Posts for PCachu

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Joined: 10/1/2009
Posts: 166
mklip: It's a hack derived from the PRG0 dump. There's also a version of the hack based on the PRG1 dump. If anything, the ROM name should say "PRG0 Hack". (Personally, I keep my TAS files named in game-first order, so I can find the runs for a specific game easily from Explorer. But, you know, my filesystem, my naming rules.)
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Posts: 166
This hack is the Super Demo World of NES hacks. And, fittingly, this TAS is the Super Demo World TAS of NES hack TASes. However, you forgot to note that you had the Old PPU switch on. Using the New PPU desyncs in stage 2-1 -- which is kind of late in the run to suddenly discover you've got a bad setting for playback. Not that this lessens the amount of Yes the run gets. Just sayin'.
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This crappy-movie licensed game doesn't even rise to the level of "rip-off". If I had to label it, I'd call it a "repaint". There were no steps at all taken to disguise the game's Turricanity. But still, blazing through something this blatantly Turricannish with TASly precision and supreme boss ownage is totally yessable. ...I think I just made my spell-check cry.
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"Ooooo, here I cooooome, I am the big scary boooooss, tremble before OH GOD MY LIFE IS PAIN *dead*" That's the sound of Yes.
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The more you loved SoR2 in your misspent youth, the funnier you'll find numerous points of this run. And I all but worshiped this game back in the day, so I came close to horfing up a lung at times. Alien Head Pong and the Handshake Of Doom come immediately to mind. Yes get, but at this point I'd also gladly Yes any 2-player SoR run with at least one less Max, regardless of relative speed. My understanding is that Synchronized Thunder Tackle isn't going to be proposed as an Olympic event until at least the 2020 Games.
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Thanks, klmz. That little switch did the trick. I can now watch the Adventures of the Jogging Samurai all the way through. Now that I can watch the run, I can see its Yesliness.
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Argh! Desyncs for me right at the end of level 1. Mr. Samurai-face ends up stopping just short of the end, and gets kicked past the end-of-level point by the flaming skulls. The Dega and ROM versions both match up. Anything else I should look for?
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You Will Believe A Bat Can Fly. Very yes.
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I think what mklip's referring to is that special item you need to find in each of the n-3 levels. You know, the one that stops everything and plays a little jingle when you grab it. For the record, I believe the item serves no actual gameplay purpose, apart from the fact that you're not allowed to exit the level without it.
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Wow. If Indiana Jones had these kinds of superpowers as a child, that'd go a long way toward explaining how he eventually survived a long-distance flight propelled by a nuclear explosion with no more protection than an empty refrigerator. Just another day at the office for Super-Archaeologist! Also, total yes for a total WTF-filled run.
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I've got a fever ... and the only prescription is Comedy Objectives! - Knocks down up to three motorcycles with one elbow drop - Knocks down up to five enemies with one Atomic Drop - Takes damage to continue a combo - Makes viewer forget Max is the Obligatory Large Slow Guy - Colors a life bar (red) - Plays awesome music - Makes an entire crime syndicate his bitch Get equipped with Yes Vote.
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I must have missed the "Beats Game Like Red-Headed Stepchild" objective in the list, because that was definitely in the run.
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Lots of nice damage boosting, and dying immediately past a checkpoint was a nice touch. And holy wow, that screenshot you included. Zombie Indiana Jones just woke up on the wrong side of the crypt to announce, "Toasty!"
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I'd be more likely to call that objective All Stages than 100% Kills. That's a little more explicit about declining the option to skip stages. 100% Kills sounds more like an objective for a shmup run.
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Wait! What's that sound? Why, that's the sound of a venerated console game screaming for mercy as it's cornholed into submission through ruthless abuse of its own hidden logic holes. Very Yes. I'm-a call this the "EuroGlitch" version in my personal run stash.
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The submission text is a little vague, but from watching the movie, it looks like this is supposed to be classified as a pacifist run. The total number of guys he kills can be counted on both hands, and that's mostly due to the number of bazookas he needs to beat out of them to take down the final "boss". (Which, I suppose, changes the question to "does Rush'n Attack need a Pacifist category".) Also, he spends more time jumping backwards than a HappyLee Mario run. Take that as you will.
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