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Emulator Coder, Experienced Forum User
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schweeeet :D
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I was the main programmer of Deathball for UT2k3, until I got enough of the guy in charge of it :P These days it's not usually enough to have a good idea... You need to get it out there, so people want to play it. No matter how shit it is. Like CS for example. Valve did an excellent job pushing a crappy game to so many clueless people.
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hehe, not much to criticize here :P Interesting to note how you beat the currently best run (13:31) with over 1 min 30 sec. With only 1 item :P Wonder if anyone will ever be able to beat this ;)
Emulator Coder, Experienced Forum User
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Nice job, will be interesting to see anyone try to beat it.
Emulator Coder, Experienced Forum User
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I have to vote no here. Not enough planning and no luck abuse at all.
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Noooo work on run no snowboarding!!! :|
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hmm, can I post even tho I don't have anything to point out that you could possibly do better? :|
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WalkerBoh ain't mad, he's swedish. And video is looking great, actually quite great, can't wait for rest :E
Emulator Coder, Experienced Forum User
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Ow, SMB2 owned :P Nice and well done :X
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hilfe = germish for help try Ky1.EnterTheGame.Com:6668
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Kyrsimys has a point there, 80% games fault, you can not salvage it from an entertainment point of view. Only people who have played this game would probably get any entertainment out of it, and I am not one of them. Also the fact that you beat up most of the opponents off the screen, and that you use the same moves every time (which again, may be a limitation of the game), kinda gets repetitive.
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Location: Norway stay away from microsoft evilness.
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I think this will be the first 3 player submission if you do it 3 player slowmo...
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I WANT ALTTP RUN YESTERDAY!!!!! !!!! *cough* Please? :D
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Looks fine, don't see any wasted time, and game was entertaining to watch. (And not too repetitive/long etc :)
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I have never seen or played this game before, so I really have no idea how hard it is. You make the game seem easy enough atleast, and since I do not know how the game really works I can only comment on what I saw. You don't shoot at the first boss (Helicopter) before his health comes up, but most of the other bosses you do? You gain these 'M's, which take a bit of time to add up to score at end of each level, are they needed? (What are they?? :) You get that weirdlooking rocketlauncher with splash damage and short range. Is that the most powerful weapon? You mostly seem to be stalled at some places where you have to kill some minibosses before you can go on, and also a lot of time is spent on the bosses, so I hope that you did use the strongest weapon, not the most convenient. Other than that no obvious flaws that I can judge on, I wont vote yes yet because I need your answers first :P
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It speaks for itself? O_o
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I fail to see any flaws in this run... some times I think you could have taken some damage to save time, but I think that switching to another turtle and back before that turtle dies takes more time than actually killing some of the enemies.
Emulator Coder, Experienced Forum User
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Megafrost, be happy you found it before you beat wily and submitted it!!!! :D
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Punchout has this piece of code which gets called every frame (60 times pr second) $0308 and $0309 are loaded with a 16 bit increment every round. Round 1: $04F9 Round 2: $056D Round 3: $05F8 Every frame, it adds the increment to the counter at $0306 and $0307, once the upper part of this counter (16bit / 256) wraps around 100, it increments the seconds counter. This means it will increment the seconds counter: Round 1: $04F9 * 60 (frames pr second) / 256 / 100 = 2.98 times pr second Round 2: $056D * 60 (frames pr second) / 256 / 100 = 3.26 times pr second Round 3: $05F8 * 60 (frames pr second) / 256 / 100 = 3.58 times pr second This seems a bit weird, but when I tested it seemed to actually be correct. So the conclusion is: 100ths are being counted, and ARE relevant.
8780 : AD 07 03 LDA $0307	;
8783 : 18       CLC
8784 : 6D 09 03 ADC $0309	; Initialized with $F9
8787 : 8D 07 03 STA $0307
878A : AD 06 03 LDA $0306
878D : 6D 08 03 ADC $0308	; Initialized with $04
8790 : 8D 06 03 STA $0306
8793 : C9 64    CMP #$64	; Check hundred of seconds counter for $64 (decimal = 100)
8795 : 90 52    BCC $87E9	; if less than 100 skip the following code and return

8797 : E9 64    SBC #$64	; Remove anything above 100
8799 : 8D 06 03 STA $0306	; Store back
879C : CE 11 03 DEC $0311	; Decrease a counter :P
879F : EE 05 03 INC $0305	; Increase lowest digit of second
87A2 : AD 05 03 LDA $0305
87A5 : C9 0A    CMP #$0A
87A7 : D0 2D    BNE $87D6	; Check vs 10, if not 10 carry on
87A9 : A2 00    LDX #$00
87AB : 8E 05 03 STX $0305	; Blank out lowest digit
87AE : EE 04 03 INC $0304	; Increase higher digit of second
87B1 : AD 04 03 LDA $0304
87B4 : C9 06    CMP #$06
87B6 : D0 1E    BNE $87D6	; Check vs 6, if not 6 carry on
87B8 : 8E 04 03 STX $0304	; Blank out
87BB : EE 02 03 INC $0302	; Increase minute counter
87BE : AD 02 03 LDA $0302
87C1 : C9 03    CMP #$03	; Compare against 3
87C3 : D0 11    BNE $87D6	; If not 3 carry on

87C5 : A9 02    LDA #$02	; This code advances you to next round because time hit 3:00
87C7 : 8D 01 03 STA $0301	
87CA : A9 00    LDA #$00
87CC : 85 90    STA $90
87CE : 85 91    STA $91
87D0 : 85 51    STA $51
87D2 : A9 C2    LDA #$C2
87D4 : 85 50    STA $50		

87D6 : 18       CLC		; This code is performed every time a digit wraps.
87D7 : A2 04    LDX #$04
87D9 : BD 01 03 LDA $0301,X
87DC : 69 01    ADC #$01
87DE : 9D 0A 03 STA $030A,X	; It stores the time back another place but adds 1 (charachter conversion)
87E1 : CA       DEX
87E2 : D0 F5    BNE $87D9 
87E4 : A0 80    LDY #$80
87E6 : 8C 0A 03 STY $030A
87E9 : 60       RTS
Emulator Coder, Experienced Forum User
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28:52 Probably not, as he would have to go around quite a lot.
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As said earlier, if you hit someone mid air, you fall straight down and lose all velocity. so if he had jumped up that way, he would just fall below. Most likely anyway. 23:25 That second is used up a few frames after he's past him. They flash pretty fast unless you kill them immediately.
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About the elixir in the 2nd dungeon, no, he has to give his first elixir to the guy watching the fountain of trunk, the reason he gets it later is because it saves time later in the game and is an excellent way to totally rejuvenate himself. 16:00, would not save time, also he is killing those yellow enemies on purpose to get gold for later. So killing them saves time later, and thus staying up would not save him time. 16:36 Deluge was used because if he had hit with sword, he'd be stuck midair, magic does not stop you, that means he can continue and not fall down. 17:08 Money again, killing those 2 is faster than killing that yellow guy once when you come from below and need to go high, and gives more money. 19:36 Actually that one is a possible one, but considering killing the squid gives him health (food), which he needs later on, taking more damage would put him in a worse situation, also note that you pause for a while when you get hit, and that those squids hurt quite a lot. 22:21 It would have been faster on that screen, but next screen you'd get hit by and/or taken damage by that yellow guy. Also those yellow guys are good money. 22:41 Health. Getting hit by that squid could have given him health issues later. 23:25 No, the clapper had stopped, jumping there would have given him an headache, also the clappers damage over the entire screen, so if he had run past him, he would take damage and be stunned for a small while. 27:15 Why don't you try where it goes :P As far as I remember it leads back to beyond the door he just came in, which of course is not desireable.
Emulator Coder, Experienced Forum User
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Will disassemble and confirm now. The throw a punch at the right time to prevent time from running is a known bug.
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:D keep it up.
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