Posts for Truncated

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>Anyways, till as a preposition is as reliable as the words ain't or y'all; they exist, and they sure are used a lot, but that doesn't make them real words. How do you think "real words" (whatever that is, hearing a clear distinction from non-real words would be nice) come into being, if not by being used a lot? Anyway, it was already pointed out that till as a preposition has been around for quite some time. Maybe that helps making it a "real word", I don't know. Actually it's remained unchanged in swedish (and probably the other nordic languages, but I'm not sure), not adding the un- part as middle english did. >If one thing should never falter under the strains of societal influence, our languages shouldn't be bastardized for lazy people. Languages are flexible beings created only by societal influence and nothing else. They are constantly bastardized (or you could say evolved) to admit for new words, meanings of old words, and sometimes (but very seldom) new grammar. Language "bastardization" has been going on since words were first spoken. Oh, and Omni: it's spelled unintelligible. ;) And before someone complains, because we are obviously all a pack of nitpickers, I decapitalized (I don't know, lower-caseialized? Divert your attention to finding a good word for this instead.) the languages on purpose.
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I remember one of my programming teachers telling us about writing a Sokoban solver. And also that it ran out of diskspace while solving a particularly large puzzle, even though it only followed legal branches and had lots of methods for realizing when a move made completion impossible and stopping. Is yours better? Optimization is a favourite topic of mine.
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Sound channels can affect sync if their behaviour is non-deterministic and other in-game actions depend on when a sound effect is played. Do you really need that large picture for your signature?
Post subject: Speedup problems
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Anyone still hacking FCEU code? To me it looks like FCEU, unlike all other sane emulators, actually tries to just draw all the frames faster instead of using frame skip. For me the speed difference between 800% and 200% is basically zero, except that the sound gets a lot more choppy and echoes. Is there frame skip somewhere there? Haven't seen it in the Hotkeys menue at least. There is a mysterious Turbo button but it appears to do nothing. Adding frame skip would be as easy as a counter for only drawing every n:th frame.
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I think snes9x savestate-files includes both the savestate and the button combination that led up to it. Does anyone know how many times faster a Genesis console can be emulated on a computer today, not drawing any graphics or playing sounds? Using FODAs idea (which I like a lot) this is what you would have to do when changing a frame in the middle of the movie. Is it in the 10s, 100s? There was some interesting info on the same topic in another thread about backwards emulation too.
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SpritGod's S3&K movie is probably among the most perfected on this site, and trying to imitating it as your first movie is probably going to be hard. Something that might help is turning on show input (available in latest Gens), play Sprint's movie and note exactly which buttons he presses where and how far apart, and then doing the same in your own movie.
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That was interesting. Thanks for a good read. On another note, while we are sharing obscure pieces of information, I found the meaning of Pakkun mentioned earlier. It's meaning is something like (the sound of) a bite. So Pakkun Flower is a flower that bites, but Pakkun Chocolate is a chocolate which can be eaten in one bite.
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Okay, I went back and checked. The speedrun guy definitely skips Launchpad and jumps the chasm without windup. The speedrun is done on the EU version (or so the AVI filename says), so that might be the reason you can't do it. Personally I think 1 second is a bit on the short side for this kind of game. But I would watch it and vote yes anyway if you completed it.
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From the short glimpse of your run it seemed that you could skip forward a little by grabbing and letting go of vines and such, so you wouldn't want to skip Launchpad. But I'll check it anyway and I won't forget it this time, promise. How much is the first level improved? Do you have no ideas for speeding things up in the later levels? Those would be interesting questions for deciding if (I think that) you should go on.
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I think so too. But I don't feel nearly enough competent. I (or anyone) can copy it there of course but I don't actually understand how it works. MegaManTricks is in a similar need of overhaul since Finalfighter made 3, 4 and 5 his bitches.
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Zurreco: Does that include the makers of Merriam-Websters?
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Battle 6, Round 1, against FeiLong. But the important thing was really the barrel round. EDIT: There's another two against M. Bison, first and second round.
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I voting yes because this is better than what is currently published, and also because I want to give Acmlm some motivation to finish his version.
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This seemed to be very well planned and executed. Unfortunately I think the result is still less than not very funny to watch... I didn't find the other levels except for the warehouse very interesting either.
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Fast and stylish. Very good.
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It was OK, but it can be a lot better. I could accept publishing a slightly imperfect version and let people improve on that afterwards, but this is not that slightly imperfect version.
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Voting no for this one because I just don't think the CS glitch is any fun to watch and it doesn't make things go any faster - rather the other way around.
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Voted yes for this, and I will vote No for the other one. Didn't watch the full version of the cs-glitch version yet, but what I saw from the WIP it's not very interesting to me. And it's 2 minutes longer. So yay for 32 frames. BTW, why did you use the start-with-less-life trick against Don Flamenco (I think) even though you were never hit by him?
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Hmm, how about showing us (me) the good run instead? It feels like a waste to comment on things which you probably already corrected most of.
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It's looking tight as hell. :) I think what Zurreco meant is not the resulting movie will be faster if you play with frame advance, just that making it will be. But I'm no mindreader so I could be wrong. If you need more help with understanding frame advance, just ask. It's really a great tool, both for exactness and for cutting down the time it takes to record the movie.
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Put it where it was supposed to be (GMV.html). If you can you tell me how the header changed to incorporate 3-player functionality, I'll add that too. EDIT: just for clarification, by lowest bit, you mean least significant, right?
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Well, you could start with if you haven't seen it already. Which bits = which buttons is not listed, but it should be very easy to check. Just record a test file pressing every button for a couple of frames in an order that you write down. Note that 1 = not pressed and 0 = pressed.
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I missed this post somehow. It sounds interesting. Can we see how it's going?
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I saw a speedrun the other day which skipped grabbing Launch Pad altogether. I think. I'll check when I get home. Does it speed it up somehow?
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Me neither. But anyway, why don't you play with frame advance instead of 1-3% speed? People generally seem to think it's a lot more efficient. Perhaps you wouldn't have to switch configs around then.