Posts for Parseus

Joined: 6/20/2011
Posts: 2
Location: Poland
nitsuja wrote:
Parseus wrote:
Message Sync Mode -> Unchecked (native messaging)
Any option that says "asynchronous" or "unchecked" is almost guaranteed to cause desyncs all over the place. If a game requires that option (and doesn't work with some other combinations of options as a substitute), it means that the game might work in the future if the messaging code is updated enough, but the game won't really work yet as far as movie playback goes.
I forgot to write that I'm using that option only for fixing a starting logo - without Unchecked option it's black. The game plays fine with only disabled multithread. Unfortunately, Hourglass doesn't playback the recorded movie - it behaves like movie file doesn't exist.
Joined: 6/20/2011
Posts: 2
Location: Poland
I managed to run Jazz Jackrabbit 2 (registered 1.2 version) on Hourglass with these options: Multithreading Mode -> Disable (prevent thread creation) Message Sync Mode -> Unchecked (native messaging) I tested also a The Secret Files 1.42 version released by LK Avalon and it freezes after running it. I'll try to TAS JJ2 if I manage to overcome that annoying crashing after making a savestate.