Posts for Shiru

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I don't miss the point: I clearly see that for some reason you trying to put your personal, subjective opinion on the game as an objective fact. This is impossible, that's why you getting into these lenghty posts trying to prove something in weird ways (personal opinion doesn't need to be proven), all kinds of highlighted text, and facts manipulation. I wonder how you manage to miss the fact that if it actually was a crappy game, you wouldn't even see neither this TAS in the first place, nor the defensive comments from few people in this thread.
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Few facts screwed again. NES TMNT TF was developed and first released in 1993. First MK that had an actual combo system was MK3, released in 1995. Even if you count the thing that MK2 had as a combo system, it was released in 1993. So it was zero years after the first MK game that had a combo system in the best case.
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IronSlayer wrote:
a combo system, the most basic element of ANY FIGHTER
You missed 'MODERN'. Combo systems took their part in the game design of fighting games in 1993. Prior to this there were successful games like SF, SF2, MK1, MK2 and few others. Some of them even managed to define the genre itself despite of lack of a combo system.
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Sorry, no.
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My two cents about the game. I think it is a great game, the best NES fighting game, and I prefer the NES version over MD and SNES versions any time (played them all in 90s). However, this does not make this particular TAS of the game good. It is too repetitive and thus boring. A playaround with some bugs and tricks would be certainly much more interesting.
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Is jumping down on the enemies (from a height, holding Down) has any use?
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That's just great! I knew that it is improvable by maybe 10-20 seconds through damage boosts usage, but I never thought it could be improved that much, for almost whole minute.
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I've tried to make TAS of this game some time ago. I've made it up to flying level, and then get tired of the game. At start of the flying level your movie is about 18246th frame, and mine is about 17677th frame, which is huge difference, though you did better in many places of the run (you were ahead after the first boss fight). The main problem is that you didn't skipped cutscene before the flying level. My unfinished attempt is here.
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Baxter wrote:
At the end of the first level, I am about 406 frames (nearly 7 seconds) ahead of this run, which is quite a lot I think.
Impressive, considering how much time I wasted to making this run. I cancel it then. I don't plan to redo this TAS, so I'd be glad to see anybody's else run of this game in future.
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Didn't looked this movie to the end, because it looks really boring for me - almost same levels which also repeats twice, constant pauses when eating ghosts... This game has much more fun to play than watch. I can't vote anyway, so I only wonder, why GBA version?
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That looks like sort of trade ('do better and I will vote'). Actually, I'm absolutely don't care, if this movie will be published here, or not, and will it be my movie or somebody's else. I'm already got from this project all that I can get from it (fun, new expirience, etc). Now it's only problem of this site (or community), not me - is new content is needed here or not. If community wants new content and decide that this run (as best of currently available alternatives) is acceptable to local quality standarts - OK, if not - OK too. I don't plan to be slave of this run. I finished this project. Of course it's not perfect, but many other runs on this site is not perfect too. There is always room for improvements. I'm don't sure if I'll try to make TAS of this game again, because I have really many other interesting things and projects to do. In TAS field, I have one another unfinished project, and I only hope that I'll find time to finish it first. I don't know if I will make any other TAS after that. So, if anybody know how to make better run of this game - there is no need to wait for me. Just do better run, I will glad to see it. In any case, I think, existance of my run is makes sense because it at least shows ways how to make better, more close-to-perfect, run. Without it it's wouldn't be known how much this game is (un)suitable for TAS. If I'd vote for this run, I'd took in account those thoughts: it's surely not perfect run, but significaly better than two old attempts (so it's at least not bad); if there will be three rejected attemps of this game, there will be less chances that somebody will try this game in future (published run has more chances to improvements). So, for me it's more question of TAS potential of this game, and seems we already know that it has such potential. And people, there is no need to repeat about flaws of this run each time. I clearly understand all flaws. I think it will be more constructive if you'll only suggest possible improvements, because it can be useful for making of better run of this game (does not matter who will make such run). I already got some ideas from your posts and I'll try to take all of that into account when (if) I will make other TASes.
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I begin to feel myself like on an exam. I missed this shot deliberately, to get new ammo. At that time Dracula is invulnerable. If I hold that shot to attack Dracula when it will be possible, then I must be wait for some time without attacking, until I'll get new ammo.
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About SMS games which may be suitable for TAS. How about 'The Flash'? Very fast-paced game, afair. And also SMS-exclusive as well.
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/*- wrote:
two of the bosses stuck out, the level 5 drac and final drac. the level 5 because you focused more on the bats as opposed to drac
Dracula can't be attacked here until all bats will be killed.
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undeRCoveR wrote:
Is it possible to spend some extra time getting more hearts so that you can skip some of the longer waiting parts in the game?
After I finished this movie, AnS gave me idea, which I overlooked. Seems that 'death as shortcut' trick can be used in this game. Restart takes not much time and after restart hero have 3 HP, which may allow to save time later (skip waiting parts or perform extra damage-boosts). Unfortunately, to check this, most of movie must be re-recorded. It requires time, so I don't think I can try this in close future.
DarkKobold wrote:
I gave it a yes vote. Good good video, but it seems you got lazy after the first survival part.
Generally yes. I also forgot to add to description that this is my first TAS. I don't have experience with movie editing yet, and thus I was not able to copy parts with survival rooms, which I re-recorded manually instead, each time after improvements earlier on level.
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OK, done.
Post subject: Bram Stoker's Dracula
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Hello. This is my first TAS. I started to make this some months ago, but dropped it after few levels. Few days ago, after talk with AnS, who said that this game is somewhat suitable to TASing and such movie can be good to have, I decided to finish this movie, and finally made it. I'm sure this movie can be improved (few frames here and there, maybe better boss fights), but I'm really tired from this game and I don't want to work on it anymore. Why I choose this game. Actually, I wondered why this game is not TASed already. This game was one of first which I ever saw on NES, and was somewhat popular between my friends. It was known for good animation, unusual style of music (for NES) and also for great difficulty. This game even can be completed only in Hard mode, so not much of my friends was able to do that. Seems that game is well-programmed. I found only one real bug - in some places and with certain conditions it's possible to go into the wall, but in this case hero just will be killed. Other almost-bug is that in certain conditions objects collision detection does not work, so it's possible to walk thru enemy, but this happens very rarely. Some tricks which were used in movie: - After falling from jump there is delay in horizontal motion, so jumps must be used only if necessary - Hero turns from side to side with turning animation if standing on floor, which makes it slow. This animation is not presented in jumps, so it's possible to turn fast by using jumps with minimal height - Hero shoots slowly while standing on floor, because shooting animation. This animation is not presented in jumps, so it's possible to shoot like machine gun by using jumps with minimal height - Of course, taking coins must be avoided because it's counting slowly after level completion - Jumping to platforms above character (when character fly vertically through platform and lands on it's top) is faster with attack animation I used backups many times, so re-records count actually is much higher than shown in movie. No memory watching or code analyze were used. Boring part of movie is those rooms where you must 'survive' for some time. I tried to acts differently in each case, but tired after few re-records and leave it as is. Movie file: Microstorage, Savefile, Rapidshare, FileFront