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JSmith wrote:
I know it's possible to turn forwards hyperspeed into backwards hyperspeed with a C^ bounce, but is there an easy way to turn forwards hyperspeed into backwards hyperspeed?
Hey JSmith,
Yes there are a few simple ways to achieve large backwards speed from large forwards speed. It is done by using poles (trees are poles too), water and text. In the same way you use them to convert backwards speed to forwards speed (Using Z and C^). Hope I made it clear. :)
C^ bounce is a very rare special case to be able to get forward speed from backwards speed, and he's asking the reverse, so your answer wasn't really correct Synx. I mean you can get backwards speed from forwards speed from a C^ bounce, but that's only if you already activated a C^ bounce from backwards speed first anyway :P
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hopper wrote:
Holy crap! The previous run was weird, but now this game is outright broken.
So, can you open a hole at the bottom of the map at any point and then run out of bounds like that? Super weird that they even put the credits and story boards on the map.
Yup, you can only start going through walls when you're in a bonus area below pretty much. You can be halfway in the ground at anytime with the hole glitch, but it's really only useful to go through walls at the specific places we do it. Cheers!
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Btw, I PMed a moderator, I forget who a long time ago to change my name, and he didn't answer, so I'm just going to say here...
Please change my name to "SilentSlayers", not "Silent_Slayers" on the forums. Thanks. ♥
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Thanks we'll remake it with that then, Aglar.
We only first played this game today, so we're pretty new to it. Can you please explain a little bit more about this acceleration and max speed that we didn't use? Thanks!
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It's not optimized like the 0 star. Not even close. I still think it's a great TAS, I was impressed by some of their strategies. I can understand why you guys are voting no. I'm voting yes because I believe good things can only come from here, and in general, I think it's a good TAS, if you don't enjoy the bowser fights, just ignore them... Don't hold it against the TAS. I've never understood why people do that. "Oh no, I don't like x part of the run." Then just pretend it doesn't exist, because all of the other parts are good... Oh well. That's just how I think about those things. I also think a 151 star run would be great, but it won't be optimized, because it's too hard to optimize this game. But I think it's still good to just submit something decent, and then it can be improved upon from there. Yes, it's similar to the 0 star, BLJ ---> Bowser ---> BLJ ---> Bowser 2 etc. That's generally how you progress through SM64, since you must get the keys to get through the key doors to load the next area. I think I'm the only one who thinks it's interesting to see how you can BLJ and skip areas. Like the fact that you can BLJ on the bridge is fascinating to me. Maybe to people who don't understand the game, it isn't. Also, I think the Bowser 1 stage was fantastically done. The part where he clears the boxes to the top of the pipe using a glitchy wallkick (The wallkick goes forward, which doesn't make sense). That was very nice. I think accepting this run would only inspire more great TASes to come, and that's why I'm voting yes. In terms of optimization though, it isn't THAT bad, I think if the 0 star team tried really hard, we could save about 1-4 seconds, from not only optimization, but strategy choices, like to jump dive or long jump, etc. But all of that said, I really appreciate this run. Good job Balow Bros.
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Sorry, I'm only the messenger. I shall ask him and edit my post.
Conor says (2:28 PM):
The people say your mediafire link is the same
It's not different
Dennis says (2:31 PM):
Dennis says (2:32 PM):
So in this i have did my recording so long. How i get just the star
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Hey guys, Dennis wants to update his .m64, since he was unaware that you can save time by ending input movie earlier.
Here's his .m64. I hope this is a suitable way to update his .m64, if an editor can change it please. Thanks guys!
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sonicpacker wrote:
Warp wrote:
NakaTeleeli wrote:
Though the run has a brand new set of names on it, it still feels like the 0-star run, only with someone else's additions. Now, I certainly know it's more complicated than this, but this is what I see as a viewer. As such, it feels almost disrespectful to the efforts of the previous team to replace it as such. This isn't a problem here alone, I'll add. In any similar case I think some tribute should be given to the previous team.
I can certainly understand the potential feelings of disappointment an author (or authors) could get if their very hard work is obsoleted by somebody else's, especially if the improvement is very minor. However, that's just the harsh reality that TASers have to live with.
The thing is, the old 0 Star team wants this run published. We would not find it disrespectful at all. We want the #1 run to be the run featured on the site. If that is not our run, then so be it. As I have stated before, we are friends with the submitters of this new run, and are all for it obsoleting the TAS that we was a part of. We are very happy that they found these 3 frames simply because it's another step closer to maxing out the game that we love. I hope when adelikat judges this, he regards how we, the former 0 Star team, feel about the situation.
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Hey guys. Mickey would like his name to be Mickey/VIS on the title of authors. He is known as VIS in Japanese communities. I apologize for all of the confusion.
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I can't tell the difference between this and the old submission. Voting no.
Just kidding. This looks so much cleaner and better overall. I enjoyed it. Good job! YES!
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mz wrote:
Warp wrote:
Naturally someone had to vote against, just so that it wouldn't get an unanimous vote.
(Edit: Hmm, re-reading my sentence it makes it sound like I was the one who voted against. It wasn't me. I voted for.)
I voted No because I can't see any difference between this movie and the previous 12 or so versions... I don't see the need to have 75 TASes of the same old few games every day in the front page, especially when 99% of the people can't really tell the difference between one version and another.
Yes, this run is very entertaining, but so it was the previous one, and the previous one, and we don't need to publish these games everyday, while hiding the new gems.
I know I am the minority (obviously), but I hope people will see someday that is not obligatory to vote Yes to an "improvement to a published run", just because of it.
mz, this improves a 5 minute submission by almost 25 seconds. If you can't notice the difference, it's not our fault. Learn to use the eyes you were born with.
Edit: And I'm not sure if you're being serious either, because what you said is just so ignorant.
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mmbossman wrote:
Huh, nice movie. When I first saw the original 0 star movie, I never imagined that more than a minute and a half could be saved. Congrats guys, a very fast and entertaining movie!
Thank you sir, but the first 0 star was 5:47 by AKA and SL. This is 5:05, so 42 seconds are saved. Still very awesome though IMO!
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Kirkq wrote:
From my understanding the situation is as follows.
There are 60 or so stars in SM64 that have no random elements interfering. These 60 stars are hexable, and this is why the game is 'hexable'. The part people seem to be missing is that these hexable stars interfere with the randomness.
There is some sort of either universal timer or extremely random RNG controlling enemy behavior. Since variables are 32 bits, the repetition of a sequence of RNGs could take hours of gameplay. There are probably on the order of 4294967296 RNG possibilities. To say you could get a 100 coin star with many enemies to synchronize by copying and pasting is laughable.
Say that you want to make a 120 star TAS, and you hex in the first star of the run. Then you TAS the second star (which for example is 100 coins or involves random elements.) Now someone improves the first star by one second. You hex in the first star. Now the second star desynchronizes. The only way to get it to synchronize may be to wait one second after the first star for the RNG to get back to the same point (maybe this isn't even possible.) Now in order to preserve the gains you must redo the second star and all other subsequent random stars in the run because the randomness has been altered.
Basically after the first 100 coin star the run does, anything hexable will most likely destroy that effort.
But there is good news. With all the improvements coming all the time, as the length of the run approaches zero, the likelihood of the run being produced approaches 1. =)
Nice, someone who actually understands things, unlike Mitjitsu.
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As SP said, this is why the 120 star star is such a difficult task. Still, I really do believe it's doable, but it requires very hard work. I believe if all the best TASers came together and could all speak fluent English with each other, the project could start now, but you know, not everyone has time, and lots of top TASers that are Japanese have poor English, to the point of not being able to discuss SM64 easily.
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Oh sure, a good 120 star TAS could be made, but if we wait even longer, a godly 120 star TAS could be made, involving everyone in the SM64 community. I mean, think how many TASers are TASing SM64 these days.
Anyone has the ability to find a new route or improve an existing star. This is why co-operation, organization and extensive, slow TASing is necessary for this 120 star in my opinion. That is, if you want the godly version.
Anyone can make a good 120 star TAS, because it's just so god dang entertaining, but in my opinion, it'd be so much cooler to have everyone from everywhere come together to make a godly 120 star. Except Brian. Lol just kidding.
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Noob Irdoh wrote:
Thanks for the kind and quick reply.
Yeah it does sound redundant to have two different 120-stars runs, but it's all good. We can never know if someone is going to come up with a new route, and playing the stars over and over again might help.
Not just that, but SM64 is still developing for single stars. Just a couple days ago, a whole new strat was found for the "Shoot to the wild blue" star from Whomp's Fortress utilizing a creative side BLJ. If they for example had to redo that and they were a couple courses ahead, hexing would be near-impossible because it would mess up the 100 coin stars.
When you kill an enemy, the direction, speed etc. is random, thus making hexing quite impossible. So basically what I'm saying is, delaying the 120 star, and just developing tons of new strategies is the way to go. When the discovering phase dies down, that's the time to go. Also, there will be Japanese and everyone else co-operation I'm sure when the time comes. They are already interested.
Here is the WF star. This was found by a Japanese TASer. Maybe Snark (surprise? XD), I can't remember.
Blazesoul13 and myself have saved around a second or more over this I think.
Edit: And I read the comments, and a respectable Japanese player wrote:
17 hours ago
i recorded 8"43. mamunine recorded 8"23
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It's not a dumb question. Japanese players and everyone else are somewhat acquainted and friends. I have a freerun on my channel with like, 5 other Japanese players. For example, it wouldn't be hard for me to get that .m64. And all Japanese players are very nice. Infact, the Japanese players are working on a 120 star at the moment, although I personally feel it is quite redundant, as I'm sure they agree. They already have had to redo a WIP that had about 11~? stars. I can't quite remember. Anyway, I hope this helped you learn more about the Japanese scene.