Posts for Slowking

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Nice WIP, Abahbob. I hope you finish this TAS! Only potential improvements I see would be the super swim: - Kirkq said already that the setup wasn't a 100% ideal. - You change angles quite a few times during the super swim. That does not only make for a longer route, but also seems to cost you speed every time. Is there a reason for doing this? - You seem to still be sliding during the windfall introducion cutscene, so if you would enter the island at a slightly different angle, you should be able to get way closer to the sail salesman once the scene ends.
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I was not talking about if we should do it. I'm not opening that can of worms again. I was just saying, that from a technical perspective, it does work on every rom. On console it "only" works on GCN, Wii and 3DS. For Wii and GCN also regardless of the rom. It's strictly a hardware problem with the N64 that makes it crash.
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Don't think that is what he meant. That would not make sense. We were not talking about if something works on a real N64. The GCN rom will allow you to use stick on B in mupen, just like all the other roms.
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MrGrunz wrote:
To answer the question whether RBAing them or getting 3 drops is quicker, I have to know from which trees you can get the nuts and if you can get more than 1 drop from each tree. I hope someone can help me on this.
Nuts will not drop from needle trees, but all the leaf trees in hyrule field. You can only get one drop from one tree. Every drop will give you 5 nuts. (Those trees are fun. They will drop bombs, nuts, rupees, arrows and maybe some other stuff) The place to get them is: On the way back from lake hylia we slide of a poe. Right next to the poe there is a field of leaf trees.
rog wrote:
The rom on the gc disk does not allow you to use stick on B, so no.
Sorry but that's just not true. I don't know why this rumor is so percistant. All the roms allow stick on B, even 3DS.
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No, those ideas are stupid and moronic. It's a fact. I'm not his mother who has to love everything he says. I also never said that all his ideas were stupid and moronic, just every idea I have seen of his. Which ofcourse isn't a good sign, since I have seen quite a few. But that is another matter. I don't think I ever said that he was stupid and moronic. If so that was wrong of me. I have no real evidence to that either way. But I can objectively say how his ideas, which he expresses in this thread and the last one, are stupid and moronic. Which btw. isn't even the infuriating part. I can deal with stupid ideas. I frequently have those myself. Sometimes they turn out to be actually helpful, most often they don't. The infuriating part is that he won't listen to reason. He won't listen when the experts tell him something isn't possible. When Grunz explains to him in great detail why somethign isn't possible or slower, he just ignores it. All the while he acts like he is percecuted by the evil establishment. Just because people tell him how stupid and moronic his totally unfounded ideas are. I would not have to be so blunt if he could take a hint. Still doesn't change the fact that his ideas are stupid and moronic.
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SpiderWaffle that one word can be seen as profanity, but it wasn't directed at you and that should be obvious. It was a general expression of frustration. I could show you how profanity directed at you would look like, but I'd rather not. Considering how annoying you can get, I'm not surprised that at some point poeple did tell you "no this is not possible, it never will, go away", even though it might not be strictly true. You do have a talent for driving people there. @Everyone else How is it that when you tell the truth it's insulting? His ideas are stupid, moronic even. He does not do any research before formulating them, that is apperent. Even his nut idea was a lucky shot. That it came close to be being right, that is. All his assumptions were wrong. He thought we would have to wait for the cucco to hatch, which we are not, and he thought the tree drop 10 nuts at a time, which they do not, they drop 5. The latter he could have easily tested in like 2 minutes. Also him thinking he had a hand in any of those things he listed atests to a pretty huge amount of narcisim. I think it's enough to warrent treatment, since he seems to genuinently believe it. He even believes he is "a contributing member of this community". I'm dishing out facts, not insults. I may be blunt, but it's the truth. PS: I'm not a TASer. But if a TASer tells me something is not possible I don't bug them endlessly about it. I accept it.
Phallosvogel wrote:
Im with Spider Waffle here. Slowkings attitude is just not right. This is not the first time I notice him flouting people who have not the knowledge he has. I remember his claims that a Wind Waker TAS would just be impossible whilst it is being worked on right now
I never said it was impossible. I said nobody would be insane enough to take on a TAS that long on an emulator that wasn't totally stable. Maybe you should actually read what I say instead of taking it as an offence by default, just because I don't sugar coat things. Dolphin has made quite a few strides since then. (even though it was more stable than I thought at the time, that I have to admit) I still don't see this run being finished, but I would like to be proven wrong here.
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there is always #zelda on if you have questions, or want some inspiration.
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Yeah. Basically we need fish on c-right and 13 deku nuts in the inventory to get Farore's Wind on B.
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I'm still mad that I wasn't the reason for the last one to be locked. ;P Well at least this time we stay on topic while being unfriendly to each other. Edit: I rolled like a quadrillion times against one tree. Seems like every tree will only give you one drop. So the best strategy is probably to get one drop and RBA the rest. I don't think going to 3 different trees is the way to go. Not 100% sure though.
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This does seem to beat real time records by quite a bit. So yeah it's probably as good as possible. :) Nice work.
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Spider-Waffle wrote:
Well those were things which I adamantly supported in the face of violent opposition via telling me I was wrong or it was impossible or was slower with false or no reasoning; which were later proved to work and be better. Had people listened to me more opened-minded sooner they could have been found even sooner, that was all I was trying to convey.
Let me guess how that went: You: "I know that the door of time skip is possible, I know it, try it, try it try it!!!!!!!!!!!111one" Everybody else: "It's not possible as far is we know. If you can come up with a plausible idea, come back." You: "But I know it's possible, I just know it, why won't anybody listen to me?!!!!111" Somebody quite some time later: "Oh hey I had this new idea for a door of time skip and what do you know it actually worked." You: "Seeee I told you it was possible, if you just had listened to me we could have had this years ago, even though I had no idea on how to actually accomplish this skip!!!!!111 Aren't you glad you finally listened to ME?! Even though nobody made any indication that I was in any way responsible for the idea or the fact that they tried it again, I'm so going to take credit for this!!!111 It was obviously all about ME!!!2" Also I'm pretty sure that nobody ever told you that hover up to mirror shield wasn't faster. It clearly is. I'm pretty sure they told you that it wasn't feasable that late in an RTA. That's the problem here. You don't listen. You don't understand the difference between impossible and impractical. Ofcourse as cosmo became extremely good at MST, after one year of practice, he started using the hover up there. Don't be fooled into thinking that that had anything to do with you.
And again, you seem mad and I can't see how it's justified, using profanity and telling to me see a psychologist and that I have a disorder. This is not called for on this forum, and I did nothing to warrant this.
That word doesn't mean what you think it means. Kind of sad when a german has to correct your english...
Spider-Waffle wrote:
Also, the TAS needs to consider getting the nuts, I think manipulating 2 tree nuts would potentially be faster, it takes about 9s to buy nuts in the shop, and 3s to grab second bug, and 4s to sell bug; also about 3.5s to throw 7 nuts which I'm not sure if you could do while waiting on egg to hatch, or maybe egg hatches in time anyway. Either way, it's about 16s to buy nuts, where as collecting from trees near the route with an extra SS thrown in should be less than 16s, the cut scene for getting nuts is shorter this way.
See you actually can come up with ideas that aren't stupid, if you try. We don't have to wait for the egg to hatch, but we slide from a poe that is pretty close to the nut trees. If it's possible to manipulate drops quickly this should be faster than buying them. Edit: I wasn't sure if the tree drops were set when you enter HF. They are not, which means they are truely random (just really scarse), which means TAS will at least be able to get one drop from one tree. Still not sure if one tree will give you multiple drops though.
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Yeah sure we are outraged. So outraged, that we calmly try to explain to you, over and over, why something does not work. At this point we are just really annoyed. Do your own timing or go the fuck away.
Spider-Waffle wrote:
You'd also think my track record, with DoT skip, Spirit temple hovers to skip bean, tektite, child swordless; people would start appreciating my suggestions and want to test them more open minded by now. Again, I can't test my suggestion well at all which I why I bring them here so other people can test them or show interest in them.
You really think those things had anything to do with you? You might want to go to a psychologist. I think there is a lot of narcissistic personality disorder to be treated here.
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Well RTA should be pretty close to a TAS. But I really don't know enough about this game to know for sure. Has been years since I even played it. What do you think won't work? I'm curious.
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imgx24 is running any% RTA with an up to date route. You might want to watch one of his runs. Also this one should be up to date:
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tall wrote:
I'm thinking I'll get into TASing this game because I like it, and it seems new stuff is still possible. Any suggestions on what to do to get started from scratch?
You could take part in Grunzs TAS competitions. They are always good practice. @SpiderWaffle Have fun testing all that crap many people have tested before.
Post subject: Re: Encode?
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xcpleprechaun wrote:
Maybe I missed it somewhere in the 15 pages of arguments, but is there an encode of this run besides the youtube video?
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What you are writing about has literally nothing to do with the TAS route. -.- TAS RBAs bombs anyway, TAS does DC right before magic anyway. Well in a route where the LACS is used. One that skips that is whole different ballgame anyway.
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For the second hover you can just use bombs. No need for Tektite.
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you do use bombs you get from a stone. it's not rocket science. bloob did it in his tas.
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nope Stick on B route is for any%. any% doesn't get any medallions.
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Actually no. Mupen crashes when you do death medallion cutscene skips. It's a shitty emulator like that. So while console would use another route, on mupen it's optimal. That mupen crashes just wasn't known when swordless wrote the submission text.
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Spider Waffle manipulating 6 extra bomb drops (at best) is just not feasable for an RTA. Grunz find me on irc some time. Would like to discuss route.
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Cool, Aktan can throw that into the encode and everybody should be happy, right? :-/
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moozooh wrote:
A warning could be issued, for example. That also goes to AngerFist and Slowking. I know you three aren't the most level-headed people around, but this shit is completely unacceptable. The next person to post an insult, direct or otherwise, will have the post deleted and themselves losing the ability to post.
Uhm yeah sure. The only person I insulted was angerfist after he insulted me first. Even then my insult was on a way lower level. Angerfist insulted not only me but also Enterim and both times it was an insult of the most repulsive nature. I take offence to being put in the same category as him.
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AngerFist wrote:
Slowking, I think you are a prime example of why men should use condoms.
Can somebody please ban this asshole? Calling people "animal" and now this? He has gone far over the line in this thread a few times now. Everybody else would be banned already.