This was a fun run to watch. I wonder what else can be done due to this glitch, and gets a Yes vote from me. I think if this gets published, it should be named a "Glitched Playaround".
I haven't really been following the WIPs for any attempts at beating the current speedruns, so seeing the wall zip was a pleasant surprise, and I can't wait to see them in future runs.
I was initially opposed to the run, mainly because I saw the idea as another arbitrary goal, like the "minimum score" run. Knowing the number of presses for the standard run compared to this, though, really makes me reconsider that. I really don't know what to vote, because I find this run very technically impressive, but Mario sub-goal runs in general don't really excite me anymore (unless they somehow squeeze out a frame or two to the current speedrun). From a technical standpoint, I have to vote yes.
Also, I'd love to see this DDR-style input animation used for other games, especially the one-input/multi-game runs.
Despite my personal dislike of this game (I was expecting more of a Yoshi's Island 2 instead of...well...this), I think this run is incredibly well done. Definitely a yes vote from me.
It's really a tough call for me. On the one hand, I don't really see any improvements over the gameplay that you can compare to FractalFusion's run. This run is only faster due to the fact that there's 2 less bosses to fight total.
I timed Fractal's fight against Serges in Magna Centipede's stage from the time he took the side path to the time he got back (since you come back the way you came) and it ended up being 40 seconds, more time than the gap between these two runs. The fight against Agile in Bubble Crab's stage also adds a few seconds to the equation (though that fight is pretty quick and leads to a shortcut, but I think it still adds some time to the length of the stage). The same goes for Violen, though his fight is a bit longer than Agile's.
If this video were to be accepted, I think it would have to be yet another category for this game, and honestly, I think the two we have are good enough.
Due to these reasons, I feel like I have to vote no. I think it's a well-done run, but nothing that actually improves on the current no upgrade run.
I've watched glitched Zelda runs before, but every new one just blows my mind. Definite yes vote here.
I'd also love to see your take on the "all dungeons" run.
If I didn't enjoy it, I must honestly vote no. And if I vote no, I must explain why.
Why is this not end of discussion?
I understand your reasoning behind why you don't think it should be published, but I think people are hanging too much on the "I watched the first 15 minutes of this 8 hour TAS" part, since the start of almost all JRPGs are full of cutscenes, and FF VIII is no different. A lot of people find JRPGs to be boring, and if you have to dedicate almost a whole day to watching a TAS, watching a JRPG is not going to be the first choice of many people.
As for my reasoning behind my yes vote (I know it's not needed, but I like to put my opinions out there):
FF VIII was my first FF title, so it does kind of hold a special place for me, and I know a lot about the mechanics behind the game, and how easily broken it is. I was still surprised to see some of the crazy amounts of damage done even early on when junctioning magic to attack, since I was never able to pull off damage like that in disk 1. I also loved seeing use of the Boost ability far beyond anything a normal person could do (I'm lucky to hit 130 boost on Shiva's animation compared to the 250+ we see in here, for example).
I haven't seen the whole TAS yet, either (I'm near the end of disk 2), but I'm enjoying what I'm seeing.
Easy yes vote from me. I love seeing these multi-game runs. It really shows some creativity and knowledge of the games involved to pull something like this off. I hope to see more of these in the future.
As for the "SMB1 finishes early" argument, I have no problem with it. MM3-6 didn't end anywhere near the same time, so why should this run be criticized for being any different?
The run itself is executed very well.
That being said, I'm voting no for the same reasons others have listed: the cheat codes and starting from savestate.
I will agree with sgrunt, and say that a 100%, or at least an "All Tracks" run would be much more fun to watch, and more widely accepted among the TAS community.
Either way, despite my vote, I did enjoy this run, and I highly encourage you to not give up if this gets rejected.
I remember playing the game when I was younger (both the actual card game and the video game), and both were fun. I know from a technical standpoint this run is incredibly well done, but from an entertainment standpoint, there's not much to it.
I voted Meh, mainly because while I liked it, I think a run of this game needs more entertainment value, otherwise it will be more of a niche crowd in my opinion.
That being said, I'd love to see a playaround video that doesn't necessarily aim for a fast time, but gives some interesting matches or card combinations to pull the player out of a seemingly impossible situation.
I agree with the others here who have watched the run. It is incredible. It is a perfect example of excellent game choice and gameplay, with just a little bit of glitch abuse. If I could vote Yes more than once, I would.
I have to look further into it, but the config settings from Critical Five got it to sync for me. I don't know what the problem was, 'cause my config settings seemed to match with the exception of one of the sound options.
Wow...I've never had so many problems uploading a file online...
I hate using MegaUpload, but here's the link to the savestate.
How close to the when we notice the desync do you want it? I have one that's about 300-350 frames before I see problems. It's in stage 5-3 during the long upward climb, specifically 3 jumps after the flag that you get. It seems like a dash is cancelled out and the Roadrunner doesn't make it to one of the platforms, at which point, it's just running back and forth until Game Over.
I'm getting the desync after 5-2, as well. I'm using snes9x 1.51 rerecording svn147.
Edit: Forgot to mention that I already made the changes mentioned in the submission text.
Holy crap that was fast. I've seen a lot of these glitchy Castlevania runs, and this is probably one of the first ones where I'm still trying to figure out what the heck I'm seeing.
I'm giving this my "lurker yes".
Uhhh...what the heck did I just watch?
I'm kind of torn on this one...from a technical standpoint, this run is amazing and deserves a Yes vote without a doubt. On the other hand, like Mitjitsu, the sound was incredibly annoying, which from an entertainment standpoint would render a No vote (unless you watch it muted).
In my opinion, though, I'd still vote Yes. I think the technical side of this run definitely outweighs about 4 minutes (or less) of noise pollution.
Consider this my "Lurker Yes" :P
On a side note..."Lurker Yes" just sounds like a bad Starcraft joke waiting to happen...
I've been watching TAS's on this site for a long time now, but only recently (this week) created an account for the site.
I can't think of a reason to turn down this run, so while I can't actually vote at the top of the thread, consider this my Yes vote.