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Wish I could've found that out when Tailz and I were planning a run on this. >_o Good work!
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I think that's a HUGE challenge which quite frankly, would be way too much work to implement. I enjoy the NES game graphics anyway.
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Yeah, unfortunately, I'm gonna be gone for the most part for seven weeks in about a week here for heavy duty work. 57 hours a week minimum. >_o I'll poke about when I can to answer any questions I can, but I don't expect to be online often at all.
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I definitely would like to see that, especially how the current run blows through everything so fast.
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In my state, shotguns are required to be brought to church in case the Native Americans attack. =/
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We've currently decided to cancel the test run. Instead, just for you, we've decided to just go ahead with the final version! We'll be giving you level by level WIPs as we go along with this, so hold tight, folks!
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Dracula is Cardboard! ...But that doesn't make any sense. o_o
Post subject: Re: Cancelling runs
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Kyrsimys wrote:
Curse you Rick for posting before me!
*Evil laughter* =P And 85% for an A+? Sounds like a low standard.
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As I see it, the run belongs to the person. If they don't like it for any reason, or if they want to cancel it for any reason, they have the right to do it. People may not like it, but well, it's their run. It's not really much, but that's how I feel about it.
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Or might be worth a revival. =P I'm not gonna do this though, because this game kicks me in the face. =/
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Boss energy really is a problem for sure, but Dum Dum bullets really give a lot of bang for the buck. The max of 36 bullets you have is enough to down just about anything, not to mention you have the speed of firing the pistol shots on your side. I don't know whether you went after them in your run because I can't watch any N64 emulator vids (Unless they're on AVI), but it's definitely something to think about. I'll try to help further if I possibly can. I'll run through this topic one more time after I've had a nap to look for talked-about glitches again (because my memory is horrid most of the time) and we can start from there. Also, I find it funny that the game takes place in 2007, yet there's no teleporters here in real life yet, nor have aliens shown up. =P
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I think that would be an excellent tool. I know it would at least help me out.
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I wasn't serious about that. That's why I added the goofy face to that sentence.
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Boy, that storyline almost feels as shallow as the Barbie games.
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I believe it's something like "Athena is bored with the life of a God, and now she's out to look for some adventure!" or something like that. That's what I read in a guide anyway.
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There's no way to get a 100% run in this game because some items will replace another, this is especially so with the Boots of Force, which can be replaced with the (completely ineffective, at least that I've seen) Boots of Lava Walk, Cloak of Darkness, Wand of Wonder, etc. It'd be pretty cool if they'd thought ahead and made a bit of a better inventory or whatever so that you could keep all the items you get.
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Well true, I'm just not as confident as I could be because of my inexperience in making the runs, is all. I'll probably still give this a try anyway.
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Maybe he can just us on here if he is. If he is, I'll just let him work on it and figure out something more to work on. If he is, well...I could always try near-Pacifist Batman or something. I dunno what there is I could work on, seems like all the interesting games have been taken.
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I think this game has gone too long without a new video being put in it's place. Poor ol' Kuros has been forgotten about. =P I'm currently on the planning stages for level 1, and I'm still working on getting used to using the frame tools, but I think I can do it, it's just gonna take me a while. My question is, would an all-levels run be preferred, or should I use the glitch to warp me back to the first level in the fifth level? I wanna see what would be the preference before I get started on things.
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Heh, Tailz and I were actually working on doing an improvement to this, but you beat us to the punch. =P Got my yes vote. Nailed some improvements there that I didn't catch in my insane massive amounts of planning.
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Are you implying it's my fault? =P Yeah, it probably is on the advice column, since I did take a few months off from the forum because I was getting really, really jaded to these runs and that's not what I wanted. I've been back for a bit and I'm willing to spread my knowledge of this game, since I know tons about it inside, outside, and upside-down. =P I also use Project64 as my emulator, since I had a lot of trouble using Mupen64. Otherwise, I might actually do an all-levels run. I mean really, I've been here for almost three years and have done nothing in the way of runs. I need to start sometime here. XD
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While the heavy manipulation is a plus, unfortunately, as they said, trivia game speed runs just don't really work. It just comes off as memorizing all the answers and just punching through them as quickly as possible. =/ I do commend you for working on something outside of the box though. I don't think the movie sucks, it's just the game doesn't work for a TAS format.
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Hey, AKA, I wanted to know if you'd worked on this run any more in the last few months at all.
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Kyrsimys wrote:
Oh, and by the way, comments like this just make me sick:
Rick wrote:
Just publish this baby. No one in their right mind is going to give this a no vote. =P
No one can have a different opinion than you? Do you realize that some people might be afraid to cast (or at least explain) their vote because they are afraid of being bashed by people like you?
I think you're taking this like I'm way too much of an elitist jerk, which I am not. So I got proven wrong on someone giving this a "no" vote. With the immense popularity of this run, I didn't think that anyone was going to give it that. Nor did I think someone was going to actually take offense to what I was going to say. Ill-planned comment of mine? Probably, and I apologize for the offense, but you're jumping to conclusions extremely quick on my comments, dude. I'm not an elitist, egotistical ass like what I feel you're implying here, and never plan to be. I don't really appreciate that.
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Just publish this baby. No one in their right mind is going to give this a no vote. =P
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