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Need someone to do a console verification for tomorrow's reveal?
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If Mario were to die, do the grapical errors stay active at respawn? If they do, perhaps the errors can just keep piling up by playing that part of the level over and over until something interesting happens.
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Try to get the first enemy to propel backwards from a headshot so he drops something useful like a grenade or pesetas in your running path. If you switch to grenade, keep it out. You only gain 4% extra speed, and you pausing twice counters that with a lot more extra time. I will say though the wiimote aiming is OP. Being able to instantly shoot anything on screen will be entertaining to see. Rather odd though that syncing depends on the SD card and playing the movie twice.
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USB loaders are banned for RTAs afaik, as it is a console modification. We'll just have to wait for something like RE4 Wii on WiiU VC to have fast load times. I do know that the Metroid Prime Trilogy on WiiU VC is a couple seconds faster for every load door.
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jlun2 wrote:
SoulCal wrote:
There wouldn't be syncing issues with using the disk access function if you began the TAS with it. However, a dtm file created without the faster disc reading will not sync when played back with it, and vice versa. I made 2 TASs of Ch 1-1 a while back and loading alone was about a 12 second difference. Physically cutting out the load times in the published movie will still have the proper final time, of course. I wish I hadn't cut out the loading tbh, as I seem to have confused quite a number of people wondering why the video length is 10 minutes shorter than the run length.
Was the 12 seconds difference ingame time as well? Does loading affect ingame time for this?
Load screens are included as part of the game timer, which is why all other versions are far superior for speedrunning. The only advantage GC has is the TMP glitch, which only saves maybe 3 minutes, but loses 10 or so minutes from loading. That 12 second difference is purely loading times.
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Desyncing depends on the game i suppose, but RE4 changes the RNG even during load sequences. There are ways to sync parts of the game though. I made 2 TASs a while back; one with the fast disc reading, and one without. The first load screen before controlling Leon began, let's say, 500 frames faster. Therefore, to sync my old run onto the faster disc reading, I delayed starting the game by pressing the start icon 500 frames later. This allowed me to sync my old run to the faster loading, but only for the very first area of the game. Once I got to the village, nothing synced as another 500 frames of loading were removed.
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Since itsPersonnal said that he was able to recover some files, I assumed it wasn't full-on hardware failure. If any of those programs or options would assist him, then it would be awesome to see. I had to RMA mine as it failed Western Digital's diagnostic test, and refused to format to any file system. But as I have seen, there are far more knowledgeable people on this forum than me to help itsPersonnal with his hardware issues.
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There wouldn't be syncing issues with using the disk access function if you began the TAS with it. However, a dtm file created without the faster disc reading will not sync when played back with it, and vice versa. I made 2 TASs of Ch 1-1 a while back and loading alone was about a 12 second difference. Physically cutting out the load times in the published movie will still have the proper final time, of course. I wish I hadn't cut out the loading tbh, as I seem to have confused quite a number of people wondering why the video length is 10 minutes shorter than the run length.
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I actually had to RMA a harddrive this weekend (file system type got corrupted). Had to do some weird stuff in Linux to attempt to recover some of my files. Anyone know of a good data recovery tool? All the ones I've found are pricey, or you have to take it to a specialist. Hopefully any advice given can help itsPersonnal with his file recover, if the HDD failure wasn't too severe.
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I would be fine with allowing the feature in Dolphin to speed up disk load times. You right click the ISO in Dolphin, select properties, and checkmark "speed up disk transfer rate." This would effectively give loading equal or slightly slower to the 360/PS3 versions (some testing required of course). I personally see very little reason to TAS the inferior versions (GC and Wii RE4) despite the possibility for a great run, since in Assignment Ada and Separate Ways, at least 10% of the run would be loading screens on Wii, unless we used the increase disk speed option. And yes, I am aware that the gameplay will be judged and not the final time, but if a TAS of Separate Ways is going to be 2 minutes slower than a RTA by default (probably 3 against PC UHD), very few will care about it IMO. The disk speed option would at least put Dolphin and the consoles on a somewhat equal playing field.
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That OoB is new to me! Fantastic work! Unfortunate you lose abilities anyway...but great time save no doubt. Out of curiosity, what would happen if you backtracked OoB and saved the game at the save station during the escape sequence? Any odd effects?
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You have my support until the end. I just wish I knew more about the game mechanics and tricks so I could appreciate this WIP more. Fantastic job from what I see so far.
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Patashu wrote:
EDIT: It works in Oot3D
I'm expecting most of the glitches in the N64 Majora's Mask will be confirmed to work in MM3D next week. Considering Nintendo rehashed the N64 programming assets for OoT3D, I expect MM3D to be the same situation. Congrats on finding this new glitch! I'm guessing this just removes the trip to Kakariko to get that bottle, as we can just get one in the Deku Tree? Can we even get bugs in the Deku Tree to do Ganondoor?
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Samsara wrote:
pls stop being mean to sp guys...
I happen to agree with SP, although it is unfortunate about the whole youtube monetization thing. It is something we unfortunately have to live with though, as tens of thousands of people abuse the monetization system daily. Even if a single penny is gained profit from these videos, it is a problem, especially for a community like us that uses a lot of illegal emulators and roms, including Mario Galaxy 2 for this thread specifically. I'm fine with viewing TAS entertainment, but if we could disable ads, and check to see if ads are a part of our videos when we upload them, it would be for the best. As a side note Samsara, I see your Kirigiri avatar...I just platinumed Danganronpa myself. Such a good story, but I could do without school mode...
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YouTube ads will always be bad because it is an extremely broken and bias system. There's too much stuff for Google to search thru to find all the stuff that can be claimed as someone else's work, or without having the right holder's permission. It's just an unfortunate part of this shit that we have to put up with. IMO though, since (I would assume) most of us just use ISOs and ROMs downloaded (illegally) online, we shouldn't be allowed to have ad revenue on anything we produce. Whether Mindnomad intended to have ads or not, idk. Just let him take it up with Google if he feels inclined to. If it's Google's auto-ad system because of some sort of content ID match, then I would assume the ad revenue goes to whoever the content owner is in their system. When I uploaded my Resident Evil 4 TAS to YouTube, I had to edit out a 1 minute cutscene or else ads would play in the video. It's just a pain in the ass that I had no control over. My solution: just use adblock, and no one gets money. I do enjoy the work that has been done with Mario Galaxy games, although they are a little bland compared to some stuff that the other 3D Mario games offer. Gravity abuse is always entertaining to see.
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Samsara, that message is actually part of the ROM itself. It's like a disclaimer that appears before movies. I just found it humorous is all, since we will be sharing this "publicly" yet the game specifically says we cannot do that.
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Good job on the ninja boss getting him to fall in a hole you created. That's quite a bit of time saved from just that. I also find it amusing that they have a notice at the beginning of the game saying that this game is prohibited from public display...I guess they didn't expect something like youtube or twitch to exist back in 1990. :p
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I loved this game as a kid. Too bad that the last level is pretty much hell with it's size and so many areas that are pointless to go thru. Anyways, I watched the run and verified it myself. I watched the lag counter and noticed it shot up in several places in the last level. Notable areas to improve things: 1. Level 3 - when fighting that ninja boss, I believe you can kill him by making the floor collapse under him. If you can manipulate that right, you should be able to finish that fight several seconds faster. And holy crud the lag on that boss is horrendous. Like 300 lag frames. 2. Last level - when going thru the room with the falling floor, both times if you would have killed the guys throwing the flame sticks, you can reduce a dozen or so lag frames by killing them instead of letting them live. Also kill the guys that try to push you around. Both times going thru that room the lag counter went up a good 30 units. 3. Last level - The room with the magnets lags a lot too. I'm not sure if you can do much about that other than kill enemies or make them not shoot at you. 4. Last level - One of the last rooms that has a breakable floor, the lag counter went up like 90 units. Is there a way to reduce that lag by killing enemies, or do breakable floors just cause a lot of lag? I guess that's all I have for now. The run total had I think 700 lag frames. I'm not sure how much you could save from lag reduction, as several areas of the game are just prone to it. Overall entertaining, great strategy for the snow level boss, and good use of those enemies that push you around.
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I do not know enough about this game to make a clear vote. Some interesting use of the navi pause menu in stages like IceMan and BombMan to (from what I can tell) extend the duration of the magnet beam, and use of L/R to switch weapons. I'm guessing it will be a "No" or "Meh" vote for most people though as it doesn't seem different enough from the NES version. I however would like to see these type of runs done on the MegaMan Anniversary Collection, especially for MM3-MM6 where sliding can be combined with L/R antics. When I did speedruns of MM3 and MM4, there is a MM3 glitch that doubles your speed in all of the Doc Robot stages, and in MM4 you can jump after entering some boss doors. I noticed several other minor glitches (emulation errors maybe?) and other things like it could exist in this JPN RockMan Complete Works as well for MM1.
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Anything with hacks should be in the hacks thread. Afterall, the thread name is "Super Mario 64 Hacks", and these 2P runs are very different than what the original game offers, especially if you have to HACK to get the mechanic to appear in game. I guess there's nothing stopping you form posting those videos here, but I think it's best if we keep materials on the appropriate threads. I'm still pining for some new SM64 0 or 120 Star improvements, so seeing new posts on this thread gets my hopes up.
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These 2P runs should be in the Super Mario 64 Hacks thread instead of here...we have that thread for a reason. Still impressive though.
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Unfortunate that it soft locks at the end, but fantastic and entertaining work.
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Location: Texas Almolicious, who does RTA TTYD runs, created this. About 2 minutes can be saved compared to English.
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kirbymastah wrote:
Theoretical console time...
I never said anything about theoretical times.
kirbymastah wrote:
...and can easily verify how long each one takes on console.
That's the problem though. We can't verify how long each ones takes on console since the loading times are not consistent, even on a console. (like The Thousand Year Door example). I think we can all agree that the loading on Dolphin should never be faster than a console (with all its fancy moving parts and spinning discs and what not). I'm fine with TAS having an ever so slight disadvantage over console just to guarantee that we don't have a broken and obvious advantage.
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My take on the issue is that loading times should never be faster than console. Make loading slightly slower if necessary. TAS has the ability to shoot the doors in Prime on the 1st possible frame to begin loading sequences, so with some precision aiming, Samus can immediately walk thru some doors because the loading would have finished. I know this won't happen for all the doors in the game, but it's something. I was watching a twitch stream of Almolicious who does Thousand Year Door runs, and he demonstrated that loading zones in that game can vary by 1.5 seconds in some areas, or even just entering battles can take an extra .5 seconds. And that is on his own Wii system. I say we just produce a Dolphin build with slightly slower than average loading, and let TAS make up the lost time with superior aiming and movement. At least this way any gameplay a TAS makes is based purely on frame perfection and not "oh, Dolphin just loads faster."
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