tl;dr: I'm trying to run a LUA script that will (currently) take about seven years to finish. I'm looking for suggestions on how to get it to run faster.
The script I'm running is on a scripted battle in Dragon Warrior III. Everyone muses about whether or not Ortega can defeat King Hydra, but I don't know of anyone having actually witnessed it without editing Hydra's HP to zero. Because of how the RNG works in the game, there are a finite 268,435,456 (65536*256*16) ways the fight can resolve, depending on the initial values of the three variables that affect RNG. I'm trying to test each possibility, but I'm currently only burning through one possibility a second (estimated completion date 2023).
Anyway, I've got the speed on FCEUX turned up to 6400%, video size 1x, "Turbo" checked under "Emulation Speed", and on the "Timing" menu I've checked both boxes. Sound is disabled, and I unchecked everything under Config->Display.
I also modified the rom itself in the hex editor and removed all of the text from the game, as well as a couple of the battle effects. I could do a little more, but I'm reaching the edge of my assembly-debugging abilities, and I doubt removing any more code could double my speed again. My script also forces the fight to the fastest message speed (the fight normally switches you to a slower speed) and mashes A.
I tried running the script on Bizhawk this evening, but it looks like I can't get Bizhawk running nearly as fast as FCEUX. My script is pretty lean; I do have some GUI text I'm displaying every frame, but removing it doesn't seem to help (and I need -something- to display progress, to tell me which year the script will finish in). I'm not really sure what else to try at this point, other than going parallel and running multiple instances of the emulator on multiple machines, or coding my own battle simulator in something like C# and running that instead (which should be doable with the notes I have on the game). I've also considered seeing if I could modify the emulator itself (to remove...things? Maybe video-stuff? I don't need to see the fight.), since it's open-source.
Are there any other settings (or emulators) I should check out?
(In case you're curious, I've checked 960k possibilities so far and Ortega has never gotten King Hydra under 77 HP, which he did yesterday around attempt 850k. His old PB was 85 HP which he set around 32k... he's not PBing fast enough to convince me he can win.)