Whoa. Just... whoa. Mindblowin' stuff. And it even has lava glitches, like the Hill Top one Rolken found... Hm... who found it first? How'd you find it, Nitsuja?
I'd vote yes if I could.
You know, thinking back, I'm wondering why you flew in Ocean Base 2. The point 42 seconds in. Wouldn't it be faster to use the tag jump? Or are there consequences later in the level for doing it too fast?
Yeah, what Mike said. For some reason, Sonic appears at the far right at the start of the file. Maybe it has to do with starting at a cutscene like that or something? Heck if I know.
Also, in the comment, you didn't mention that nasty extra exclusive to the Route 99 Boss: G-Mel's head (at the base of the hammer boss) has to be to the farthest right for an optimal time. If it's to the left, you'll have to wait for G-MEL to go offscreen, due to being farther from the right. Not that you have to put that in (you did that in the TAS anyhow), I just wanted to mention it for anyone who may want to do an emerald run or something.
Whoa, it's done? And just four days ago, you were at Twinkle Snow...
Nitsuja's synopsis wrote:
(I must admit, though, that I'm skeptical of the records at TSC that involve following a route that requires nailing 1/60 of a second timing windows well into the level. I wouldn't consider such routes possible outside of a TAS, but maybe my reflexes just suck.)
If you're talking Ocean Base 1, I get that once every 5-20 tries (with the freak chance of getting them consecutively). It's all about instinct and hunch when it comes to that jump... I probably spent over 1000 tries on that level at least...
But rambling aside, this is truly a work of art. Greatness. There's very few, if any, abrupt drops in the flow of action. And definitely something to show the limits. If I was able to vote, I'd vote yes.
One last thing, if you see this, and I dunno if you can edit that chart up there... I used Amy for the two ?/S TSC records (In real time, it's either hard or impossible to do some things, and there's enough lenience to use anyone). That and the TSC Toy Kingdom 3 record was done with two different people with two different teams. But I'm just rambling again.
Whoa. Once again, impressive runs.
The plotted path. The arrows point at around where you land (it's not extremely accurate, but in the general area), while the circles are where the tag action is used (All high jumps). Also, during the cannon ascent (Not that you use the cannons) are red arrows I'll call damage arrows. You hit the enemy just right (when you launch toward a higher cannon platform, hold away from the higher area to get hit and go toward the cannon platform) for a quick landing. I think it's just slightly faster than high-jumping to the spring then getting hit.
Whoa. Those are some fast times. I assume TAS walldashing can be done a lot more efficiently? Or is it something else? And unfortunately, K+A is mostly for levels where vertical wall movement beats boost mode and/or horizontal movement. But feel free to experiment if need be.
As for Ocean Base 2, that's quite a bit more frustrating to do in real time (Hence why I've saved it for later), and I don't have the patience to TAS it. Any chance you can pull up a map? I can just mark the path that way.
But still, good work here. Quite a few things I wouldn't even think of.
I knew it was a good idea to stop by. This should help you. It's a VBM file of what may be the fastest route of Ocean Base 1 (I didn't find the strategy. Some guy named Peter did. I only recorded this.) uploaded via MegaUpload. There's also an .avi of it, but it's 5 MB or so, so this is quicker. Though as you can tell, it's improvable. It wasn't tool-assisted in any way, and I made a mistake from the second moving platform up to the final tag actions. Take note at the first moving platform I immediately land the moment I soar up to the top of it (while I messed up on doing that on part 2). Then I jump off very soon after. It's a pretty kooky part. Anyhow, you can experiment from there.
Oh no, LodeRunner. Act 1 of Ocean Base can definitely be ascended easily with Tails's tag action, and without even going near the skinny shaft. The secret relies on the fact that if you fall, you don't just fall lower, you fall backwards, losing progress. Now just reverse that at a vital point, and you shave seconds off. I know it can go below 37 seconds.
Also, that Chaos Angel 1 run's pretty cool. Though there's no way I'm gonna do that in real time... Unless I have to.
Also, it seems even the TAS run can't compare to Knuckles/Amy... But of course, since they're locked, that won't help... And I've only seen that team used there and Chaos Angel 3... Hm... maybe check Chaos Angel 3 on that account?
Yeah, perhaps. But with the course layouts as they are, there can be a loss. Especially Chaos Angel, where some points need maximum height from Tails's tag action. But I may be wrong, and if I am, feel free to prove it. Especially since I only see the grasp of stuff in a non-tool situation.
Also, Cyber Track 2 is a place where Sonic/Cream can beat out Sonic/Tails by at least one or two seconds. This further proves that I can be wrong, though I'm speaking with experience in mind when I say this stuff. I'm doubting Chaos Angel 1, but Chaos Angel 2 may be possible.
Well, no one's posted in a bit... But I guess I should throw in my two cents.
Sonic/Cream isn't all it's cracked up to be. Sure there's instantaneous launching, but it's missing the most crucial thing... R-tricks. That's the thing that can make or break flow. I've studied a bit, and the only place Sonic/Cream is actually the most efficient is--
EDIT: NOT Toy Kingdom 1. That's a Sonic-tag-partner level, as far as I know. Cyber Track 2 works, though, as far as I know.