Posts for Reaver

Joined: 9/8/2014
Posts: 2
Yeah still interested. Can't record anymore at the moment though. Working away from home for some time. I'll turn up and chip in with help/ideas but I don't have access to the game here and can't test/record anything. Asco, I think the PC version has a different timing for the rewind glitch, although it might be more comparable in a TAS. This is the first time I've seen anyone use that method for getting up to the higher platform in the baths. Posted it years ago, but everyone stuck with the other method :)
Joined: 9/8/2014
Posts: 2
Really nice work so far. That fight with the Prince's dad was great. So many double knockdowns. Good to see all the tricks put together so fluently. Looks like you found a few new ones yourself or I haven't come across those yet. At 30:26 where you land on that ledge is normally where we stop so Farah can catch up. You can change the camera angle and see when she runs underneath you on toward the next section. I think if you proceed onward past that ledge at that point it will end in a game over if she didn't catch up. Might be able to move a little further on from that ledge but not too far if I recall correctly. Depends on how she responds.