Posts for PreddY

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With Bass it does look SO MUCH MORE like a speedrun than with Megaman...
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great :D have fun on the rest! still its so laggy...
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are you gonna put that area O sequence break from yt to any use?
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the sickest tas ever...
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i also liked the run, giving this a yes. its all about entertainment here.
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hows progress going? i loved the WIP, looks very smooth and impressive. are you gonna use chronoforce for some boss fights? like the twins? at least even without TAS you can kill them with ZX spinslash before they even touch their platforms :)
Experienced Forum User
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very entertaining! YES
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this movie rocks, very entertaining and better sounds and graphic is always a good thing! plz dont get motivated from the other replies, I SO wanna see a megaman 2 in this! yes vote
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can anyone provide an encode? i wanna watch this, too to see if the comments are correct! thanks!
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Chaos has by far the most unsatisfying ending for the trouble of collecting all emeralds, and I played this on my MS back then :) entertaining and quick, YES
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go with bass, gundelsol sucks :) also, i dislike medi, so go with colonel + napalmman in liberation rocks totally
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Mothrayas wrote:
Finally, I finished the Buckfire fight (ignoring the invincibility bug altogether) and the Legion's dialogue after that.
very well done! keep em comin :) why did you choose grey over the stronger single shooter again? ^^
Experienced Forum User
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nice work! I request constant encodes of the posted WIPs, especially now that the pseudos start :D thanks!
Experienced Forum User
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continue this! i am reading, just not posting until i get WIPs ;)
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thanks dude! that encode isnt even up to the end, but what i saw was nicely enough :D
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can i get a dirty encode please? i loved this game as a kid :D
Post subject: Re: Balore, stop your right arm :/
Experienced Forum User
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gocha wrote:
I finished Balore ... about 4 times. dsm TODO: description, hopefully I'll do it later.
I demand more WIP YouTubes :) Anyway, nice work so far! Why that Potion?
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Beibin wrote:
Sorry for the long delay, guys, I had lots of stuff to do. Anyways, I finished Frost Man's stage. Download the PXM [URL=]here[/URL] or watch it online [URL=]here[/URL]. This stage was a pretty fun to do. I hope you guys like it. I used the elevator parts to practice luck manipulating. The first one yielded good results, I got two weapon capsules by simply shooting at different times. The second one wasn't so friendly, though. I enabled the HQ3X filter on the emulator, in order to capture higher quality video, and will probably be using it in every following encode. Speaking of that, does anyone have encoding tips? I am currently getting good quality but pretty large file sizes, and these are taking quite some time to upload to YouTube, so if someone knows how to minimize the file size while keeping the video quality high, let me know!
Really good one with all the Megaball bouncing in the JJSS parts :) But you should manipulate Frost Man to say his shorter starting sentence.
Experienced Forum User
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I also want to see all three routes taken, but as Bass ;) Nevertheless, ending sucks, NO! If you bring SDA into play, they always finish Wily off! Its meant to be like that!
Experienced Forum User
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Nice run, nice glitch :) And a screaming woman all the time simply CANNOT be bad :D
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Well, it might be better, but we can totally quit the discussion about which version to use, cuz there is no way Saturn version will be run, so talk about the PSX run here (look at the forum title btw)
Experienced Forum User
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Stay with the PSX version, its the one most people played :)
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I was literally shocked when I played Hard after Normal and discovered there were entirely new dungeons there, with new graphics even and innovative and such...that makes it one of those great games for me! Especially genevives palace is gorgeous...finally I could let her bite the dust after she killed that poor Einherjar, her name i forgot ;)
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Wow, awesome Grenade level and boss fight. You were sure to abuse Megaball :) I honestly think it couldnt be done better in the real run, was blazing fast and I couldnt spot time-savers or so...maybe you could save Balls for the Miniboss? But he went pretty good, too. Manipulated him into not going underground? So, got 2 Screws. What are you planning to buy asap?
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Do as you please :) I wont watch it though. Hard mode A Ending fastest way way already done on SDA, so nothing new there...I can hardly think of ways to be faster, really. But good luck!