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It's too bad we can't set Zombie Forest as our deathwarp destination before heading out to Oasis Town and still be on target. Short of (getting the Dribble Fountain squids) + (running to the Zombie Forest save man) + (getting to Oasis Town on foot from Water Town) taking less than 90 seconds, it wouldn't be worth it. EDIT: No, even then it wouldn't be worth it because then we'd have to get the Golem Mine squids and bring them back to Oasis Town. Any time saved by my plan would be lost right there.
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I'm kinda torn on this issue. On the one hand, ACE is simply running code that the game developers didn't put into the game. Using a memory exploit to jump to the endgame isn't ACE since the code is already there. Using a memory exploit to jump to a completely different game that wasn't there to begin with is ACE because the code isn't there. To that extent, it would be Arbitrary Code Execution, just one not requiring an unexpected exploit. On the other hand, the ACE category seems to be reserved for making games do things they were never intended to do in the first place - making a game from 1998 play music from a cartoon from 2011, for a dramatic and divisive example. Even if you don't bring it to their attention, the fact that you're deliberately leaving this avenue of attack open just to see what sorts of inventive things people do with it, it's not in the spirit of ACE as we're familiar with it, and it becomes more of a playaround. Either way, I'd love to see what I can do to it.
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I'd vote for doing the time wasting in Archer's Forest; it's a location that won't be seen in the any% TAS otherwise - there's no reason whatsoever to approach Mount Pointy from any direction other than Oasis Town since you'd need Harpy Form to get up that way, and it's only fireflies and a heart holder in Archer's Forest. EDIT: Plus showing off Archer's Forest will also show off the fact that you can't get to the Zombie Caravan during the daytime for those unfamiliar with the game/never got past Labyrinth 2.
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Post subject: Nail 'n Scale
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Anyone else interested in this game? I'm fairly good at it and am trying to work out an optimal route. (By "fairly good" I mean "I did one of the few-if-any complete LPs of it on Youtube")
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You can't really survive Shangri-La without having Town Portal, and it's really not worth it unless you've got hundreds of thousands of gold. I can see three major branches for the Xeen games - absolute fastest, fastest with plot, and no mirror. The question is now, why just 4 (or just 5) and not both 4+5 together?
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I know it's a necrobump (on a sticky thread?), but I do have a question. Is there a current linux build? If not, what do I need to compile the current stable under linux (debian wheezy)? If that's also impossible, I need to know.
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Not a TAS, but I'm thinking someone here will find Sonic 1 Bouncy Edition to be fun. Uploaded video is a demo of GHZ1. Link to video
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I disagree about the potion thing for one reason - an equivalent Ages run would need to go out of its way to manipulate a replacement.
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I've noted your palette decision. Here's the encode. Link to video I'm looking at the Cheval's Grave area; I honestly thought that was a 5-hole gap for that last one.
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Name the specific palette you want and I will use it. Currently testing for sync on the lastest BizHawk release.
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Watching just to understand how "Uses Death To Save Time" can be used in a Sonic the Hedgehog game.
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Voting Yes. Too bad there's no way to make Lagunicus entertaining, but other than that it's a very entertaining watch.
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Hmm... reading that article gave me an idea to bite on. What drive and partition is your swap space (supposed to be) on? How much space does that partition have? How much physical memory do you have? Is any of that added by a video card? Is the physical hard drive that the swap space is assigned to a Solid State Drive or a regular Hard Disk Drive?
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Get Process Explorer and re-enable your virtual memory; Process Explorer is better about seeing what process is using what resources. Find that process and determine if you need it, and determine if it's the same process each time. Removing the offending program is much better than removing a safety net.
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SBD wrote:
That's not necessary because the Seed Satchel that you get on Crescent Island always has Mystery Seeds in it.
Except that we're not actually getting the Fertile Soil and Lynna Village is too out of the way, so we have no other way to get back to Eastern Rolling Ridge. Why are we getting those particular seeds? I know we're spending 10 to get the Feather back, and we need 3 more to do the Nayru fight... do we really need to reserve more than 7 seeds for text warping?
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I like the washed-out colors better, but whatevs. Encode for those who can't Bizhawk: Link to video
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I figured manipulating something else played into it, I just wasn't sure if it was luck-manipulating something else or if it had something specific to do with the rings. Pitwalking in the Gasha Seed room will depend on if the bridge is placed right where it needs to be when you first get to the ledge. Incidentally (as I can't run Bizhawk on my laptop due to rendering shenanigans), what was the ring from Past Lynna?
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In the Gasha seed room? The bridge isn't an obstruction so much as a bridge, and moving diagonal (which is required for pitwalking) is slightly slower than moving orthogonal. Since the bridge is there, may as well use it. Plus we needed the Gasha seed for... something? The ring was grabbed but not identified, so I'm guessing it manipulated the Yoll Graveyard tree into giving the Expert's Ring.
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Heh, that's even better ^^ I'm guessing you were ram-monitoring the Maple counter and the Gasha counters while you were doing this? I found the gasha counters by accident trying to pinpoint the Maple counter a few moments ago. Also those two monsters you kill at the Maku Sapling battle don't count towards the counters. Disregard that, I'm and idiot. EDIT: Now I remember what I came here to say: Double Shovels was funny as hell.
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You need to have at least two tiles of walkable space at both the entry point and the exit point, otherwise you'll just fall into a pit. The reason is that you're switching back and forth between tiles as you pitwalk, which makes the game try to pull you into the other pit. If there's an obstruction to where there's a pit of width 1 you can't fool the game into trying to pull you into the other pit because there is no other pit. EDIT: I'm a complete newbie at setting up Bizhawk; when I tried to play back that file I got this: EDIT2: Never mind, I was using an interim build instead of the official release. Doy. EDIT3: And as it turns out, Bizhawk's Ram Watch and VBA-RR's Ram Watch show different values for the addresses I gave earlier, so it's back to the salt mines for me. At least I have a workable test case for finding Monster 0 HP ^^;....
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Since I edited it in while you were posting your thing: the Ages Noble Sword is completely impractical at all points - if you have both the Broken Sword and the Broken Tuni Nut when you talk to Patch, you can't get the Tuni Nut repaired.
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...that breaks Crescent Island into little itty bitty bits for a nonlinked game. Unfortunately, the Ages Noble Sword is completely impractical at all points - if you have both the Broken Sword and the Broken Tuni Nut when you talk to Patch, you can't get the Tuni Nut repaired.
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The Tasty Meat and everything after the moustache is out of the way enough for it to be worth skipping, yeah, but there's a couple of disadvantages to using the Expert's Ring that may make a difference entertainment-wise: range and compatability. The Sword gives you the range to attack at an earlier frame, and can be used in conjunction with other items/rings. The Expert Ring can (as far as I know) only be used when nothing is equipped to the buttons and by nature precludes wearing other rings - and since items get used a lot more in Ages than in Seasons, that could mean a lot of menu-switching In short, I agree with you, I just don't like that fact that I do. Still, getting the Noble Sword hinges on whether or not Patch accepts that you have the Broken Sword before L4 is opened up, so it may be a moot argument either way we go. EDIT: Scent Seeds. Is there a way to get them before L6 without planting the Scent Seedling? If there is, it's faster to get the Scent Seed Key in Present Mermaid's Cave than the Switch Hook key by several room transitions and an item switch.
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Huh, I'd forgotten that rings were tiered. And now to jump topics again: It's theoretically possible to have the entire trading sequence completed by the time you make the first journey up to Patch's Hideaway, since you can pitwalk to the Old Zora Hermit's cave and you'll have gale seeds by that point anyway, mitigating some of the backtrackery. However, it may be entirely possible that Patch won't recognize that you have the broken sword until you've returned the repaired Tuni Nut. I'll test this and report results. EDIT: It may be unnecessary, as the Expert Ring's punch deals 4 damage anyway.
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Password Abuse only works in a linked game anyway, which is when the Red Ring would be viable for Ages. For a non-linked game the Green Ring would be viable since it's something you can acquire with sufficient luck manipulation. Each room has a Monster 0; their HP is at address 0000D0A9 and as far as I can see bosses take the Monster 0 spot. I'll post if I find contradictory results. An unboosted Wooden Sword deals 2 HP damage with each hit. EDIT: Monster HPs are at 0000DXA9, where X is 0 through 5. The Maple Counter is at 0000C641.
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