Posts for Twelvepack

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Yes vote. moved along pretty well.
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I would bet anything that this run ends up significantly more entertaining then the 120 star run, if only because of the number of slow, boring stars that can be skipped. Also, its kinda of irritating hearing people say how arbitrary this is, seeing as how this is far from the first time that a run has been made excluding some particular glitch. Hell, some of them even have a star now.
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Just a guess, but did you re-arrange the boot priority list in the BIOS so that your windows drive was first? Probably wont help, but it might get rid of the "no hard drive detected" message, if the source of the message is BIOS checking IDE controller for hard drives.
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did you decide that going back for the wing cap star in BoB was not time effective? Seems like it might be a good alternative.
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I kinda doubt it, but the coolest one they could add would be little mac, of punch out fame. a fast hand to hand brawler, its a no brainer.
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I loved that game. A run would be welcomed by me =D
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If people are really so bent on making a smash bros. run, it might be most interesting to do all of the break the targets. Aim for time in game as the primary goal, and try to break the world record times.
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nice. I look foreward to seeing it.
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My money is on one of the guys from contra, as long as they are willing to go outside nintendo owned titles. Megaman would be a possability as well, or Christopher Belmont now that I think about it.
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I kinda doubt it. If you are starting with the rout used in the SDA run, I think that there are several stars he skipped that would be faster then some of the others. Most notably, he skips both vanish cap and the star inside the igloo in that later snow level. getting those 2 might be better then going to BBH. Also, some of the stars in dire dire docks might be worth the time, most notably into the jetstream.
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Yrr wrote:
Meh vote, cuz I saw all places thousand times already, and this is not so entertaining. Btw, can't this strange speedglitch be used on the stairs which lead up to the upper part of the castle? Because then we could finish it with 0 stars.
That has been adressed many times already. Short answer: No. The upper floor loads only if you open the door to the upper floor using the key.
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ORGON TRAIL! will be kind of like the monopoly run. With luck manipulation, it would take only the month or so it takes to get there on a grueling pace, so it would be rather pointless. Sooner or later though, I bet someone does it.
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is there a limit to the number of BLJs you can gt on that top step? what exactly limits it?
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It would not be the first time "glitchless" runs were accepted, especially in games that are totaly broken by some glitch. see zelda 2, zelda: links awakening, link to the past etc. this game is getting nearly that broken.
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The rout choice of the SDA run was not too bad, but from his descryption, it was sort of hap hazard. In a tas setting, I immagine a very different set of stars will be needed.
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Yes vote. As fun as boss suicide was, it just took too long. Nice submission.
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It doesnt really matter. Having them in order was nice only because all of the stars were taken, so it gave a more organized feeling to the run. Because you are going to pick and choose only the better stars, whatever order you do should be fine. The benifit of doing a run that no one has done before you is that you get to decide on the rules, and set president. You are in the driver's seat on this one, so by and large you can do whatever you think is best.
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Or sitting still for 3 and a half hours.
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Just fix the end, that would make it a no-brainer.
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No reason to rule a 0 star run out so far. With BLJ speed, it opens up all kinds of strange movement options, possably even arcing back toward to door to the basement, and passing far behind bowser2 to bypass that last stubborn star.
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I think I have to go with meh. I liked that game, and the run was high quality, but no matter how well done it was 3 hours was just too much for me. Its flow was decent, and if the final product was shorter, I would go for yes in a heartbeat.
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Location: Boulder, CO Sorry if someone else linked it already, but it is a pretty smooth operating puzzle game of this type. Unfortunatly, after you do a few of them they get to be as tedious as sudoku.
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Anyway, 70 star BLJless run in progress.
You are my hero. Might want to step it up to glitchless but that is obviously up to whomever makes the run. I really look foreward to it eitherway. I hope it pans out. Edit:
SpeedRun Lover wrote:
Which do you think is faster? BLJ-ing to the first Bowser, getting the key, going back, getting the rest of the stars, then going to basement, or is it better to leave him till later?
I dont really think it matters, because of the number of times you exit a level to the sun rug in the main lobby. From there you have several levels that you need to go complete, but as long as you start and end on that rug, the order is irrelevent.
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If a run were to be made, it would have to be more like the MK or streetfighter runs, focusing on entertainment as a primary goal. Anything else would probably feed the grues. No vote from me.
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The issue of a 70 star run has been adressed, several times. I believe the major arguement against one is that too many people feel that the goals would be unclear, Or have arguements against having a "glitchless" catagory. Especially now that a 1 star run has hit, Iwould expect that a well made 70 star glitchless run could *probably* see publication. There is enough room between a 6 min any% run and a hour and a half 120 star run for a run that shows much of the game, but doesnt apathetically wipe out one stage completely before moving on. I believe that a 70 star catagory would help this pacing a bit.
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