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FatRatKnight wrote:
entering the final boss's floor with a frame or two of delay and seeing if it gives a different teleporter RNG.
I went about 10 frames ahead looking for better RNG and wasn't seeing it, though I didn't play out each time past the first bad RNG spot. I think
this is my best fight over all my rerecords, so better exists. Current thinking is I need to count lag frames to manipulate his sync with the teleporters.
FatRatKnight wrote:
I am curious as to whether this would obsolete my TAS.
What I like about your TAS is that the route is completely impossible for a human while being significantly faster.
ViGadeomes wrote:
If the japanese version is fastess than the USA version without main skips
We'd have to test that to know which version is faster. Not being able to close text boxes looks like a significant problem if the existing route was used. I think a version switch would save about a minute. A little longer boss fights for significantly shorter cutscenes. NMG rules are no stair shenanigans and no faux NG+.
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I very nearly did not spot the youtube embed code at the bottom of the page.
Continuing the discussion from my old Thread #19939: #5834: Osse101's SNES Brandish in 12:15.19
Fastest cursor movement is actually direction of movement + alternate l and r. e.g. URr URr URl URl... to move up and right.
Getting two hits on the final boss in one attack phase realistically only happens when I have to skip an attack to dodge something. Double magic uses nearly the same number of spare frames and adds more damage over its duration. And delaying frames for better damage rolls uses the rest of my spare frames. Spare frames being the amount ahead of the boss you get with every attack cycle.
The last submission was rushed and the time difference shows it.
Change log
~12 seconds for getting potions on floor one
~30 seconds for faster cursor movement
~12 seconds for replacing gameovers with resets
~5 seconds for skipping first title screen before it loads
13 other routing errors and 4 execution errors
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I looked it over and found a couple routing mistakes, but more importantly I'm looking at an optimistic 15 seconds to be saved between fatratknight's comment and overlooking how slow game overs are. And that warrants a do over.
Would I then cancel submission and resubmit? Or is there a cancel and resume?
For the entertainment poll; I would warp inside of walls thrice where currently there are none.
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I just took a look at cursor movement:
The suggested RU R RU U RU... does not work
I use R R U U R R U U R R... and R R _ R R _...
and it looks like what you actually used was RU RU R R RU RU R R...
and if I used that I would save ... a quarter the frames on diagonal movements(RU RU _ RU RU _) and a third of frames on linear movements (RU RU RD RD to go right).
Final boss: The attack animation is longer in this version. It is technically possible to occasionally get two swings in a round while following the boss, but not while also keeping up double and avoiding obstacles. I had made some bad assumptions stemming from my real time runs on what I thought was fastest and was worried this was another.
Known version differences from Japanese perspective:
* attack animation is longer
* text boxes cannot be instantly ended with user input and can strafe+block with text box up. (many triggers do not activate when a text box is up)
* floor transitions and saves are more exploitable
* faster main menus = faster resets
FatRatKnight wrote:
I don't know what counts as 100%
The best metric I've seen for that is using map completion percentage, however the glitch I use here breaks that pretty hard. There's also potentially an all side quests+ all bosses where we have a save file glitch that auto complete's side quests :)