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This should give a better idea of what's being proposed. Link to video It's basically an excuse to make someone judge a TAS of a SMW hack with 121 exits (the maximum possible) without cape chaining (and SMWC is kinda not very fond of giving out feathers for free). Since it's the vanilla contest, there won't be any groundbreaking new gimmicks within the levels themselves, just new presentations of old gimmicks. With all that said: I have no objection to seeing this TAS'd. I just don't think it'd be judged well.
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Does it run cleanly in Snes9x/BSnes? I know some of those older hacks do ASM shenanigans that rely on emulator inaccuracies (cough-ASMT-cough)
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It could definitely, it's just a matter of
  1. finding it, then
  2. understanding it.
It's possible that the game doesn't directly store the hitbox's rect, but rather just a coordinate pair that can be used to derive the hitbox. Regardless of how, we would just use whatever we discover about the game as the basis for painting the hitbox using lua.
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Post subject: When reading input from the keyboard...
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input.get uses capital letters for its keys, and Lua will look up the key exactly as you type it. F is different from f.
local keys = {}

while true do 
	keys = input.get()
	if (keys.F == true) then 
		console.log("You pressed F!")
jlun: I prefer doing separate files for separate functions, and then having one core file that gets passed to the lua console. Different people will make different recommendations.
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Reverse Boss Order is easy. "My goal is to show that the game is glitchy enough that the bosses can be defeated in reverse order from what the developers intended." What's happening here in the Zelda 2 thread is that, instead of finding a goal that would showcase the glitches/lack of glitches, you're trying to shoehorn the (lack of) glitches into goal choices that they don't belong in. I say we take a breath and think for a moment. Rather than ask "what glitches are/aren't allowed", let's look at the goals instead and ask "what glitches are most useful and entertaining to watch in pursuit of this goal?" 1) Any% 2) All Crystals 3) 100% (all crystals, magic containers, heart containers, spells... what all goes into 100%, anyway?) I would ask about glitchless, but isn't that what the one you're working on now is?
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Does "true any%" skip any crystals? If so, I propose the following: "any%" under our traditional "complete the game as fast as possible" condition "glitchless" (or whatever you plan on naming this submission's branch) for this branch you're working now "all crystals" for the middle ground. Since the game-breakingest game breaker of wrong warps isn't completely exploitable when you still have to place all the crystals...
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link_7777 wrote:
I have sort of a good news/bad news for this movie (which I'm very excited about by the way, good work). Saver (aka CrystalSaver) recently found a fairy glitch to skip force encounter tiles. [...] Basically you walk in, cast fairy, tap left until the fairy disappears, then move right to exit the other side. This seems quite similar to the famous Zelda screen wrap technique
Do you know if that works from both sides, or just when going left -> right? Does work both ways. Arc: If this does work both ways, does the current mp at trap 18 have enough to take an extra casting of Fairy?
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Arc wrote:
In the Rebonack II fight, however, I saved 25 frames. It wasn't really because of the higher attack level. I somehow discovered a method that killed him crazy quick..
Can this method be applied to Rebonack I in future runs?
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For those who don't have a microsoft account with which to see the full link's contents:
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Wow, a talkhaus project that isn't in the Demoverse. (Note to self: get back to work on AZCT)
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I'm playing around with hex editing but I don't think I'll be able to make these sync because of the Real-Time Clock issue. I tried flipping the RTC bit in the movie file and the character wound up fighting a ratatta on Thursday Morning. You may have to start over from part 2.
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Can you upload the VBMs to userfiles, and post the hashes for your game dump? I want to have a look at what's going on, maybe there's an easy fix (or at least a not-impossible one)
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I still wince when your Endless levels come up. As far as salvaging the VBM files... am I correct in assuming that recordings 2-7 play back correctly when you have no SRAM file? One thing you could do is hex edit your movie files. According to the movie file specs page VBM address 0x014 carries the flags for movie start. If these playbacks are supposed to start clean, 0x014 should have a zero value. Directly hexing in a starting savestate is outside the scope of my knowledge, but could probably be replicated by playing back the movies in order, making a savestate-anchored 'recording' with no inputs, then diff'ing the old recording with the empty one.
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I've been using the phrase "input file" lately, since outside of the metadata (which contains header and platform and sync settings and whatnot) it's just a record of the inputs. If you unzip a bk2 file, the fun stuff is in the "Input Log," so it makes sense to me to call it an input file. It's still a record of recorded inputs though.
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Well, Mesa 12.x is in Debian Experimental as of the 16th, so I will - eventually - be able to attempt running this on my laptop. Desktop is a permanent no-go.
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Hm... my laptop might even be able to run this. Under linux though, as there's no plans for Windows Drivers for my core. No guarantee though given the whole intel integrated chip issue.
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JosJuice wrote:
We switched to FFmpeg for various reasons, like avoiding the audio desync that could happen for instance during certain loading screens, having one cross-platform way to dump instead of maintaining a separate one for Windows, and avoiding the various limitations of the ancient VFW.
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Thus far the only issue I have with it is that the bindings for the A and B buttons aren't customizable (or if they are I can't see the option).
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For those not aware, this is what a cuesheet looks like on the inside.
  TRACK 01 MODE1/2048
    INDEX 01 00:00:00
The file entry should just name the associated bin file. If it gives an absolute path to the bin file, that's bad (as moving the files around will break it).
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When you dump your game, verify that Biz reports the resulting rom as a good dump (has a green checkmark in the lower left corner of the program window, on the status bar). In the menu, in Config -> Profile Config, check to make sure the profile that suits your needs is selected. Beyond that, keep in mind that older CPUs will have issues keeping emulation at full speed.
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Which tests are now failed?
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⁃ On hardcoded occassions, the player “receives 5 cards: One from Poland, one from Vietnam, one from Congo, one from Malaysia and one from Venezuela”. ⁃ On hardcoded occassions, the player “receives a pack of post cards”.
What occasions were hardcoded?
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So I tried setting the in-game clock for 5:15 AM on this coming June 20th (to try and see if the Full Moon notification would be worth the Full Moon perk of getting free healing bugs in the moonlight) but Biz seems fixated on making it 8 PM on this coming June 19th (I set the date in the RTC settings to be 6/20/2016, so it's at the very least missing leap day). Can someone confirm whether this happens to them as well? Here's what was going to be the route test.
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Try running the x64 version of the VS 2010 redistributable as downloaded from MS, since you're running x64 win7 (what you stated before about a problem with the x86 version makes it unclear if you did this already). If it asks repair/uninstall, do uninstall then reinstall (I dunno; I find sometimes that fully uninstalling/reinstalling works where repair does not)
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