Posts for S

Joined: 7/28/2016
Posts: 2
One more thing. You don't actually need the cross to defeat Galious, but you'd need the mine instead: In the video, it takes me ~2 mins to defeat him with mines, but I'd guess a TASer would be substantially faster (twice as fast?). With perfect timing and Galious positioning, I'd expect maybe 6 mines could be detonated per iteration. It takes maybe 51 secs to obtain the cross in the TAS video + a bit under 30 secs to defeat the boss the regular way. OTOH, you'd need to deviate a bit to get the mine, but the mine should allow some time savings in boss and maybe some other fights. Hard to say without proper TAS data if taking the mine instead of the cross would be net positive.
Post subject: Potential speedups?
Joined: 7/28/2016
Posts: 2
Nice run! MOG is my favorite game of all time, and it's nice to see it TAS'd. I wonder if the following suggestions would help shave some seconds off the time, if anyone attempts to improve the run:
  • Get the dagger, since that room is anyways passed: . I'd guess taking the dagger detours less than it saves in the W9 first bat room alone: . This fight takes around 10 secs and I'd say the detour is less than 5 secs.
  • Dagger/UMBRELLA can also be used to gain experience and refill the health without fighting.
  • Max health can go beyond 100% even if the bar shows only the first 100%. This should enable improved health management, i.e., less F1 glitching and character switches:
    • Maybe take the W9 great key with Popolon and save one or two F1 abuses in the W10 boss fight? I guess you would also save more than one F1 glitches in the W9 fight with Popolon, too.
    • Alternatively, take more great keys by Aphodite before W9 so that you can use 3 arrows at a time longer in the W9 boss fight. E.g. W5 key could be taken with Aphrodite? Dagger/umbrella would allow Popolon to refill the health anyways soon afterwards.