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FYI: This game has an ending. If you win against level 4, Level 5 begins after some messages. And if you win against level 5, the ending starts. Also, there is a 15-ply winning sequence: d3c5d6e3f5f4c3c6f3c4c7e6e7d7d8 (I learned this from this page). This sequence appears to be effective against level 3 and above, in both Famicom and NES version.
EDIT: I found an encode on nicovideo. Someone comments that there is also a 9-ply win (without showing the sequence), but the uploader says that the 9-ply win is impossible in Famicom version.
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I couldn't get both heroes ride on a helicopter, but I succeeded in executing the flying glitch for both heroes with the transformation glitch. For some reason, if hero2 is riding on a helicopter, hero1 can execute the flying glitch even if he is riding on a tank. Here are the movies: * Not using the tank dupe glitch * Using the tank dupe glitch This might lead to some improvement?
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I also didn't succeed in getting both heroes ride on a helicopter. I noticed an asymmetry in this wrong scroll. If hero2 gets on and off a tank at the bottom of screen, a wrong scroll occurs. But, if hero1 does the same, a wrong scroll doesn't occur. This is likely the reason why we cannot execute the transformation glitch twice. I agree that this issue must be resolved to achieve a significant improvement over the current TAS.
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I think I have grasped the summary of this "transform" glitch. First, I explain some preliminary knowledge. In this game, there are 30 actors. Actor indices are assigned as follows: 0: hero1 1: hero2 2-27: other actors (details not analyzed yet) 28: hero1's HUD (ammo, etc.) 29: hero2's HUD Here is a summary of RAM: * $04FE-$051B stores the state bitmask of each actor. If this value is zero, the actor doesn't exist. * $0620-$063B stores the kind of each actor. But, for heroes, this value seems to indicate the index of the actor they are riding on. By the way, the actor kind for friendly tanks is 0x20. Let's watch my movie based on the above. On frame 4100, $0620-$0621 stores [7, 8], and $0627-$0628 stores [0x20, 0x20]. This means that hero1 is riding on the tank at index 7, and hero2 is riding on the tank at index 8. At this moment, hero2's tank still exists because $0506 stores a nonzero value. On frame 4115, the value of $0506 becomes zero. This means that hero2's tank is temporarily despawned, probably due to scrolling. On frame 4118, the value of $0506 becomes nonzero again, and the value of $0628 becomes 0x08. This means that an enemy fort is spawned at index 8. As a result, hero2 will ride on the enemy fort instead of the tank! When a hero rides on something, it is considered a tank if its actor kind is 0x20; otherwise, it is considered a helicopter (code: $F9CB). Therefore, a helicopter actually appears. In conclusion, I think you can change a tank into a helicopter by executing this wrong scroll at a location where some kinds of enemy actors are spawned.
EDIT: The actor kind 0x08 seems to be a flash effect of a enemy fort. And, I think you can also use other actor kinds to overwrite the index of your original tank.
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ktwo wrote:
I came across an interesting discovery for the 2p mode made by a 'David Wonn', So apparently you can transform a tank into a helicopter if you have a second player! I made a very quick attempt in recreating what's seen in the clip, but without success. I'm not really sure what the conditions are, so it was just a bit of trial and error though. I did however manage at one point to transform the tank into an enemy fort. If this trick can be repeated, it could open up for a 2p category that could be considerably faster than the 1p TAS.
Interesting. I was able to reproduce this. I might investigate it further when I have a time.
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Hi, thanks developers. Not a bug report, but recently I have struggled to run BizHawk 2.10 rc2 correctly on Linux. Previously, the sound was not working, and the error log says "client-rt.conf is not found". But I installed PipeWire and related dependencies, and now it looks working. (I'm using Debian testing, and resolved the issue by installing pipewire-pulse and wireplumber packages.) By the way, BizHawk 2.9 works without PipeWire (only with PulseAudio). If PipeWire is mandatory, it might be helpful to include this information in the documentation.
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Bigbass wrote:
I've just done some attempts, unsuccessfully. Performing sub-frame replays is a bit, uhh clumsy, on my hardware right now. This'll require some more in-depth investigation to see what precisely is wrong. Easily could be something on my end, not necessarily the TAS or the emulation itself. I can't read Japanese, but I can tell that whatever is going wrong, happens at least as early as inputting the player's name (it takes a whole lot longer than it should, and the wrong name is typed.)
Thanks for your attempts! I said "this run doesn't depend on uninitialized values on Save RAM", but strictly speaking, that's somewhat incorrect. This game essentially depends on an initial Save RAM state, so ideally, a verification should start with the exact same state of the Save RAM. Alternatively, the Save RAM should be cleared with in-game initialization functionality. (If you "delete" all heroes and execute "delete" once more, the game prompts to re-initialize the Save RAM. (steps: "edge of town" ("まちはずれ") -> "training grounds" ("くんれんじょう へ いく") -> "delete" (キャラクタをけす)) If your verification started with the same state of Save RAM, I don't have an idea for now. For reference: Save RAM initialization routine is located at $06:86F8. The game checks a "magic string" at $7FF0-$7FFF, and if it differs from the expected magic string by 7 bytes or more, the game initializes Save RAM.
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Patashu wrote:
* Why the hero dies instantly, what's wrong with them?
He has 255 (legal or illegal) items, and receives various effects from them. In this case, he has a negative healing value 0x98 (-104) on address $7B36, so a single step will instantly kill him.
* If this can be console verified
Possibly. I believe this run doesn't depend on uninitialized values on Save RAM, but the RNG of this game is very sensitive to CPU cycles, so accurate emulation will be hard.
* Why there's encryption in a NES game. Is it just a copy-paste of PC code (where it DOES make sense to discourage save file peeking) or if they were trying to thwart gameshark users or something.
I don't know (I haven't read the PC version code). But, this game seems to make an significant effort to protect user's savedata. The scramble function swaps the nibbles of the original byte, and the developers might thought that it increases the possibility of successful savedata repairing? EDIT: This game always enables Save RAM (probably it doesn't have functionality to disable it). So, it's possible that hero structs and their backups occasionally corrupted by some programming errors. The nibble swapping might be a measure to increase survivability of backups? (just a guess)
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TaoTao wrote:
NESAtlas wrote:
Here is a new Deja Vu discovery. The Capsule Warp!
I took a look at this. It seems that the place ID ($0514) becomes 0xFF when you use the capsule on any untaken medicine. This is caused by the code $AEE1 (ROM:$1AEE1), and this probably intends to erase a medicine from the inventory. And, apparently the game sometimes executes a strange address (e.g. $3820) when you "OPEN" somewhere on this glitch (confirmed on Mesen). I haven't analyzed this game so thoroughly, but this glitch might have potential for further improvements.
When the place ID is 0xFF, the game reads out of bounds of some tables. for example: * The game reads a minimap portal list pointer 0x3247 from the table $06:9023. * The game reads a view rectangle list pointer 0x4001 from the table $02:9C00. But, reading from $3247- or $4001- is open bus access. So, I think it might be difficult to control this as you desire.
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NESAtlas wrote:
Here is a new Deja Vu discovery. The Capsule Warp!
I took a look at this. It seems that the place ID ($0514) becomes 0xFF when you use the capsule on any untaken medicine. This is caused by the code $AEE1 (ROM:$1AEE1), and this probably intends to erase a medicine from the inventory. And, apparently the game sometimes executes a strange address (e.g. $3820) when you "OPEN" somewhere on this glitch (confirmed on Mesen). I haven't analyzed this game so thoroughly, but this glitch might have potential for further improvements.
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This game have been one of candidates for a good TAS material in my mind. Thank you. I watched another TAS on nicovideo long ago, but your run seems to be faster. Yes vote.
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feos wrote:
TaoTao, do you have a preference on which file should be used for publication - with or without sound?
I prefer the one with sound. This game changes the music in the ending, so it will help viewers to notice the mini scene change. (This is a tiny easter egg. That is, if you wait for about 15 seconds in the ending, the game displays the messages from the staffs, as shown in my encodes.)
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NES Adventures of Lolo 3 might also have a DPCM exploit. I was able to cause a CPU stack overflow with subframe inputs (though I haven't investigated whether it leads to credit warp, etc.).
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DJ_Incendration wrote:
Quick quetion, though. Doen't the NES run at 60.0988139 fps? I'm confused because the submission page says the frame rate is 2269.7553711, much faster.
It's probably because this movie uses subframe inputs (though I don't know exactly about the movie parser on this site). "Frame Count" in the submission page will be actually the subframe count, and "Frame Rate" will be the subframe rate. Indeed, 2041 / 2269.755371198338 ~ 0.90. You can find other examples like this (Might and Magic, Quarth, etc.).
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GJTASer2018 wrote:
This game also got a sequel on the Game Boy that was localized as "Square Deal: The Game of Two Dimensional Poker".
A sequal of this game was also released for Famicom as "Great Deal". I'm not so familiar with it, but apparently it changed some rules from this game: * Poker hands are recognized also diagonally. * You don't need to erase all the cards to beat a level (except for the last one).
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In frame ~13150 of your updated movie, it seems that you can open the sack without untrapping. (And, if I remember correctly, sometimes chests are also not trapped) Does this help to save time?
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Wow, I'm glad to see the skip glitch being used in TAS. Thank you. I quickly checked your movie, and noticed a few things: * In battles, you can charge the gauges faster by rapidly pressing R button. And, the kick is a bit stronger than the normal punch. (I uploaded a sample movie) * After getting the gold cloth, if you fully charge all the gauges, Seiya sometimes wears the gold cloth and his firepower increases. But, due to a bug, if you use the gold cloth once, the next enemy's defence will be increased. You can fix the enemy's defense by calling some ally. (This technique is used in the later Mini4Rider's video) FYI: Mini4Rider uploads a glitchless TAS video (part1, part2). Unfortunately the movie file seems to be unavailable, but it looks optimized well. For example, it seems to take a faster route in a cave.
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I forgot that I have to treat the last move of the last stage specially, so I fixed my solver a bit. But, this modifications didn't change the solution.
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I edited some submission texts to reflect the movie replacement.
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I have no objection to the acceptance, if all the people agree on the theoretical reproducibility as feos mentioned. I appreciate the people who put effort into console testings.
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feos wrote:
Can you just edit memory to simulate successful botting, as a proof of concept for whatever depends on it?
I tried it, but Mesen didn't behave in the same way as FCEUX/NesHawk. (But, it read script commands from the ppu registers.) For reference, I put scripts to edit memory. * FCEUX: a script to save memory, a script to load memory (use the movie of this submission) * NesHawk: a script to save memory, a script to load memory (use the movie I uploaded above)
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I still haven't been able to reproduce a fast glitch case on Mesen. It is easy to reproduce the glitch itself on Mesen. But for now, all cases either result in a softlock or fail to enable the "beat Dragonlord" flag. It is a bit difficult to search for a fast glitch case on Mesen, including Mesen2, because they don't seem to support rerecording. And, I wasn't able to write a botting script for Mesen as it appears that Mesen's Lua API is not designed for botting purposes. I'll try it manually when I have time, but please don't expect too much.
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feos wrote:
How do I make a fceux version of your script that shows which PPU register mirror addresses were read?
Language: lua

local script_ptr = memory.readbyte(0x99)
This does not read script pointer, but lower 8-bit of it. Please try memory.readbyte(0x99) + 0x100 * memory.readbyte(0x9A). EDIT: IIRC, the game also reads script commands at addresses other than 0xBD29. I recommend to use the trace logger.
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feos wrote: is newer, and I don't know if it supports rerecording.
Thank you. I have noticed this, but it seems to be under very active development and not documented yet. So for now, I'll try with Mesen-X. On FCEUX and BizHawk, I achieved fast glitch cases with lua scripting, but I don't know it works well with Mesen family.
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feos wrote:
Can you try reproducing this glitch on Mesen?
Yes, I'll try it. But it might take some time since I have no experience making movies on Mesen. I'll use the HEAD commit of NovaSquirrel/Mesen-X. If you have any recommendations for other versions, please let me know.
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