Posts for PKJC

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Actually, according to the uploader's comments (the ones in aqua) it is still 74 frames behind even accounting for the time difference after Donut Plains 1, so it's not saving time over current any%. A shame, though that was impressively done.
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I am unsure if this will be any help, but I was watching hack playthrough videos on nico and came across one that has right-facing green gate in the same area, but with an ample amount of space before it. Given that this is a full playthrough, I find it unlikely that this one part would be faked, but since it is part of a hack and the amount of acceleration room is vastly different, I also do not know if it will be of any use. The hack in question is Super Metroid Precision. Jump to around 11:20 to see it. Alternate:
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The description before the trick doesn't say anything telling, just that it's done by using a shinespark to scroll the screen immediately after firing the super missile, that it's only usable in TAS, and that it took 3242 re-records for them to do it. I left a comment asking them to please explain the input used, but no telling if it'll get seen, given how nico's comments work. =P
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NameSpoofer wrote:
Oh shit. It looks real too. Why is Hero of the Day on there, I noticed his name floating around. O.o
The comment was basically 'Is this the trick hero of the day tried and couldn't get?' if I remember right, I had to go back and re-read when I saw that. =P
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Someone over on nicodouga just posted a little collection of tricks, saying it is a video for people to watch before trying to play SM hacks. Some are useless but funny, and number 7 especially surprised me. Alternate for those without a nico account:
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Test TAS just got posted by Youtube user arukado2010: Not sure of the exact clear time, but it certainly looked impressive to me.
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blip: Well, yes and no. I am quite glad that it isn't unbreakable, however as a programmer, I don't like seeing ugly mistakes like the Screw Attack glitch. Excessively random or unorthodox things I can forgive (ie. I can't blame Nintendo or various 3rd parties for not thinking people would break open controllers to hit left+right at the same time on the NES). However, the apparent lack of foresight on the part of Retro annoys me. Makes me want to record the SW videos to a VHS tape, then drive down there and beat them over the head with it. But I do look forward to seeing speedruns on MP2, I've enjoyed the dozen or so I've watched of MP1, no matter how many times I've seen the same rooms. Also, since I haven't said it, thanks for your efforts in fixing up emulators to support re-recording and whatnot. It's just too bad I can't think of a game where I have intimate knowledge of the engine so that I could do a respectable run.
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Terimakasih wrote:
Oh, you are misunderstand about me; This movie is caused by Many Kindly&Technical People; (I know "cause" is bad-word in this case,But I couldn't find right-word,sorry;) So, I think , this movie is not created by only me; But , I want to say 'Thank you' for your comments!
Instead of "cause" in this case, try "thanks to" or "with help from". Those are probably close to what you mean. Thank you very much for making this, it was quite entertaining. =)
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While not practical for speed running, it is now known that you can beat the game without ever getting the dark suit (but you need a lot of energy tanks). Someone has found a way into the room with the Seeker Missiles before getting the Boost Ball, but unfortunately no one has found a consistent way to move spinners without boosting like there was in MP1. I also understand someone got to the boss guarding Power Bombs without the Spider Ball, but could not damage it without being able to use the magnetic rails, so that's likely a dead end. Also, not a sequence break, but it's possible to get the Jump Guardian 1 shot away from death before it attacks. It exists as an invisible object in the room you fight it, but does not appear or move from its starting position until you move into the light haven in the middle of the room. Through a bit of creative bomb jumping, it's possible to get to a light haven on a ledge and shoot it from afar until it has almost no life left. I'm not too worried about this game being unbreakable. The game has only been out a matter of weeks now, and already one key item has been cut out. Also, I understand the next thing on the list is trying to get around getting Gravity Boost, which would eliminate fighting at least one boss, possibly two if it also means cutting out Grapple. Those are all I can remember about current state of sequence breaking in MP2. Not shabby for what, 13 days of release? Nevermind the Secret World hunting, though over 90% of all of them were found by using Screw Attack to fit into small spaces and then unmorph. Rather a shame that Retro didn't bother to think that making the SA both take up less space than standing Samus AND have her end in unmorphed state might cause those kinds of problems. Plus an enemy can occasionally throw Samus through walls if positioned right, putting her outside the map, inside Denzium walls, etc. I wouldn't care so much, but they worked on MP2 for a couple of years, recycled several monsters, but couldn't be bothered to do more than a token effort to stop people from getting items early. Even when trying to make item collection work like Fusion (only through boss fights or secured rooms) they couldn't do it right. =/
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Sorry if this doesn't help a lot, it's been ages since I played this. But I know at least there's a heart container in chapter two on the overworld map, you walk through a hidden passage to get to it. But I believe it shouldn't be much out of the way. It's in that little area with two blocks of grass surrounded by mountains in the northeast part of the map. Unfortunately I cannot remember precisely which false wall leads to it.
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As someone who did play through this game a few times, I think Zer0 did a fine job. Good use and planning with regards to items, used the best routes, beat enemies as quickly as possible, no damage taken from enemies (impossible to go without damage in this game, as should be obvious from watching), and is always waiting near panel changes after clearing a section. I can't see where there'd be room for any major improvement unless there is some other route I'm not remembering. I can't say anything for minor improvements of a few frames since I don't watch any replays at under 100% speed. Even if there are small improvements to be made, I think this deserves to be published, it is a solid run with no clear mistakes in it, and both the game and the run are entertaining.
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The first game you mentioned would be Guardian Heroes by Treasure. The only thing I can imagine you're referring to by KNIGHTS would be perhaps Clockwork Knight parts 1 and 2. If it was a kind of cutesy, well designed side-scrolling platformer, that's it. If not, any further information on how the game played would be helpful. Oh, but no calling the Saturn a bad system. It was very good, just poorly supported in the US. No system that has NiGHTS, Guardian Heroes, and Shining Force III can be bad.