Posts for Thornstrom

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Ah ok. Any tip on where to find it?
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In my case though, it's the expected C64_Drive-1541.bin that I havn't been able to find (1541 Disk Drive ROM, not the 1541-II).
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Thanks, but I still can't find the expected file for this. For example, I've tried all 1541-files from this location: [Moderator Edit: Do not link to or reference places that distribute copyright-protected materials.], but none is recognized.
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I'm trying to run C64 games in BizHawk 2.10 and have been adding the required firmware files to the Firmware folder. I've successfully added the Kernal ROM (901227-03.bin), Basic ROM (901226-01.bin), Chargen ROM (901225-01.bin), and the 1541-II Disk Drive ROM (1541-II.251968-03.bin). However, I haven't been able to locate the 1541 Disk Drive ROM file that BizHawk is specifically scanning for, despite trying different files and versions in the firmware folder. What file name(s) ("Location") is BizHawk looking for in this case?
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How does one swap disks with the PUAE in BizHawk? libretro-uae seems to use a solution where you create a m3u playlist. Is it the same in BizHawk? I tried using the Multi-Disc Bundler, but that didn't work (Virtual Pad had no disk index changer).
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YoshiRulz wrote:
Config > Display... > Scaling & Filtering > Cropping
That doesn't work for rendering the video.
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Yes, one can edit it in post. But then it has to be re-encoded which means some quality loss, so it would be better to be able to remove it when it's generated.
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Can they be removed? Should they be removed? Especially when generating the video file.
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I get black borders on the sides when playing PS1 games with the Nymashock core. I have the default Display settings (maintain aspect ratio (letterbox) checked, Direct3D9 selected etc). Is this normal, and can you remove them?
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I'm new to attempting to play C64 games in Bizhawk, and got stuck immediately. I tried to load a .T64 game, and arrived at the READY-prompt. When a game doesn't load automatically, I read that I should type either "RUN" or "LOAD" or something like that. But how do I type? Keys are assigned to different hotkeys, and there's no input when typing anyway. Should I change input settings first somehow, or how do I use the keyboard in Bizhawk?
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I have Windows 11 and it's not working, so I don't think that's the issue.
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Ok, I've tried the latest dev build ( but it's the same problem I've also tried creating a multidisk with and as instructed, but the same problem here too
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1941 Metal Slug Metal Slug 2 Cadillacs and Dinosaurs
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Hello, I'm trying to start up arcade games with BizHawk 2.9 but the it keeps shutting down without error message. I've been trying a few different Mame roms, and opening them both by "Open" and "Open Advanced...". Is there a way to see logs of what goes wrong?