Posts for Sir_VG

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Mitjitsu wrote:
A year ago I would have said I couldn't see how Obama could get re-elected. Now I can't see how Romney can get elected.
I know how. Stupid Americans. It's amazing how many there are, sadly.
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YoungJ1997lol wrote:
I want to vote for Romney, but he will kill Public Television and he's a Mormon. Then I want to vote Obama, but he will stick to his Health care plan, so it's complicated. I think I'll be undecided and vote randomly.
Vote 3rd party? If you're in Florida, you can vote for Rosanne Barr. Yes, the actress who butchered the national anthem. And as for Obama and Romney, voting for them is going to be a case of voting for the lesser of two evils. While Obama has definitely made some mistakes, there's been a lot of issues with Republicans in congress voting against a bill just because they don't like him and not because of any particular issues in the bill. That's how awful politics are right now. Romney is going to bring some massive tax cuts, which at last check will really benefit anybody making $1m+. We can't afford the kind of tax cuts he's proposing. (Mind you I have not heard any Obama proposals, it's just the one Romney one that I managed to find at fact checking site.) That and those big companies (like the Koch Brothers) who are putting out those memos basically saying "go ahead and vote who you want, but if you want your job, vote Republican". Seriously, voter intimidation is disgusting. I think I've seen 3 or so of those memos...and that's just what's made the news.
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In order to unlock Easy/Challenge modes, you need to beat White 2/Black 2 (respectively). You get a "key" that you can exchange via IR in the cartridges to unlock the alternate mode. There's a similar "key" setup for allowing you to get Registeel and Regice and for swapping out White Forest and Black City. The thing that Black 1 unlocks in Black 2 (and White 1 with White 2) is the ability to get all of N's Pokemon from the first game and battles with Cheren/Bianca, whose Pokemon are determined by the starter chosen in the 1st game.
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GoddessMaria15 wrote:
The issue is that transferring can only be done through Infrared-Wireless connectivity and last time I checked, emulation lacked those features. I'm also very sure that a save with Challenge Mode unlocked would not be accepted in the case of lacking the verification to show that it is not cheated.
While you're right, all that unlocking challenge mode is, is basically a key that's received for beating the game. I'm sure an exception could be made if a save file exists that just has this mode unlocked (which should be easy enough to do, I think). Since you'd be starting a game from scratch, the rest should be easy to prove it's not cheated.
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YoungJ1997lol wrote:
jluin2, fyi, you just tripleposted.
Says a man who double posted. Watch this if you want to watch something very amusing that will put a smile on your bill. I mean face.
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Couple of questions I have about Luste's stage, both very minor things. 1. Is is really beneficial during the "Air Man platform" section to jump that early, or would it be beneficial to wait a few frames longer to jump to the platform at a higher spot? 2. If I remember right, you don't need to be dead center w/ Grolla when she teleports out. If that's correct, wouldn't it be faster after Luste to be on the higher platforms?
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Zowayix wrote:
No, that displays the message "Nothing happened!" in RBY. Look at any R/B TAS to see what I'm talking about: the Rival uses a stat-lowering move several times in a row, and they all fail. I'm pretty sure those are not all 1/256 misses.
The probability of an event happening in that game is independent of any other event happening. IOW, if Growl misses once because of the 1/256 chance, then well, missing twice is just 2 1/256 chances happening in a row. Either you're lucky, unlucky, or you're TASing. :P
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N. Harmonik wrote:
Abahbob wrote:
sonicpacker wrote:
I'm just saying.....
I love April 1st...
Uh, actually...
No, he means that it would be a good game to release a TAS for April 1st, since it's not likely to be a run that would get published.
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or if they're online, where can i find them?
Google search. I'm sure we can't directly link the files here, but they're an easy find on Google, just search for the file names.
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1. There is no version revisions in any region. 2. I found what the theory was. I knew I mentioned something about it at SDA. Found the post.
According to romscout and sir_VG, hitting the ice block and Frosty at the same time guarantees extra damage. there seems to be an additional source as well, since I've gotten 4 hit fights without that, but looking back I ALWAYS had a 4 hit fight when I hit the ice block. Further down I confirm that it's on an actual cart, but I've never tested an intro-stripped rom. But it should work the exact same way. Get a hit off as he's throwing an ice block.
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Either you're playing 24/7, or your batteries suck. I play a lot of Wii games for numerous hours and my batteries last for several weeks.
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Mitjitsu wrote:
The famicom wires were short IIRC.
Only cause about a 1/3 of it was in the system itself.
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KwyjiboPrime wrote:
Amaraticando wrote:
It's been months since 1st April is gone...
What if there were a country in the world where every day was April 1st? Maybe like Groundhog's Day, hahaha!
Would you be willing to steal a truck and drive it off of a very tall cliff to test that theory out?
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The run was a pleasant surprise. I like to see pacifist runs and the way you handled it was wonderful. Too bad the Dracula fight takes a while on the 2nd form, but it wasn't enough to make me go BLEH. Voting yes.
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No, this thing is awful. Rejecting the run and this crap bad rom file. I'm gonna sound like a grouch, but I'm gonna say it anyways: Please don't waste our time on garbage games like this again.
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DarkKobold wrote:
Sir VG wrote:
Given that this game was already rejected for game choice this should be immediately canceled by the judges.
Calm down.
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Given that this game was already rejected for game choice this should be immediately canceled by the judges.
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Overall, very impressive start. A couple things I noticed in Vision 2-2: 1. At about 7:14 in the encode, you throw one red enemy into a 2nd, then grab the yellow shielded one to boost up. Wouldn't it be better to throw the first away, grab the 2nd and then not have to turn around to get the yellow enemy? 2. Do the streams not carry your momentum when you jump off of them? I know they give a HUGE momentum boost in the Wii version when you get off of them if you jump and hold left - your forward speed keeps until you land on solid ground, so long as you're holding left.
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Warp wrote:
Sir VG wrote:
Wait until the very end of the video.
It says "".
The last part of the video is gameplay. It's hard to tell when the switch occurs, so you can't tell very easily if it's pre-rendered cutscenes or done using the in-game engine. But either way, it looks damn good.
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Warp wrote:
pirate_sephiroth wrote:
not a trailer, but HOLY MACARONI...
Games are starting to look quite realistic. I'm really wondering if it will look that good on the Xbox 360 also. (And... are you sure it's not just a pre-rendered FMV?)
Wait until the very end of the video.
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pirohiko wrote:
If Mid-frame reset of Lsnes is used, it is possible to carry out glitched warp like ChronoTrigger. Then, it can go to Cave of Eblana, and after defeating Rubicante, the 64th floor Glitch of Underworld can be used. However, Cecil needs to become Paradine for defeating Zeromus.
Could you further explain how that would work? Where it would be used, how it would be used, results?
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Post subject: Re: -_-" Pirate you're silly person.
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Spikestuff wrote:
pirate_sephiroth wrote:
not sure if trailer
Description: "My classmates senior project midterm animation (NYIT 2010). Too funny to resist." Pirate have you become blind?
No, but his shades are definitely a few shades too dark. On topic: How could you forget the best commercial of all time? SHE KICKS HIGH!
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Thanks, you've now made me hungry for a sandwhich.
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It's broken, but not to that level. You still have to play a big chunk of the game.
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banshiryuu wrote:
The glitch doesn't work if you try to perform it off of the current run. It freezes at floor -7, so I presume it's because the hovercraft isn't in its specific place. Plus, the un-hex-friendly nature of the game doesn't help much when talking about inserting parts of the current run...
Correct. The hovercraft needs to be 1 space left of the western Mt. Hobs entrance. There would be another problem later as the Chocobo went off screen to the right (not the left) so its X/Y coordinates are off. (Coordinates for yellow Chocobos do NOT zero out when it is dismounted. So floor -10 might be an issue too. (The last chocobo I recall being used in the TAS before Dwarf Castle is going back to Mysidia.)
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