Posts for Nicos

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great run, and very enjoyable, a 100% category would fit better X but this one is fine too, perfect for the vault and high entertaining value
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thanks for the october month, a lot of old tases are coming back... interesting
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boct1584 wrote:
Nicos wrote:
hi, the run seem well planed and exept the loong mother brain / ridley fights is pretty good and clever. now a techincal question doesn't ridley's flame or MB ball drop give drop allowing the player to refill their missile or is it a technical overlook from the developers ?
No, neither of those attacks drop anything.
too bad :/ thanks
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hi, the run seem well planed and exept the loong mother brain / ridley fights is pretty good and clever. now a techincal question doesn't ridley's flame or MB ball drop give drop allowing the player to refill their missile or is it a technical overlook from the developers ?
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the unitialised ram thing is a pretty shaky thing as it's a hardware related thing and not a software one (the bits are not set by the game but by the console state) if my memory is correct; setting the ram value before a run as aleady been done with the FF TAS run at A/S GDQ XX ( i don't remember the year but i remember the setup ) so the real question is if the ram need a special state before playing the run ( differ for the default patern used by the emulators) , should we count the ram modification setup in the timing ? and how would we be able to time the modification lenght ? it would set a solid ground and allow ram modifcation without penalizing the default rams runs.... ram thing aside, this run is good and it improve the published one by ~7sec so based on that, i'll give it a yes
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hell.... it's about time... yest star vote
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thanks for the ranking and great job on n°1 ! a lot of old TASes are being ranked this month, maybe some improvements will be seen soon ?
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Mothrayas wrote:
Looks like you're still using the NG+ carryover glitch. That's still a major turn-off, it makes it look like Sisters are cheesing through the game way too easily (and making MP management a lot easier, it looks like). It also disqualifies it from the Vault, as that doesn't allow NG+ categories (glitched or otherwise).
hi, the new game + glitch wasn't mentioned in the submition name, can we withdraw my yes vote ? i was about to vote yes as it's a new category ( different characters) but since it use a new game + glitch, it's not a true any% so i'll abstain to vote this time but since it have different gameplay mechanics than the other modes ( julius / soma) it should deserves at least a vault submition. if the run is remade without the glitch and is still "flowing" correctly, i'd still vote yes. PS: can you also update the submission title to add the ng+ glitch ? thanks
Experienced Forum User
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thanks for this months ranking , the #2 was impressive and too bad that the AOS all souls run didn't rank higher :/ maybe next month ?
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well this run was insane, great submition , yes vote and star vote for me
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paaaaaaaaaapapaayaaaaaa papayaaaaa papapayaaaaaaaa yes
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thanks for the ranking, so.. new skip found in super mario sunshine ?
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moozooh wrote:
FWIW, regardless of how we call the actual input/replay/whatever files, we can still refer to our publications as movies (which is arguably a more suitable context for the word, considering how the publications are presented).
if you're talking about the video file of the run, i agree with you ) did stick to my gun with "playback file" there but input is fine too
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Invariel wrote:
If changing the term becomes a higher priority to this, and other TAS-related communities, I would throw my support behind "input file" or "input-and-timing file". Or, as is the case with some games "playback file".
i like the "playback file" option as submitions are basicaly files that hold all the informations so it can play back a run the way it's author intended" simple and clear
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feos wrote:
MDK and Pepsiman use CDDA music that doesn't work in PCSX/jin. Is that the case here too?
if i remember that's the case there too, MMX 3 use CDDA music Edit : that's the legendary glitch i heard so much about but never managed to get it on real hardware, i even saw it writen in a magazine paper at the time, never got it working. great job, yes vote
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thanks !
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as usual, incredible run for this incredible gem yes vote, and i think it could even deserve a star
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until a better movie comes out, this one looks good for me, no major "visible" mistakes and not too much backtracking... yes vote
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thanks for the rankings for the past two months, a lot more of PS2 games TAS are coming, i guess that means that the PS2 emulators are getting closer to "perfect emulation" ?
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fsvgm777 wrote:
Fantastic run. Voting yes.
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Osman : judo'ing tiggers into extinction since 1996 it"s fast paced and there is a ton of constant action it's close to a "100%" branch i don't know if it need to obesolete the older run but it was definitly entertaining
Experienced Forum User
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hi, this run is far too close to the standard 100% to justify a new category and looks kinda silly as it does not collect the items. ( in some cases the 100% show more of thoses "item rooms" than this run ) the run is well done and no major mistakes can be seen but as it might make a good gruefood delight, i don't think this should be published. no vote
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damn that ending is scary as hell.... voting FINAL ROUND?... PERFECT !
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thanks for the encode, it"s fun to see the game quircks and strange stuff... voting yep
Experienced Forum User
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thanks for this months ranking ! also, there is a QR code at the end that seems to says that there is an app but my QR code reader say someting else and i coulnd't find the first character signification EDIT : found it doubt confirmed, i was a fool on the wrong day and i had to dig for it ~.~ i'm a double fool ...