Posts for SagaStrife

Post subject: The Finally !!
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Is it limit ? very very very nice work !!!
Post subject: Super Metroid Redesign (SMR)
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Ainda estou no modo WIP no Super Metroid Redesign (SMR).Pois estou quase sem tempo ainda pretendo fazer ele 100% procurando várias sequencias quebradas. Eu adoro esse jogo porque ele tem muitas liberdades de movimentos por isso ele se torna complicado em algumas partes do jogo. Quando você acha que esta fazendo tudo certinho, de repente aparece alternativa mais complexa e precisa.
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Drewseph wrote:
Well, its been a long time, and though I doubt anyone has the interest in doing a run of the version I've been working on I am almost complete. The Axiel edition I promised if Axiel made 100%, or at least tried his hardest to complete 100% is almost done. -I've gone in and changed most of the rooms to flow a little better than initially. -most rooms I sped through designing are now fully flushed out. -Lots of items are shifted around. (so long as you don't use smile to cheat on a first time play through ^_^) -Abilities and physics have been tweaked to be a bit more forgiving, samus has a slight float to her jump now -many fixes to misc issues (jumping in sandfalls without gravity? you can do it now!) -added new challenge, you can immediately access Tourian if you manage to skip Walljump and Bombs That's just a few minor changes of many many more, I hope people look forward to this! -Drew
Well Drewseph hope you have success in this new rom I'm counting the days for it to be available from their hands. It's the challenges that come in hard mode level and has enough charisma and entertainment
Post subject: Shotcut Grappling Beam
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As I had seen the video of that Japanese. Do not know which name, but found it interesting. I was glad to get the Grappling Beam this shortcut instead of going for you Norfair. Enjoy !! See Ya !!
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Finalmente agora podemos nos comunicar com pessoal, talvez agora poderemos tirar mais duvidas. No caso estou fazendo TASing de Super Metroid Redesign
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Great Saturn Nice Work !!!!
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Yes Indeed we love to see another wip !!!
Post subject: Xenogears PCSX .V009.7z
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For some reason when I was play Xenogears. Everything is functions normaly, but after the anime opening occour a fatal erron on explore and the emulador close. Why this happened? I use the basic graphics configurations. I tested the same ISO in another emulator named PSXFIN and worked well. But this emulator dont have Re-Rec options. Anyone can help me?
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Sashiribudaná !! More important, you have the original game so you can be trained to let their ability and improved ... In my case my best time was 58 min 100%! But even trained to beat the record of Red Scarlet! See You Next Time !!! Sarabadá !!
Post subject: Saturn Great more more more !!!
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WIP Excellent! So if you had disarmed the first guardian of Norfair. You gain more time to finalize SMR! But as it was without the Gravity Suit ... Still you are Great !!! As you will get that shortcut, the elevator Maridia to Norfair will leave you well near the Guardian !!!...
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Wonderful TAS Mega Man X5 !!! I'm waiting see MMX4 and MMX6 !!! In other word very nice for Work MMX5 !! Really very Show !!
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I wanna see show combos with more more more very more hit in Expert Training Mode Infinity Hits !!!
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Finally SMR Hack !! I wanna see shortcut !! Great !! Run !! Run !! Run Saturn Very Well !!! I can't wait to see more