Posts for Nicos

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the game desynched a lot but when it didn't i was all "HOLY CRAP" the 2Players fighters where realy entertaining (the nightwolf fatality is the highlight of this run IMO) you showed a great amount of glitchs and even the old smoke ! great Yes vote !
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but need a Star Platinum* presition. (Star Platinum* is a Stand of a character from a Manga named JoJo Bizarre adventure, and has a God presition, faster than light, stronger than anything, and stop time 5 seconds)
is he serious ?
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OmnipotentEntity wrote:
Lurkers can't even vote.....
they can, i was able to vot imediatly after i registred (i still had a lurker status...) too bad that you gave up nin', you had a solid amount of yes votes...
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voting no, 1 move to beat the whole game is a bit too repetitive + for a TAS it's unoptimised, saw the 3 first battles, the last bicycle kick in every rounds could be avoided, the enemy have just enough HP for a upercut or a HK witch have a fastest animation (or a combinaison LP, upercut or lp HK.)
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Bag of Magic Food wrote:
Okay, then do both?
and i want them made and submited simultanously and done with one hand in your back ! j/k thank you very much if you accept, gba sound's doesn't bother me + the new levels interest me ...
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OmegaWatcher wrote:
I LOVE this game. But there's a problem about it: There's, like, a million games using that engine, with different tweaks each game. It's worse than Tetris. Yeah, I vote yes for this one, I like it and stuff. But how the site will react if someone try another version?
the same way we dealt with the genesis version of pitfall or the same way we treat hacks... we should accept just ONE "puzzle bobble" game type and reject the others exept if the gameplay realy change in comparaison to the original... in the same way, i think that this submition if published should be obeseleted by the "original puzzle bobble" and that the movie would be only judged on it's entertainement value (as it is incredibly hard to make the game entertaining for those who watch and not only those who play)
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nineko wrote:
Nicos wrote:
watched too, i think you missed a orange ball shot in the taurus puzzle
Wait, there are no orange balls in that level, only red, blue, and gray. Unless we're thinking about two different levels.
you right it's not taurus, it's @ 5:50 in your youtube video, you shoot 2 orange to the right then clear the blue, shoot another orange to the left. instead of shooting the orange in the middle to shut the gap and clear all the oranges, you shoot the right orange and shoot 2 orange again to clear the last one (that's a lot of orange Oo)
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watched too, i think you missed a orange ball shot in the taurus puzzle exept this, the run look good even if it's not very entertaining
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LagDotCom wrote:
"one god vs. one god can be more entertaining than one god vs. a flawed AI".
but honestly i laughed hard in the dahlsim manipulation with saberthoot
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congratulation SDR, easy yes vote, this movie is realy entertaining i realy liked the way how you used differents characters to kill the repetitiveness, realy good job the draw was kinda surprising too... i'm sad tought that you didn't used the gambit triple fury who goes to 99Hits too but the chun-li one is realy a highlight of the run ! perseverence is the first of a TASser quality, don't give up and try to TAS other kind of games, don't stay focused on fighting ones...
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yay i always wanted to see a run of BC kids2 ! thanks also what could be awesome than playing a game where your sole purpose is to bully the dinausaurs ?
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i find the publication text a bit confusing... will watch the run ASAP
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what ?
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count me in for the 100%, also could someone provide an encode ?
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LagDotCom wrote:
Almost certainly. A lot of arcade cabs do this. You could also set it to "best to 1" to make it shorter, if you wanted.
then it should be better to encourage 1 round/match for the next arcade fighting games incoming so the speed / entertainement trad off would be reduced to a minimum...
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is there a dip switch that can unlock all the characters / mode ?
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errror1 wrote:
right that's how it would normally be done but most arcade games don't use saves and even for games that do save highscores and stuff fba doesn't emulate that
then if it's possible, a console version should be used usualy the console ports are the same as the arcade (in the tekken3 case, the psx port is even better IMO and it would solve the problem since psx memory cards are usable) but we can't allow to record just a part of a tas because nobody know what the taser can do before the recording (input a cheat code or something else) also if i remember corectly the game must have a "clean sram" before recording....
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in tekken 3 you can obtain mokujin by Beating the arcade mode four times, usualy times based objectives are a "second way" to obtain a character like if the character chalenge is too hard, by waiting X hour you can still unlock him... the problem would be still "should we record the 4 first times ?" a corect solution would be to do a "non published but accepted 100% unlock tas demo" first and base all the next submissions on this save (as the julius/maxim mode)
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LagDotCom wrote:
Things I liked:
  • Overkill on Dan
  • Strange 'last custom combo shade' hits on Dan
what ? didn't saw dan in the movie Oo? also yes vote, i was afraid that the fights mights get repetitive, exept the multikick to push the enemy there was almost no repetition, great job like everybody i enjoyed you beating the hell of sagat with a 70 combo and i realy licked how you managed the hp /Stun meters, the cheaps win where good and the guard crush on ken was exelent (did he do a taunt ?) but like LagDotCom i'd wanted to see more use of the knife (you didn't even trew it once :/) also couldn't you select to do only 1 round per fight and shouldn't be an evil gouki fight after the Vega one since you didn't lost a single round ? finaly good choice of character, cody is not a common character and it's fighting style is kinda unique.
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SDR wrote:
And v-ism is only in alph 3 XD
i know but i don't know it's exact name on SFZ2 also don't give up, just take your time and remember : if you think it's perfect then it's not.
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nice movie, i realy liked the V-ISM combos but there is some points that could be improved for the entertainement value : - to play evil ryu if i remember you must enter a cheat code right ? you should add "use of a cheat code " in the submission text - evil ryu is cool but too powerfull , his combo range is kinda limited and it's too "well" know for street players, try to use a less famous character, like rolanto who can grind a lot of hit with his tonfa's ( on a console if i remember i could go up to 24 combos in a lv3 V-ISM limit ) or gen who can use 2 different fighting styles and have the awesome "you don't know yet but your already dead -hokuto no ken style " fury which could lead to awesome lv1 fury triggering the timer then V-ism combo then he is killed by the furry voting meh , buy maybe your next submission will be the one...
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Cpadolf wrote:
Nicos wrote:
and if both player trigger trigger the glitch ?
Nothing special should happen. If you die with both players and one gets an extra life, you'll get to the next level with that player, if both players die and both gets an extra life, you'll get to the next level with both players.
thanks for your explanation so to trigger the glitch you must
    - tigger a game over - get an extra life - trigger a bomb
on the same frame ?
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Satoryu wrote:
doing all three routes would still be very fast. a "no" from me.
but wouln't it become more repetitive ?
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Cpadolf wrote:
Nicos wrote:
but what happen if both players die at the same "glitch frame" but only player one get the life ?is the second player considered dead on the second level ?
Due to how the glitch works, I'm pretty sure he will be considered dead.
and if both player trigger trigger the glitch ?