a long time. there are a few minor improvments i see, for example in the first castle as you're jumping up the blocks (the area right after killing the gargoyle) you kill both skeletons as you're jumping, the first one would have hit you but the second one was pointless to kill, you didn't collect the heart he this for luck manipulation? a few times you could have jump attacked when you didn't, most notably on the two headed creatures or in the swamps, stuff like that. when you did the floor dropping trick in the 3rd (? i think it was the 3rd) castle and dropped down 2 screens like that my jaw dropped, that was great. landing on top of where those bats are you went through the wall to the left, was it impossible to go right directly into the reaper's room? i suppose if it was, you would have...
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i'd like to see 8 eyes i suppose
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