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Completely unrelated avi that proves the subs do function: Where that's at in the gameplay: Right now I'm trying to sub directly through ffmpeg using a merged ass file instead of having avisynth do both sets of subs (I had the achievements in a separate ass file to keep myself focused on one set of subs at a time - I don't want interplay between the commentary subs and the infosubs for Cosmo). I'm hoping that makes a difference. E: Looks like that's going to be my solution. (Not using img tags due to size)
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Doing the subs before the upscale doesn't make a difference. This script fails.
Language: avisynth

LoadPlugin("C:\VSFilter\VSFilter.dll") function Get_ZoomLevel(int h, int i) { # 720 lines enables Youtube's HD mode (h * i >= 720) ? i : Get_ZoomLevel(h, i * 2) } core = "C:\LP AVI AVS\Cosmo1\cosmo1-unsubbed.avi" left_ass = "C:\LP AVI AVS\Cosmo1\achievements-exp.ass" right_ass = "C:\LP AVI AVS\Cosmo1\commentary-exp.ass" AviSource(core) #i = Get_ZoomLevel(Height, 1) #PointResize(Width * i, Height * i) TextSub(left_ass) TextSub(right_ass)
This script, however, works.
Language: avisynth

LoadPlugin("C:\VSFilter\VSFilter.dll") function Get_ZoomLevel(int h, int i) { # 720 lines enables Youtube's HD mode (h * i >= 720) ? i : Get_ZoomLevel(h, i * 2) } core = "C:\#honobono\GYU\Raws\ep01.avi" left_ass = "C:\LP AVI AVS\Cosmo1\achievements-exp.ass" right_ass = "C:\LP AVI AVS\Cosmo1\commentary-exp.ass" AviSource(core) #i = Get_ZoomLevel(Height, 1) #PointResize(Width * i, Height * i) TextSub(left_ass) TextSub(right_ass)
The only thing that changes between the two is the source avi. Here's the ffprobe for both files
Input #0, avi, from 'ep01.avi':
  Duration: 00:23:35.37, start: 0.000000, bitrate: 1069 kb/s
    Stream #0:0: Video: mpeg4 (Simple Profile) (XVID / 0x44495658), yuv420p, 640x480 [SAR 1:1 DAR 4:3], 932 kb/s, 23.98 fps, 23.98 tbr, 23.98 tbn, 23.98 tbc
    Stream #0:1: Audio: mp3 (U[0][0][0] / 0x0055), 48000 Hz, stereo, s16p, 128 kb/s
Input #0, avi, from 'cosmo1-unsubbed.avi':
    encoder         : Lavf57.24.101
  Duration: 00:24:22.10, start: 0.000000, bitrate: 2503 kb/s
    Stream #0:0: Video: h264 (High 4:4:4 Predictive) (H264 / 0x34363248), gbrp(tv, gbr/unknown/unknown), 320x200, 1069 kb/s, 60 fps, 60 tbr, 60 tbn, 120 tbc
    Stream #0:1: Audio: pcm_s16le ([1][0][0][0] / 0x0001), 44100 Hz, 2 channels, s16, 1411 kb/s
I'm thinking it's a colorspace problem, but that doesn't make sense since it all worked more-or-less correctly for Commander Keen... E: Here's the ass files I'm trying to hardsub.
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Not directly related to a TAS project, but having an answer may help someone else down the line (and given the encoders here I'm hoping at least one of y'all has an answer). I'm trying to encode subtitles into a gameplay video using this script:
Language: avisynth

LoadPlugin("C:\VSFilter\VSFilter.dll") function Get_ZoomLevel(int h, int i) { # 720 lines enables Youtube's HD mode (h * i >= 720) ? i : Get_ZoomLevel(h, i * 2) } core = "C:\LP AVI AVS\Cosmo1\cosmo1-unsubbed.avi" left_ass = "C:\LP AVI AVS\Cosmo1\achievements-exp.ass" right_ass = "C:\LP AVI AVS\Cosmo1\commentary-exp.ass" base = AviSource(core) i = Get_ZoomLevel(base.Height, 1) base = base.PointResize(base.Width * i, base.Height * i) base = base.TextSub(left_ass) base = base.TextSub(right_ass) return base
The game runs at a native resolution of 320x200; when I try previewing/encoding this script on the intended video I don't get subtitles, but when I try previewing it on a completely unrelated video that's 640x480 the subtitles work fine. Is there a minimum size on TextSub, or am I just doing something stupidly? (I'm upscaling the video first as a separate encode as a workaround, but I'm not happy that I can't get this done in one pass)
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I really only see it benefiting the custom resolution category (and I can't physically or logically run anything higher than 1080p anyway); frankly 720p 60fps is all I'd need for the others.
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Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't turboing A while sidehopping leak frames here and there?
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Can you post the bk2 to userfiles please and thank you?
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Ah, a tech demo rather than a trailer. While I'd still rather see simple games juxtaposed with the more complex ones in the videos, the more complex games do a better job of demonstrating what's coming as far as rendering is concerned.
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Judging from the video, this will work best for games with simplistic backgrounds (compare Castlevania's or Contra's rendering to Megaman 1's or SMB3's), so perhaps use more games along that line for the demonstration trailers (like Gyromite, Star Soldier, Bubble Bobble...)? Also, duck hunt. Probably unplayable in early builds simply because no lightgun support, but it'd be nice to see how that renders.
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Frankly you'll probably get a more clear response if you were to do a more clear signup thread. It's hard to commit to vagaries. With that said, here's the Mafia games archive at The Grey Labyrinth for those who want to see some examples.
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I would suggest doing an unthemed game before doing themed games, so that we can get used to the game here. Also how do you talk about forum mafia and not mention either Mafiascum or The Grey Labyrinth?
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It's because YouTube doesn't transcode to higher resolutions. Here's an upscaled encode with a frame counter. Link to video
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I finally got cornerbreak confusion to happen while I was recording input. Link to video I now have something to bite on as far as making it useful!
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Warp wrote:
Pokota wrote:
I believe someone asked for a temp encode?
I have no idea what's going on there...
It's pong, but the paddles are affected by gravity and there's an obstacle in the field of play that changes the direction of the ball somewhat randomly on collision. There's only one frame of input on frame zero, everything else is the ball/obstacle's movement combined with the AI's inability to move precisely enough to require further movement by the player.
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Any news on Ages?
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The W indicator first appears on frame 2442, which is what I was referring to. It's the old "inputs versus completion" debate, I guess. Granted, the playback runs for 3231 frames but there's only one frame of input, on frame zero (reset, select, and button).
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Well, we have the minimum required inputs to reach the ending. Because the CPU player scores seven times in the movie it's theoretically possible to reach the ending in fewer frames, but that's outside the scope of our community. E: Feos reminded me that longer input but shorter completion generally won't obsolete shorter input, so I amended my post accordingly.
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I believe someone asked for a temp encode? Link to video No? Well have one anyway.
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It would be useful to have an additional indicator of which cores use which size savestates (even if just on the website). Italics on the menu is a bit on the subtle side.
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Context helps.
[08:06] <LimmyJee> adelikat said one important point of Bizhawk is that it would be easier to maintain
[08:06] <LimmyJee> but it doesn't look like so
[08:07] <LimmyJee> it's complicated
[08:07] <Mothrayas> it's complicated because it's huge and supports several dozen platforms
[08:08] <LimmyJee> so it's liktely to have bugs
[08:08] <Mothrayas> but the architecture is there, core is separated from gui, it's made to be maintainable C# code, etc
[08:08] <Pokota> LimmyJee: So why not help contribute and iron out the bugs?
[08:08] <Mothrayas> it's likely to have bugs because it has a far greater scope than any other rerecording emulator
[08:08] <LimmyJee> I don't think the direction is right
[08:08] <Mothrayas> and scope = bugs for the most parts
[08:09] <Pokota> In which direction would you rather see tas emulators go?
[08:09] * Pokota came in late to the conversation
[08:09] <LimmyJee> why not make TAS libraries for emulators?
[08:10] <Mothrayas> LimmyJee: that would involve having to do individual work of creating TAS tools for every single emulator
[08:10] <LimmyJee> Bizhawk uses emu cores as libs
[08:10] <Mothrayas> which, prior to bizhawk, is basically what's been done, but adelikat realized that is a very inefficient way of working
[08:10] <LimmyJee> but I think it should go the opposite way
[08:10] <Mothrayas> and not as consumer friendly too
[08:11] <LimmyJee> a "de facto standard" TAS library can solve that problem
[08:11] <LimmyJee> let's call it libtas for now
[08:12] <Mothrayas> LimmyJee: then you'd still have to write hooks to that for every single emulator, which also do all their stuff differently, etc
[08:12] <Pokota> Well, not precisely.
[08:12] <LimmyJee> why "you (we)"?
[08:12] <Pokota> The core library could be made by our community, and then it could be put on emulator developers to add taslib support
[08:12] <LimmyJee> they have their devs
[08:13] <Mothrayas> LimmyJee:
[08:13] <LimmyJee> I mean literaly
[08:13] <LimmyJee> and I knew that semantical usage
[08:13] <Mothrayas> Pokota: I don't think relying on emulator developers for us to go "hey add this library for us" would lead to fast or efficient results, if at all
[08:14] <Mothrayas> because plenty of emulator developers would simply not be interested
[08:14] <LimmyJee> but we have limited human resource for a singular Bizhawk too
[08:15] <Mothrayas> BizHawk has several accomplished emu devs working on it
[08:15] <LimmyJee> we can help them with this lib
[08:15] <Pokota> LimmyJee: Are you going to lead the charge?
[08:15] <Pokota> Right now we as a community are invested in seeing BizHawk rather than taslib
[08:15] <Mothrayas> propose the idea to them
[08:16] <LimmyJee> I don't know if I am the best person for that
[08:16] <Mothrayas> well, it is your idea
[08:16] <LimmyJee> I can propose it at least
[08:17] <LimmyJee> and Bizhawk can use it too
[08:18] <Mothrayas> I'd say, make the proposal and then we can see where it goes
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Unable to play back the submission, desync due to missing the replay file.
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I wonder how much of a cut Lohner (the guy who actually owns the copyright on the font) is getting from Font Brothers...? It was irresponsible of Hasbro to put the fonts in a public access location and they probably will be found at fault for that, but what the plaintiff is requesting is... kind of overboard.
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I found a (somewhat) technical explanation in the description of this speedrun of the game
The very first thing that happens in the run is a version specific glitch that exploits the existence of a fifth character slot. You can swap characters by holding ctrl and clicking, however, if all of your guys are on cooldown and you try to swap then you end up swapping in a strange new character. The interesting thing about him is that his stats, conditions, inventory etc all correspond to certain memory adresses that the game uses. This lets us manipulate memory; unfortunately it isn't really useful most of the time, except for shrinking the party hitbox. When you swap a normal character into the fifth slot, it writes to memory, placing your party in the exact middle of New Sorpigal, stuck in place and with a point hitbox. In order to be able to move I have to die. I can either do this by waiting for the conveniently nearby goblins to kill me, or by swapping each of my characters into the fifth slot, which is much faster. Once I respawn I just put the nameless knight back into the fifth slot and then start a new game, because the hitbox effect persists into new games. Having such a small hitbox is incredibly useful: it lets me clip under any door that opens vertically, underneath buildings in the overworld and through some completely solid walls/floors/ceilings. It also makes it very difficult for monsters to hit me with ranged attacks. This is the main reason that this run is almost 10 minutes faster than the segmented run on SDA. Once my party has been generated, I spawn in New Sorpigal with a small hitbox and also a completely blue colour palette. Technically I could play through just fine with it, but that's dumb so I get rid of it by saving and restarting the entire game. But wait - there's more. When you swap a character out of the fifth slot, they are given a number of skillpoints equal to the current game seconds value (between 0 and 60). By timing the swap back, I can give the druid a lot of skillpoints at the very beginning of the game. Unfortunately it kills him, but that's not too bad as there's a temple nearby. There is one caveat: the 5th character slot glitch will crash your game if you have completed any quest, so it can only be used at the very start of the run.
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Then GIM should be allowable in the context of Master Quest since the earliest official release of MQ was on the Gamecube. Can we get confirmation that GIM works on Gamecube?
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ais523: I am asking for a specific response regarding a specific case. You're giving a generic answer (and one that seems to be better suited to console gaming rather than PC gaming, which is what is in question here due to the various ways you can manipulate save files outside of the game). Would you consider speedruns of Might and Magic 6 that use the Swap Glitch to be valid?
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If getting favourable RNG is good, then a run which power cycles to reset RNG to a favourable state is permissible, and thus the practice is not a bad thing.
I direct you to Ghosts 'n Goblins, iteration (I believe) 9, which was found by the runners themselves to be invalid specifically because of starting from reset instead of power-on, which led to even better item drops. Warp: I haven't found a dissasembly of the Might and Magic 6 RNG, but I can tell you from personal experience that randomly determined stuff such as mob spawn sizes and shop stock isn't determined until you access the map/store in question. Simply saving before entering and reloading if you get an unfavorable loadout is sufficient, and for my purposes getting something favorable enough usually only takes two or three reloads (I don't speedrun the game myself, so manipulating shop stock is too much work for too little return. I do manipulate luck to get good mob spawns, however, as fighting in the late game is usually more dangerous than simply dodging.) I don't know how (if at all) the RNG can be manipulated in a single segment run.
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