Posts for Nicos

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does the bios have any influence the run or is it juste a synchronisation issue ?
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HappyLee wrote:
I don't know what infected me,
it was bowser, it was definitly bowser... great run as usual, yes vote
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feos wrote:
Looking at the votes/posts, I'm unsure about the intended tier for this run...
i'm aggreeing with spikestuff there, PSX games are harder to run /to get on emulators for tassing issues the low vote count can be attribued to the lack of encode.... (at leaste peoples don't vote without watching first :) )
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good to know....
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thanks for june & jully! kinda wtf this month ( gratz to mrWint for the 1st place) ps : pikachu can use surf Oo?
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beeeeeee'ssss everywhere.... yes !
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let's vault that blanket
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the only dull thing here is alucard's sword... yes
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i see that things got pretty rough for dalshim after street fighter..... yes vote for suporting his pro carrier
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pretty cool song, made me think of this :
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feos you rocks edit : the run is muddokon blowing, yes vote good job dooty
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i think that both version have enough differences to grant a separate category until a run of the J Shinobi Gensai version merge them again. i think of skyblazer as a precedent where the beta rom was obseleted by the full version run. (if i remember corretly )
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i'll be waiting for an encode too but i'm sure it will be as always mind blowing....
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thanks for the answers !
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yes ! i've been waiting for this one, i'll watch it tomorow :D
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feos wrote:
No votes, huh?
with the temp encode and the glitch explanation, yes vote but can't we trigger the ending glitch before ortha temple ? if it that particular text cutscene that trigger everything or can another text cutscene do the trick ?
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the hack get some good ideas and even throught there are a lot of autoscrollers, you managed to keep it entertaning... i'd vote yes if you submited as is but i'm looking forward to the improvements
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thanks !
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yes for vaulting
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congrats masterjun ! but man the Sushine run sure deserved the first place, if the author submit it there, it would be a star material run
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haha so everybody got so bored with that game that we missed 5 stages and nobody noticed it... it's almost on par with anoobis shadow of the beast II run... oh good and rare memories... yes vote and thanks for the laugh
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hi, this run should obselete the Xray scope run and the previous ACE run BUT this branch regrouping behavior (glichted % + ACE %) should ONLY apply to this run and not become a generality. This run manage to showcase the Xray scope glitch and then manage to showcase some ACE, keeping the old runs would be redundant. the folowing cases should be applied : - if a new faster ACE run appear, it would obselete this run (cutting the glitched branch ) - if a new glitched run NOT using the Xray scope glitch but faster than the Xray scope submition appear, it should be counted as a separate category (glitched %) even if it's slower than this run - if a new faster Xray scope run appear but without ACE then the run SHOULD be obseleted (cutting the ACE branch) until a new faster ACE run appear in short : we tie the branches together until something big separate them again
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browser : htc_touch_pro_2_t7373 Opera/9.50(windows NT 5.1; U;fr) First Party Session: Success First Party Long Term: Success First HTTP Authentication: Third Party Session: Success Third Party Long Term: Success Third HTTP Authentication:
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I think that ACE Runs should be counted as separate categories as once you get to the code part, the goal don't matter anymore as it's just "the code" that would change, and you would do the same "pre code input" to get either any % ( just trigger the ending flag) or 100% (trigger the 100% flag , then trigger the good ending flag )....
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this game have a surprinsgly good soundtrack and run look solid and was more entertaining than i expected.... throwing in another yes