I love how i'm forcibly injecting things by simply saying I didn't like the movie.
As for why I download a movie I likely won't watch, the reason is simple: Becuase I very well might enjoy it, as I have enjoyed other glitch runs.
If it makes me an "asshole" to say that I didn't like something, then so be it.
One interesting point is raised, is that the voting system is undemocratic and therefore voting no is "pointless" However it is no more or less pointless than voting yes. Of course you might argue that "but everyone likes it" but how would you know that if people weren't allowed to vote or put their input in it? Basically what Xebra is saying is "don't be a rabble rouser and cause problems by voting no on a popular submission becuase it won't stop it from being published and will only hurt someone's poor precious feelings."
Here's a solution: If my votes are so insignificant and pointless, instead of derailing every single thread I post in for several pages bitching about it, how about you just ignore them? I mean after all, it's quite easy to ignore something that's pointless and insignificant, correct? I certainly won't mind.
Oh but there's that "moral fault" there. Kudos to you xebra, moral crusador of the online forums. I hereby present you with this cat.