4-5 seconds in, I was drifting right the whole time. The momentary turn to the right was to nudge my momentum into avoiding slamming into the wall, and the rightward drift was to keep enough distance from said wall.
I think we call these "adjustments". Those happen if we deviate off of our ideal path. It'll come down to ideal driving lines that are paired with optimal drifts. A very short drift to "adjust" tells you there is something wrong, so there needs to be a better setup of drifts so this doesn't happen. But hey, maybe there is a fastest way where such an adjustment drift is part of it.. could always be. But from my exerperience very, very short drifts are just for "damage control" as you kind of described, you had crashed into a wall otherswise. Last word is that this game needs drifts with smooth transitions into the others, and everyone one of them should be part of gaining time.
Ideal lining/drifting in this game is also a topic for itself I believe but it might fade more into the background if this really turns out to be more about GP than TR.
FatRatKnight wrote:
I want to talk about drifts a bit, though you probably already know all about it, except maybe the exact numbers behind it. The drifts apply a constant speed to the left or right of whatever direction you're facing, which can add to or subtract from your momentum, depending on where your momentum is relative to facing. Jet Vermillion has the highest drift speed of 128 km/h, probably part of the reason it clears tracks so fast, yet it also has the worst momentum-facing allowance of 45 degrees. So let's have our JV speeding along at 595 km/h, and we're also drifting at this allowance. Our true speed is more like 691 km/h in this situation. If we could go the full 90 degrees, it would be 723 km/h.
Let's just not snake on a straightaway, and get to our normal maximum rather than boosted maximum. Call 455 km/h our normal speed, and since we're not snaking, our 128 km/h drift is 90 degrees from our momentum. Our true speed is about 472 km/h. If we're 45 degrees, it just about 553 instead. Even if, snaking to the 45 degrees amount, we're 20 degrees away from where we need to actually go (our momentum is constantly trying to match our facing, causing arcs instead of straight lines, except in some circumstances involving wall hits, but that applies extra friction), that's still 519 km/h in the direction we want. Snaking looks effective at these quick numbers, and it clearly showed in practice.
more can be found here: https://www.nintendo.co.jp/n08/afzj/champ/hikken/index.html
Hehe, we know a lot about drifts for sure but not from this technical side you're showing. I've been aware of that 128 speed addition during a JDT (where the machine is positioned sideways, which is that 90° I suppose) and only under that circumstance can it reach the highest speed possible? and the lower that angle the less the JV can make use of it's drift speed? Too bad 90° can't be reached through normal driving, only certain instances allow it to get close to it, and also completely to it. JDT is the only trick that can make it go 90° sideways but it doesn't last long as the speed drop is immense. 2nd next thing might be some skewed mine hits where it goes to 70°-80° (total estimate.. lol) and then there are some jumps that both involve JDT-like moves beforehand that also leave the machine somewhat sidways in midair (almost no speedloss during those extreme angles even with JV! was an interesting fact when I figured it out). JV otherwise loses a lot of speed at such angles through allowance friction.
Edit: applied some of FatRatKnight's terminology
BPAFZMK wrote:
Regarding the TAS on B4 that JKT made: I have a memory of him saying the rapid CPU bumps were a result of a cheat code he left on.
Actually the same thought came into my head while I tried remembering what was up with that, that's probably also the reason he didn't release it officially I think and called it "fun". The opener in it is about 1 second faster but most likely cheated then. Good to have this bs off the table then!
Hey there, had a quick look at that lap. Looks quite smooth already. A solid start utilizing what we call the "jimmy bump" there instead of that random mess from that B4 video you were were discussing earlier. I'm not sure how JKT did that but it certainly ruins the aesthetics of those opening seconds (even if it's faster). I know TAS is about going as fast as possible but this doesn't look like fun to figure out.. maybe you will though ;)
Anyway, back to your lap: the transition between drifts around the 4-5 second mark seems a bit abrupt. It looks unusual to me as a console player but I see you were going for big drifts which is always a good thing in this game! I really like how you drifted into the narrow path between rail and that first mud patch and then straightened out the JV, looked perfect. You can get another 600+ bump between the motion plates, you're extending your drift there which won't let the machines behind you catch up. Bascially you're too fast for your own good. Another one of those big bumps there and the lap can end up around mid 23".
Memory, I dropped you a lengthy PM on FZC (in case you are TheMG there)