Posts for TDrop

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Hey, yo! I have seen quite a number of ACE's in the past - including the Pi, the SMW and even the GBC version of this game. It's that feeling of gray, black and white that gives nostalgia a whole new meaning and I have felt this one, too. All the Japanese arrangements, setup, and the execution of both the audio and video payloads were quite a huge surprise here! I can't wait to see more ACE's like this in the long run. But for now, you get a Y-vote from me. Cheers!
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One more thing I want to throw in: I understand that in the fastest completion improvement, I noticed you had the CPU that traded States Ave. with you, advance to Boardwalk. There should also be a Chance card that takes the CPU straight to Reading which is six steps closer to St. Charles and could save frames that way, too, being the CPU can move 3/3 instead of 6/6 to reach St. Charles. Manipulating that part of the fastest completion is also a challenge.
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I just watched the full fastest completion thing you did, quite impressive! Here's what I have in mind: 1st Chance card would be Advance To St. Charles Place (ATSCP), 1st Community Chest card would be Grand Opera Opening. Player rolls first, rolls a 1/1 to the first Community Chest, gets a Grand Opera ($1850). After 1st double, roll 6/6 and buy Virginia Ave. After 2nd double, roll 2/6 or 3/5 to reach second Chance space: Get the ATSCP card from Chance -- warping to St. Charles place and buying that property. All CPU's would roll 2/2 to pay 10% Income Tax ($1305) and then roll a 3/2 to land on Connecticut Avenue (1st CPU buys the property, the rest of the CPU's pay it's small rent) From St. Charles, Player rolls 1/1 to buy States Avenue and complete the light purple monopoly - and then roll a 1/3 to land on the second Community Chest. Player then buys 12 houses, that's all you need. From Connecticut Avenue, CPU rolls a 1/1 to pay $625 on St. Charles Place and then roll a 1/2 to land on Virginia Avenue with less then $700 and bankrupt. For this strategy I had in mind, not a single CPU ever made it to Free Parking nor even go one full lap around the board! 😆😆😆😆😆🤣🤣🤣🤣
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Have you ever saved frames just by buying St. Charles Place, States Ave. and Virginia Ave.? You can actually get a Chance card that can get you to St. Charles place quicker (and collect an extra $200 if need be) From what I learned, you can put just 4 houses on St. Charles and a hotel on Virginia Ave. This would raise the rent of both properties to $625 and $900 respectively ($1525) which should be enough to bankrupt everyone else. There is also a Grand Opera + Income Tax strategy along with the Purple group properties where you first collect $50 from each CPU and then the CPU would land on Income Tax to pay 10% of their funds ($145). If done correctly, all CPU's would carry $1305 at the most. But for the Purple group properties, all you need is 4 houses on both St. Charles and Virginia Ave. Then it would be $625 and $700 (totalling $1325) which can be enough to bankrupt the CPU's that way, too. If either gives a sign of improvement, the drinks are on me. For the time being, this run gets a Y. 👍👍
Post subject: After Bone Dungeon
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Okay, though it was adequately quick getting to the first Crystal boss, the manipulation really wore my fingers out. In the boss fight, I was barely able to keep both myself and Tristan recovered and I had to use one seed I think. I'm probably at roughly a 1 to 2 minute deficit after uploading this, and I seek arrangements to manipulate more critical hits in the boss fight and try to reduce my deficit again. I can't say things are getting worst but I've seen better days.
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I voted yes, but I have a question. How much time is added to the submission if it was a standard bk2 with the arcade BIOS startup and tutorial stuff you mentioned?
Post subject: New progress on newest emulator and newer ROM revision with new goal
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After updating Bizhawk to 2.9.1 and using revision 1.1 of the ROM, I spent the day in-and-out trying to remain as close to par with DonamerDragon's published TAS. When I got past Minotaur Zombie in the Level Forest, I was as far behind as 6 seconds. A few revisions and rerecords have later reduced my deficit to about 2 seconds. The main problem with the updated emulator, and both revisions 1.0 and 1.1 of the ROM is simply the warped RNG manipulation as far as scoring critical hits, hands-down. I immediately noticed a huge difference between the complete setup in DonamerDragon's run and this setup. It has been quite a handful of trouble and on top of that, this game doesn't want you to score a critical hit easily - you have to literally go frame-by-frame. But overall, there is a new goal in mind and that is to aim for the fastest time using an inventory glitch which occurs in Fireburg. I have seen numerous attempts of this sitting on the shelf, so I am settling for this and see what results I can get out of it. If there are any improvement tips - please let me know right away, do not wait until the last minute if you can. Wish me luck.
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I'm bringing this up because [1] I love pizzas, [2] software has progressed where the latest emulator tools could ensure better gameplay flow and save more frames, and [3] there is a handful of research to take this game for another round. I will be studying how NESRocks performed such frame-by-frame input as far doing a pacifist run. Once I learned that part, I'll be exploring other parts of this game while collecting even more detail. In any case, I seek to have a new TAS of this game in the works after I got all the research I need. I expect the TAS to be both a non-pacifist and a whack-a-thon! (utilizing and beating all whack-a-mole side games to progress)
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After coming home from work, I spent a few more hours tinkering around with this game. I was quite impressed with the results! Frame-by-frame manipulation is a must when you are trying to challenge the RNG for best results! This includes getting the right kind of cards for Chance and Community Chest and making the computers roll dice values that work in your favor. You can find values for Dice #1 in $09F6 and Dice #2 in $09F7. You can find the BK2 here: Otherwise, expect a video of this playthrough coming soon. You can at least read the transcript of each player and each dice roll I put together and each result that came out of it. The first Chance card has to be "Advance to St. Charles Place" (ATSCP) In the TAS, the player is aiming for three purple properties - St. Charles Place (SCP), States Avenue (SA) and Virginia Avenue (VA) The player has to spend $440 to buy SCP/SA/VA, another $1200 to apply 12 houses to upgrade SCP/SA/VA, and another $100 to upgrade SCP to a hotel. This brings the spending frenzy to $1,740. The player has to force all computers to land on Income Tax and make them pay 10% cash on hand to Joe Biden and the government - which will bring their cash down. The player also has to create a holding point for all six computers. In this case, I chose Connecticut Avenue (CA) as a holding point and a good set up for computers to roll doubles. While all players start with $1,500 cash on hand, this strategy brings the rent value of SCP to $750 and VA to $700. ($750 + $700 = $1450) This will be enough to bankrupt them after the Income Tax scheme is taken care of. Player/TAS-er: $teve-O/$D ($T) CPU's: Gary Cant (GC) Elizabeth (EL) Betty Sue (BE) Mary Anne (MA) Paulie (PA) Jeeves (JE) [Turn 1] $T - 1/1 to #2, Community Chest: $20 income tax refund ($1520) $T - 6/6 to #14, bought VA ($1360) $T - 2/6 to #22, Chance: ATSCP ($1560 after passing GO) - warp to #11, bought SCP ($1420) GC - 2/2 to #4, 10% Joe Biden tax payment ($1350) GC - 3/2 to #9, bought CA ($1230) EL - 2/2 to #4, 10% Joe Biden tax payment ($1350) EL - 1/4 to #9, rent payment at CA ($1342) BE - 2/2 to #4, 10% Joe Biden tax payment ($1350) BE - 1/4 to #9, rent payment at CA ($1342) MA - 2/2 to #4, 10% Joe Biden tax payment ($1350) MA - 1/4 to #9, rent payment at CA ($1342) PA - 2/2 to #4, 10% Joe Biden tax payment ($1350) PA - 3/2 to #9, rent payment at CA ($1342) JE - 2/2 to #4, 10% Joe Biden tax payment ($1350) JE - 3/2 to #9, rent payment at CA ($1342) Through most of the hardcore manipulation of dice rolls using player input throughout the first turn alone, Joe Biden and the government already collected a total of $900 from 6 computers! This basically explains a small piece of the current state of American economy in a nutshell! But we are not done yet. I have one more purple property to get and I have to make sure I have at least $1300 once I get SCP/SA/VA! Bloody hell... [Turn 2] $T - 1/1 to #13, bought SA ($1280) $T - 3/1 to #17, Community Chest: $100 collected from "an inheritance" ($1380) $T - 4 houses each applied to SCP/SA/VA for a total of 12 houses ($180) $T - Hotel upgrade applied to SCP ($80) GC - 1/1 to #11, rent payment at SCP ($520) GC - 2/1 to #14, bankrupt at VA (-$120 after mortgaging CA) EL - 1/1 to #11, rent payment at SCP ($592) EL - 2/1 to #14, bankrupt at VA (-$108) BE - 1/1 to #11, rent payment at SCP ($592) BE - 2/1 to #14, bankrupt at VA (-$108) MA - 1/1 to #11, rent payment at SCP ($592) MA - 2/1 to #14, bankrupt at VA (-$108) PA - 1/1 to #11, rent payment at SCP ($592) PA - 2/1 to #14, bankrupt at VA (-$108) JE - 1/1 to #11, rent payment at SCP ($592) JE - 2/1 to #14, last player bankrupt at VA (-$108) If I did not apply the hotel upgrade to SCP, the rent for that property and VA would be $625 and $700 ($1325 total) which would allow the computers to survive such a financial beatdown. That is why the hotel upgrade was important. As explained, it didn't take long to get a decent playthrough from start to finish and it only took hours to complete. I chose not to submit this for publication because everyone finds the NES version a little bit quicker to beat the game, even without the trading/mortgaging glitch - and I have to agree. I could change my mind about submitting this only if it becomes a demand. Whoever does take the drivers' seat in an upcoming Monopoly TAS (NES or SNES), I hope this discovery of mine gives you the improvement you been looking for, while saving you and the other computers with fewer spaces to move. Thanks for reading! $teve-O/$D
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A new TAS of this game is in the works, and it will involve 6 computers. A new strategy is implemented where it is possible to bankrupt all CPU's in the purple properties (St. Charles Place/States Avenue/Virginia Avenue) as opposed to the orange properties (St. James Place/Tennessee Avenue/New York Avenue) used in 4 computer run by FractalFusion. The new strategy will also involve forcing all CPU's to pay Joe Biden 10% of their cash on hand by landing on Income Tax while directing them to a holding point on Connecticut Avenue. The bad news is that when a CPU declares bankruptcy, the game still forces player input to continue onward. The Community Chest cards are extremely hard to manipulate into the first one being Grand Opera seats. I have spent countless frames and countless time and I still came out with no luck on that. The good part is that earlier on in the get-go, the first Chance card can be easy to manipulate where the first one will be "Advance to St. Charles Place" and I would hold on to that card until I reach the 2nd Chance space (not the first one because the player can not collect extra money when passing GO). This card is vital in helping me get all three purple properties in 2 turns. Then to say the least, I can put 4 houses on Virginia Ave. and a hotel on St. Charles Place to bankrupt the computers. Once I complete this TAS, I'm just gonna share it because it's got some limitations compared to the NES release.