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Weapons for this level is Proton as front and Vulcan Cannon as rear. I chose Proton since it does relatively high damage compared to the Mega Cannon and Multi-Cannon. And I chose Vulcan Cannon as I could make more use of it than Proton (rear version). This is one of the "fun" levels where a lot of enemies appear at once, all which fire projectiles towards you to increase the "enjoyment". Thankfully, I'm able to handle all of them pretty well... that invulnerability sure seems overpowered when you can use it whenever you want. But with it I'm able to destroy way more enemies than would be possible otherwise. With the new weapons I'll have to adapt my positioning in order to actually hit the enemies, and occacionally more than just one enemy too. Most enemies in this level is rather weak and can be disposed of fast enough, but a few manages to get away in between. Got another weapon power up here to help increase my score, not that I actually need it now, but it's an additional goal to increase the entertainment. Oh, I can't technically kill the boss any faster than I did. If I tried I'd end up with the other half of its body still intact due to being outside of the screen when I kill it. I AM actually killing it too fast as the boss' health meter appears again right after I kill it, though the game is kind enough to not force me to kill it again. An interesting thing actually if I kill the boss so I have to kill it again. As it dies the second time its sprite animation dissapears completely instead of just switching to the destroyed version you normally see. Encode here:
"An artist who can’t take constructive critique on their work is only hurting themselves and their potential. Conversely, and artist that can’t communicate a critique in a constructive way isn’t helping anybody."
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Hmm, has there been any updates to either your computer or the game? The only thing I can think of now is that your computer has changed something in how it handles Hourglass, which in turn makes your save states unstable. Actually, when I play Tyrian I have to put Multithreading and Wait Sync on disabled or else the game crashes after a few save states. And if I just want to watch my imputs I change them back to Wrap. Have you tried to experiment with these settings yet. It could be as simple as changing one of them to make the game more stable.
"An artist who can’t take constructive critique on their work is only hurting themselves and their potential. Conversely, and artist that can’t communicate a critique in a constructive way isn’t helping anybody."
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Ah, I didn't mean exactly how many times. I was thinking more if you've played it a few times, several times or a lot before this happened? Also if you've played it for several days too. Have you tried downloading a new Hourglass to play, or, if that wouldn't be too bothersome to try out, reinstall the game and attempt then?
"An artist who can’t take constructive critique on their work is only hurting themselves and their potential. Conversely, and artist that can’t communicate a critique in a constructive way isn’t helping anybody."
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How many times did you manage to play the game without it crashing? And did you play on the read-only slot then too?
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Might there be any auto saves or something similar in the game?
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So with this level I chose Mega Pulse and Starburst, the second one because of the fast refire rate. I'm struggling a little in the beginning before I reach the weapon power up, and then I need to take care as many of the ships that appear at the bottom of the screen as possible, and then the ships which appear at both sides of the screen at once. The next level should be interesting as I consider it to be one of the harder levels in the game. Encode here:
"An artist who can’t take constructive critique on their work is only hurting themselves and their potential. Conversely, and artist that can’t communicate a critique in a constructive way isn’t helping anybody."
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By comparing one run where I only switch my front weapon to and another where I switch both front and rear weapon (though I only tested one of the two rear weapons) I noticed that... I'm doing just about as well on both runs even though I'm doing less frontal damagel. Since I can use my invulnerability, I'm able to fly right on top of enemies to make full destructive use of my rear weapon as it has a fast refire rate. My front weapon also benefits from this as it splits off into multiple shots which all damage the enemy additional times. All in all I actually lost 1% of destruction by switching both my weapons, though that might or might not be because of the rotating slugs the large turrets shoot if I'm not fast enough to destroy them first. A few ships were also missed and a few others gained in between, so it's not impossible it could've been those too. I'll actually continue with switching weapons every level and see how far I can get in case it gets too tedious to play through. No encode today as it's too late for me, but I'll add one tomorrow.
"An artist who can’t take constructive critique on their work is only hurting themselves and their potential. Conversely, and artist that can’t communicate a critique in a constructive way isn’t helping anybody."
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Changing front weapons every level should be doable, though that'll probably end up with a tad inferior weapon from time to time. But that could actually make the run more interesting if I still manage to plow through the level with those weapons. Changing rear weapons and sidekicks would be a lot more troublesome unfortunately as you'll only recieve sideways shooting weapons as well as way more inferior weapons on many levels, though that would be even more impressive if I can manage to make even better use of those too. It's an interesting goal, which I unfortunately can't follow completely now as I've already finished chapter 1, but I could attempt it during chapter 2 and see how well I fare. I'll have to do some testing with the next level first before really deciding if I should follow it. ...and by the way, might anyone else consider this goal to be more entertaining compared to keeping the same weaponry probably for the rest of the game?
"An artist who can’t take constructive critique on their work is only hurting themselves and their potential. Conversely, and artist that can’t communicate a critique in a constructive way isn’t helping anybody."
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Hmm, between score and destruction % I think actually the latter is more interesting, as samurai goroh mentioned. IIRC in chapter two there's a place where unlimited enemies will spawn as long as you don't destroy the building spawning them, allowing you to score as much as you can bother to stay there (though of course it'd be interesting to see how much you can get in an "honest" run too), but destruction % isn't as easy to get since enemies can appear all over the place. Unfortunately there's levels where you have no chance at all to get any high % at all. Equipment wise I'm getting close to "max" power as I basically just need a good pair of sidekicks, the stronger engine and a better shield. Basically I would've stayed with this weapon and blazed through every level while changing weapon could risk not getting as high % (it might help at some too, but that depends on the weapon and the level) and it would take perhaps 0.5-1 seconds every time I do this, but it would certainly add to variety entertainment. This would in that case fall under the speed/entertainment tradeoff. ...I do believe I can switch back and forth between several front weapons every second level or so (and perhaps rear too) to keep some variations between the levels, probably at the cost of destruction % though. Not sure if I'll loose much time as firing my atom bombs helps to clear out bosses pretty nicely. This could make the run more interesting. Unfortunately this might make it harder to define a straight goal as I'd trade both speed and destruction % for entertainment purposes, but basically my secondary goal is destruction %, and then try to get higher score when time allows it. Edit: Does that sound like TAS acceptable goals, or should I reconsider some parts in them?
"An artist who can’t take constructive critique on their work is only hurting themselves and their potential. Conversely, and artist that can’t communicate a critique in a constructive way isn’t helping anybody."
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STBM wrote:
I tried to throw all of them, but for some mysterious reason after 6 goos... It becomes a huge mess, all of them are bouncing (sometimes very high). So I would need to wait, and I can't afford that. And once I start to build, I don't have the time to throw one or two, as the bridge is already falling.
That's throwing them all in the same direction towards the same point? It doesn't make any difference if you threw them more upwards so you'll manage to build the construction and catch them before they fall down? Or is there perhaps a "roof" so you can't throw them high up either? Edit: Oh, ais523 already asked this. How unobservant of me...
"An artist who can’t take constructive critique on their work is only hurting themselves and their potential. Conversely, and artist that can’t communicate a critique in a constructive way isn’t helping anybody."
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At the fourth level, Impale Sticky, couldn't you throw up all goos you needed from the start instead of trailing some of them from the bottom to the top? Or is this approach faster?
"An artist who can’t take constructive critique on their work is only hurting themselves and their potential. Conversely, and artist that can’t communicate a critique in a constructive way isn’t helping anybody."
Post subject: Chapter 1 of the test run is now finished
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Last level of chapter 1 finished and the final score revealed. At this level I managed to destroy everything except for one train of four parts and one twin missile (at the end), summing the destruction up to 96%... I might've been able to get them too, but unsure whether I'd gain or lose from running over to them. Apart from that, I made sure to be more efficient with my attacks, not shooting more than necessary to destroy them. This even helps me in the long run as I also conserve energy without using unnecessary shots, and thus can destroy even more! As far as I've noticed, you have to wait for his second stage after destroying his claws, so bascally it doesn't matter how fast you are on at the first stage. With this level finally finished it marks the start of Chapter 2, Treachery, and with that one fifth of the game finished in little more than 10 minutes with all secrets and the bonus level skipped. So what do everyone think? If I made a real TAS with a little better gameplay and increase the total time by perhaps 4-5 times, would this be considered a publish worthy game, even though it's obviously inferior compared to using a mouse? I'll still be continuing this test run with my keyboard either way, though I'm curious what people, and judges, think. Encode to the assassination attempt:
"An artist who can’t take constructive critique on their work is only hurting themselves and their potential. Conversely, and artist that can’t communicate a critique in a constructive way isn’t helping anybody."
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So this level I manage to get my hands on a much needed front weapon upgrade. Though I was unsure at first which of Lightning Cannon or Mega Cannon would benefit me most, after some testing I came to the conclusion that the penetrative abilities of the Mega Cannon isn't worth it compared to the burst damage of the Lightning Cannon, even though it drains all my energy in less than a second (and having my shield trying to recharge in the midst won't make it easier, but it's still worth it). By downgrading my rear weapon to 7 I'm able to just about fully upgrade the Lightning Cannon to max (11) with 5000 score to spare. The reason I skip blimps at certain places and not destroy them all is that I need to have full energy to get enough damage output to destroy them before they crash into me, energy which I don't always manage to always save up in between the small ships and twin rockets. The level itself turns out to be the most profitable level yet, earning a lot of score from all those blimps and gem ships, though I'm soon approaching the point where score "won't matter" as my weapons will be fully upgraded. Because of this, the rest of the game might become a tad repetitive as my strength will still be the same after each level, apart from those few levels which hoards a better sidekick. The levels themselves will be different all the time and show some variety of course, though I'll just be blasting through each one of them at the same pace over and over. Not sure how entertaining that will be after another ten levels or so, but I'll continue and let you all comment whether this's still appealing after those "ten" levels or not. And before I forget, the next level will be the last one in chapter 1 and thus I'll be able to see my total score afterwards. Also this is another "flashlight" level unfortunately, so expect things to be a bit hard to see. Encode to the blimp blitz here:
"An artist who can’t take constructive critique on their work is only hurting themselves and their potential. Conversely, and artist that can’t communicate a critique in a constructive way isn’t helping anybody."
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Since this is a TAS where you can work at high speed, would it not be possible to just build up to the pipe and pull off bits from below before it crashes to save time?
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samurai goroh wrote:
I don't quite remember, but I think that maybe that map started to move again after you fight the enemy for a while & then there were more targets to destroy. If that was it, then it would go against your goal to finish the levels ASAP. When you're short of money you can always downgrade your front & rear weapons. I used to do that to buy things that only appeared on specific levels (like the Carrot ship)
Hmm, probably. But as you say it'd go against my primary goal, so I'll just let them pass. And I'm actually already thinking of downgrading my rear weapon in benefit for my front weapon, given I'll actually earn more damage from it than losing it overall. Though haven't tested it yet as I was busy this weekend. And thanks Truncated, that cheers me up. :)
"An artist who can’t take constructive critique on their work is only hurting themselves and their potential. Conversely, and artist that can’t communicate a critique in a constructive way isn’t helping anybody."
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It might not just be so "simple" as the spin cancels the beginning accelleration of the LJ, and goes with full speed instantly? I haven't played this game so I don't know for sure, just theorizing here.
"An artist who can’t take constructive critique on their work is only hurting themselves and their potential. Conversely, and artist that can’t communicate a critique in a constructive way isn’t helping anybody."
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Finished the level now and almost managed to get 100% destruction. Almost as I probably missed out on a few slugs some enemies shoot which you can destroy, or maybe there might be targets you can't destroy, but still counts towards destruction %. Time savers on this level would be trying to get more shots to hit the repelling balls as well as getting a better shot at the boss, though that isn't the easiest as one of the balls gets in the way right as the boss appears. Fortunately, the first ball I destroyed would've gotten even more in the way had it still been around so time saved on destroying it first. At the next level I'll finally be switching my front weapon to either Lightning Cannon or Mega Cannon. The LC will do a lot more damage at each target as well as having a constant fire rate, though it'll probably drain my energy until I can get the better one. The MC doesn't do as much damage per enemy, but it'll harm all enemies in a straight line and large enemies like bosses and big ships are harmed multiple time. I might have to try out both weapons to see which one's the best choice for this run. I might change sidekicks to Charge Cannons too, given I have enough money for it that is. Encode of the current level here (when it becomes available):
"An artist who can’t take constructive critique on their work is only hurting themselves and their potential. Conversely, and artist that can’t communicate a critique in a constructive way isn’t helping anybody."
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At the times when you take damage, is it not possible to take damage so you get pushed "frontwards" instead of backwards?
"An artist who can’t take constructive critique on their work is only hurting themselves and their potential. Conversely, and artist that can’t communicate a critique in a constructive way isn’t helping anybody."
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I think it would actually, I forgot you could use that approach too when the time needs it. Will consider where to use it in future levels. And I've decided to really aim for the fastest route, thus skipping the bonus level by dying to save time. Actually, I've already finished the level right before Delani and will edit this post when it's finished uploading on Youtube. Edit: Encode here
"An artist who can’t take constructive critique on their work is only hurting themselves and their potential. Conversely, and artist that can’t communicate a critique in a constructive way isn’t helping anybody."
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Refinished Savara now, and Soul of Ziglon wasn't that good as I though, especially because it locked my twiddles while was recharging. So second choice was Pearl Wind, and it proved to be exceptionally much better than I though, netting me 12 000 more score and 12% more destruction compared to my first attempt. I did have to avoid killing enemies at one moment to manipulate so the right power up appears, but I didn't lose much from that. I still haven't decided whether I should skip the bonus levels or not... I'll wait until tomorrow before deciding. Encode here:
"An artist who can’t take constructive critique on their work is only hurting themselves and their potential. Conversely, and artist that can’t communicate a critique in a constructive way isn’t helping anybody."
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Can't do much about the headlights as it's a part of the difficulty on the first level. Fortunately it won't appear except for one or two more levels or so. I always try to get as high destruction % as possible, but sometimes I have to choose between either getting a little higher % or getting higher score. I mostly aim for the score then and try to kill the rest afterwards, given I get the time to do it. Even though I would've also liked to see an "all secrets, all bonuses" run I think I'll stick with trying to complete the game as fast as possible for the first run. Who knows, maybe there'll be an "all secrets" run after this run? ;)
"An artist who can’t take constructive critique on their work is only hurting themselves and their potential. Conversely, and artist that can’t communicate a critique in a constructive way isn’t helping anybody."
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It was from that page I found out how to use the ship's special twiddles actually, and I'm checking it frequently for other things too. And that bonus level too... according from the routes you can choose from, while avoiding all secret levels, I could encounter four Bonus levels in total. I'm not sure how long each bonus level is, but skipping those might save several minutes from the run compared to keeping the no damage goal. I'm leaning towards taking the deaths to save all the time I can. Though, do anyone think a few/several minutes of speed/entertainment tradeoff in junction with the no damage goal would be more appealing than going "solely" for fastest time? I just discovered something on the Savara level. The enemy which drops the front weapon upgrade can occacionally drop special weapons too. So far with testing I've found out it can drop the Repulsor, Attractor, Flare, Ziglon's Soul, Pearl Wind and the Ice Beam. Of all those I think Ziglon's Soul might be the best one as it can damage all ships and buildings (except large ships it seems, maybe large buildings too) in a straight line as well as having a fast recharge. The Pearl Wind could also be good as I can activate it every other frame because of its instant recharge. It'll increase my damage output, but it's hard to "aim" it unless I'm attacking something large, so I feel I'd have more use for Ziglon's Soul than Pearl Wind. The Flare, while it does a lot of damage and explodes across the screen, has such a long recharge it'd be hard to make practical use of it. With this in mind I think I'll have to redo Savara and see if Ziglon's Soul will benefit me more than the front weapon upgrade. Encode to my current Savara level by the way:
"An artist who can’t take constructive critique on their work is only hurting themselves and their potential. Conversely, and artist that can’t communicate a critique in a constructive way isn’t helping anybody."
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After thinking about it, I've decided to skip the secret area and attempt to finish the game as fast as possible while ranking as high score and destruction % as possible, so I modified my last level just to avoid the orb and continue with Asteroid1 instead, I made a rough timing of the two levels and found out Asteroid1 is the faster one. I am unsure whether my choice of weapons is the prime or if one extra upgrade/downgrade of a weapon would be the most beneficial, so I try to go by experience what might be strongest combo. Struggling with destroying the asteroids in between the enemies on this level and when the "fork ships" appear I used a few atom bombs too many, leaving me with less to fight the enemies when the screen locks. Could've saved a second or so there and have a little less score instead. Apart from that I think I did pretty well. Comments and thoughts are appreciated. :) An interesting thing about the boss on the first level actually is if I kill it too fast, I'll end up having to fight it "again." What I mean is since not the whole sprite of the boss is on the screen when it dies, the rest of the sprite comes afterwards and you'll have to fight it too. The other part doesn't have any weapons though so I'm in no danger, except losing time from killing it again. Got an encode here, but can't load it right now. Not sure if it's Youtube or my uploading that's acting up. If it hasn't resolved until tomorrow I'll reupload it again which is working now.
"An artist who can’t take constructive critique on their work is only hurting themselves and their potential. Conversely, and artist that can’t communicate a critique in a constructive way isn’t helping anybody."
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turska wrote:
Tyrian really needs mouse input for TASing. You simply can't make the ship dance gracefully without it. Additionally, for a run like this, I'd consider using Super Tyrian. It's the most superhuman single-player mode in the game and the twiddles ought to be vicious under TAS conditions. Arcade is also a possibility - smoothly changing weapons mid-level and playing around is more interesting than blazing through Full Game with a cookie cutter setup.
I agree completely about the mouse imput, but I won't be able to use the mouse any time soon so I'll do the best I can with keyboard imputs instead. I also agree about the Arcade mode, but right now it would be a pain to try and have both movement imputs, main weapon imput, rear weapon imput and frame advance "imput" at the same time (my laptop just isn't good enough to handle all those key presses at once. >.<) Super Tyrian mode would be awesome to TAS perfectly, but right now I think I'll stick with story mode as a first try (also I haven't figured out every twiddle you can use yet). Ah yes, my goals. The main goals I've been thinking of is to try and get as high destruction percentage as possible, though I've been trading it away a little to get higher score instead. There are places where I could kill enemies which nets me 8 score each and add more to the percentage compared to fewer enemies which nets me 100 score each. And yes, I realize now afterwards that I could've used more twiddles to increase the destruction %, but I think I'll settle with what % I have for this test run. No damage taken whatsoever is another goal and that is easier to follow. I think I might also add finding all data discs in every level, given it's possible to aquire them that is. At first I've been thinking of finding every secret level you can find to add more to the game (like a 100% run perhaps), but I can switch over to skip them all instead to save a lot of time. I could always shoot the enemy which has the secret level orb, but avoid taking it instead just as a teaser. It won't be hard to change the run to skip the orb and move on to Asteroids instead. Do you think that'd be a more interesting run? And thanks for the advice samurai goroh, I'll see which levels I can make use of weapon upgrade exploit.
"An artist who can’t take constructive critique on their work is only hurting themselves and their potential. Conversely, and artist that can’t communicate a critique in a constructive way isn’t helping anybody."
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Finshed the first level now and it's much better than my previous sloppy run after I figured out how to use the temporary invulnerability and atom bombs more effectively. It isn't perfect yet as there's places where I could've done a little different to get another kill or so, but this will do for the test run. I also changed the game speed from Normal to Turbo cutting the time by 30% (increasing the FPS from 35 to 50). It's harder to see what's happening, although it's faster... I can change it back to Normal for the next level if you think it'd be better. A few things I've been using in this run: -Invulnerability, given temporary after moving the ship down, up, down, then up while shooting, draining all your current shield. How long it lasts depends on how much shield you have at the moment, almost three seconds for my current shield. -Two Atom Bombs, launched after moving the ship right, down, left, then up while shooting, draining two points of armour. You can't kill yourself by doing this. These two abilities are ship specific and (apart from the invulnerability) won't be found on any other ship you can buy. Depending on how good abilities the other ships have, I might stay with this ship for the entire run. I will be changing weapons though but I'm not sure which one is the best to choose, so any advice is appreciated. Encode here
"An artist who can’t take constructive critique on their work is only hurting themselves and their potential. Conversely, and artist that can’t communicate a critique in a constructive way isn’t helping anybody."
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