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Dondon warned us that we were being too optimistic with Thany’s levelling, so I testran chapters 9-14 with continuity in Roy and Thany’s levels in order to get a more realistic picture of future chapters. Fortunately, Thany caps str around C16, and by then her stats are no longer a concern. Chapter 9 (Thany unpromoted) Turn 2: Thany can either opt to trade her weapons to Roy in order to avoid countering the merc, or get 1-2 Wexp towards her sword rank. Turn 3: By positioning Thany differently, Roy can crit a merc for an extra 2 Wexp. Turn 4: An iron sword double crit can be manipulated rather quickly, and Thany gains only 93 exp, meaning we don’t have to worry about compounding the bosskill manipulation with a level-up manipulation. Overall notes: This approach is obviously superior to promoting Thany in C8. Chapter 10 Turn 1: To my surprise, repositioning Thany doesn’t help reduce the turncount at all. The 4 spaces she gains are lost when a shaman blocks Roy in a 1 square wide corridor. Turn 6: Thany must use a lance to 1HKO the boss. Chapter 11 Overall notes: Over 1600 frames are lost manipulating a slim lance double crit on the boss, and this isn’t even factoring in getting a good level-up for Thany. There are a few good alternatives to this time-wasting double crit. First, if Thany is 11/2 or 10/3, she will have just enough str to be able to kill the boss with a crit + regular hit. Another option is to get her lance rank high enough to use a silver lance, which is a natural 1RKO. Chapter 12 Turn 1: I’m operating on the assumption Roy has achieved C rank in swords now, so I don’t need him to combat the fighters for that purpose. Instead, I have Thany use the slim sword to gain 9 Wexp towards her D rank. Turn 4: Out of laziness I didn’t feel like manipulating a missed hit on the archer compounded with the warrior crit, so I killed the warrior next turn. Thus 10 exp should be deducted from her exp gain in this chapter. Turn 7: I don’t drop Roy directly in front of the door because the sleep staff priest goes for him. Turn 8: Thany gets 2 Wexp. Turn 10: Roy needs to be lv 9 in order to naturally 1RKO the boss (I have him at lv 7). Unfortunately he has nowhere near the 16 skill required for a crit rate. Technically Thany could also 1RKO the boss with a silver lance double crit, but that just takes way too long. Also, deduct 83 exp from Thany’s exp gain. Turn 11: Thany and Roy are moved in such a way that they are adjacent (ie building a support), but also ready to block the reinforcement stairs in 1 move. Chapter 13 *New* Turn 5: Both Thany and Miledy must crit the wyverns they face if Miledy wants to avoid being attacked by Percival (he doubles and 2HKOes her). Turn 7: A paladin blocks Miledy’s path to the armory. Had I landed Thany’s turn 5 crit the logistics should work out to allow Miledy to reach the armory. Overall notes: Roy needs to be lv 10 in order to double the boss. Just as in C12, he doesn’t have a critrate either. Also, Thany needs 19 str for her slim lance ORKOes, fortunately she has that at 11/4. Chapter 14 *New* Turn 2: Thany gets 6 Wexp. Overall notes: I simply hexed my older test run to make Thany and Roy’s stats more realistic. Everything still checks out. Chapters 15-16: Nothing changes Chapter 17: I was messing with Thany and Roy’s stats to see if enemy attack priority would change. I inadvertently found out that it’s quite possible to use an aggressive strat without Roy having to attack any enemies. This means Thany gets to kill 2 armors, which gives her 6 Wexp towards her sword rank. Chapters 18-22: Nothing changes --- General Conclusions: -Promote Thany at lv 11. This helps her not only against the C11 boss, but also for the entirety of C13. -Roy needs to be at least lv 9 to achieve his C12-13 wyrmslayer bosskills -There are now enough up-to-date testruns to conclusively determine the required amount of weapon purchases for the rest of the game. I’ll tally the weapon uses later. Note that I have updated the list of test runs.
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Since there a lot of interesting Fire Emblem hacks to be found here, I figured it’s worthwhile to make a separate topic for them. I’ve been working on a test run of 2 of them so far, though they’re mostly for fun and not overly serious projects. =============== FE Tactics Universe =============== Patch (use on Fire Emblem (U) rom) Progress: Chapter 6 Complete Chapter 1-6 Vbm Link to video Notes Prologue to Chapter 2: None Chapter 3: The chapter goal is falsely stated as a rout map, when in fact the goal of the map is to seize. I lose 2 turns at the end as a result. Since this is a test run I will let this mistake go. Chapter 4: Once again the objective is falsely advertised as “defeat all of the enemy units”, when in fact the goal is to kill the boss. Fortunately I caught on this time. On turn 2 I kill a bunch of nomads I didn’t need to because at the time I thought I was going to drop Siegfried somewhere else. Chapter 5: On the second to last turn I have Siegfried attack a troubadour with a javelin instead of 1HKOing the boss. This is to prevent the troubadour from blocking the seize square next turn. I also forego a critical on the troubadour since I need to break a javelin in order for Siegfried to equip a suitable weapon for the boss counter. Chapter 6: I rescue-drop Siegfried on turn 1 in order to get him the required positioning for a 3 turn seize. There are a couple of other mini-exploits I use here as well. ====== FE Girls ====== Patch (use on Fire Emblem Sacred Stones (J) rom) Progress: Chapter 11 Complete Chapter 1-11 Vbm Link to video Comments Prologue: There's no room anywhere to manipulate the RNG on turn 1, hence the lack of criticals. Probably should've gotten Eirika str on her level-up. Chapter 1: Nothing much to say... Chapter 2: As you can tell Clarine is a terrible combat unit in this chapter, but I need her to gain exp for future chapters. Chapter 3: I should've sent Priscilla to the left (or not used her at all) and not bothered to recruit Sonya since I get a thief automatically the very next chapter. Chapter 4: I have Eirika and Limstella run away from the enemies. It might be faster to face some of them. Also, dancing Clarine doesn't affect when she reaches the boss, hence why Ninian isn't deployed. Chapter 5: It might've been faster to dance Clarine on turn 1. Also, Eirika would've been so much better off against the boss with 1 or 2 extra points of strength. Unfortunately for me, I had to manipulate 4 crits in a row (2 on each phase) for an exact bosskill. Chapter 5x: I despise this chapter. Orson doesn’t take a stat penalty when rescuing Lyn, not much else to say. Chapter 6: This chapter’s clearly inspired by FE10 3-7. I use the 12 turns to raise Clarine, Priscilla and Eirika. Chapter 7: It’s necessary for Clarine to clear the way for Eirika before she seizes. Also, Clarine is a complete powerhouse now :) Chapter 8: Extremely sloppy strat, but this chapter is so long and boring I hardly care. Fortunately, I’ve managed to turn Priscilla into a monster :) Chapter 9: It seems paladins in general don't have a stat penalty when rescuing someone, which is how Priscilla's able to carry Lyn throughout the chapter. Had I been more clever I could've taken out one of the sleep staffers with a jav attack through the wall. I could've also saved a turn by dropping Lyn earlier, but with her paltry base stats it would've required intense manipulation just to get her to survive. What's cool is that once Clarine hit lv 8, her stat caps increased :D Chapter 10: This chapter's a remarkably detailed recreation of FE9 C11. Pretty straightforward boss rush strat. Chapter 11: For some reason Clarine's movement is limited by the fog, so a torch might save time here (didn't test it). Chapter 12 is an incredibly long and repetitive Clarine solo, so I'll stop here for now unless anyone's interested in the rest of the game being TASed.
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In light of some new strategies based off of Dondon’s RTS run, I’ve updated Thany’s planned exp gain. C1: 0 exp C2: 68 exp (exact) C3: 209 exp (exact) C4: 143 exp (exact) C5: 94 exp (exact) C6: 256 exp (exact) C7: 63 exp (exact) C8: 276 exp (approx) --- Changes Chapter 2 Thany lands a soldier kill on EP immediately after rescuing Roy (34 exp). She also lands a kill on the final turn (34 exp). She could also attack 2 other enemies on the 2nd to last EP, but this creates too much manipulation when factoring in Roy’s double crit on the boss, compounded with survival concerns (archers and fighters have high hit on Thany). Chapter 5 Overall notes: It’s still necessary to sacrifice Wil for the 2 turn strat. It’s also possible for Thany to turn kill both fighters on turn 1 EP (extra ~20 exp), though this might not be realistic to manipulate. Chapter 6 Turn 1: Depending on Thany’s hp/def, she might also attract the soldier who attacked Marcus. Turn 2: I had to force Thany to take a player phase hit on that specific soldier (the one on the left OHKOed her), which screwed up Marcus’ positioning. This simply made turn 3 a little trickier. Overall notes: Thany must start the chapter at lv 6 in order to be able to ORKO the soldiers with a javelin. Level 5 is manageable too, but it requires enemy stat manipulation, and possibly a crit or two on turn 1 EP. Chapter 7 Overall notes: There are two kills Thany can land on turn 1 (PP armor, EP mercenary). After that point she should be as pacifist as possible, perhaps going as far as dropping her weapon (the rest of them should be traded to someone else beforehand). --- Conclusion: The new tally gives 1109 exp, meaning we have even more flexibility now. We can probably remove some last turn PP kills since those are the most inefficient.
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Me and Toothache discussed Roy's Wexp through IM, and came to the conclusion that Roy doesn't need 3 kills in C1. Here's the breakdown: Roy’s Wexp C1: 6 C2: 19 C3: 9 C4: 0-6 C5: 9 C6: 3 C7: 8 C8: 3 C9: 0-3 C10: 0 C11: 0 C12: 12 Specific Notes Chapter 2: Roy can critkill two soldiers on turn 1 that Lance normally kills (+4 Wexp). In the old WIP Roy also blicks a fighter on turn 2, and with a point of strength from his first level-up, that’s a 2HKO without a crit (+3 Wexp). On the last turn, Roy gets 8 Wexp (2 merc, 3 boss, 3 fighter). Chapter 3: When Roy gets dropped he kills a soldier and a cavalier (6 Wexp). Later on he faces a fighter in the boss room (3 Wexp). Chapter 7: On turn 1 EP, Roy faces a merc (2 Wexp) and an armor (3 Wexp). When Roy’s dropped, he can get a soldier kill (3 Wexp). --- As you can clearly tell, Roy should have enough Wexp by chapter 8 (60>51 requirement). Thus there is some flexibility to work with. Also, to minimize Roy's leveling, it's imperative that Roy achieves his C rank as quickly as possible.
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Triple posting with a purpose :) This will be the very last set of test runs, I promise. I just wanted to put to rest Thany’s levelling concerns, so I testran the relevant earlygame chapters. Chapter 3 Turn 2: If we’re really desperate for exp, we can prevent the EP crit on the soldier that attacks Thany from the north. She’ll end up killing him next EP, and thus she gains an extra 10ish exp in the process. Turn 4: It seems too time-ineffective to move every last character away from the southwest soldiers except for Thany. Thus Dieck kills one of them. Overall: 6 enemy kills, with a possibility for 7 and an extra attack. Chapter 4 Turn 1: Having Thany move fully left changes the way the enemies move, which affects the strategy a bit in later turns. Also, there’s no need to disarm Wolt in this new approach. Turn 2: Normally Marcus should go deeper, but for some reason one of the cavs goes for him despite Thany also being in range. Probably has to do with hacking Thany’s crit rate to 40ish and beefing her def. If Marcus can go his full movement, Thany will be able to get an extra kill the following turn. Overall: I should’ve had Lance visit the armory, he can reach it on the final turn. Chapter 7 Overall: Don’t pay much attention to the strat, as it’s very sloppy. Fortunately, what the other units are doing doesn’t really affect Thany’s exp gain. ======== Conclusion ======== C1: 0 exp C2: 34 exp (exact) C3: 209 exp (exact) C4: 143 exp (exact) C5: 33 exp (exact) C6: 57 exp (exact) C7: 333 exp (approx) C8: 276 exp (approx) --- Total: 1085 exp There is a bit of wiggle room in terms of Thany’s exp gain, though not much. In addition to what I’ve listed above, it’s possible to add maybe an extra 50-75 exp by taking longer to kill certain enemies in C3-4 and landing more crits in C7. So that comes out to about 3-5 kills worth of leeway. Figuring out which kills are time-ineffective will be quite difficult to figure out, though I suspect C4 is a good place to reduce Thany’s combat. There’s also the issue of Roy’s sword rank in C14. Considering an entire turn is saved in C14 and 17 by powering up Roy, and the added bonus of increasing his durability in any drop situation (particularly C22), I definitely think he should get some levels under his belt. An extra enemy phase in an enemy dense map can easily eat up 3000-4000 frames, whereas having Roy kill the odd enemy here and there (especially in C12) would hardly cost any time. --- Edit: Put a lot of energy into finding a better approach to C7. I've TASed it again 3 times so far with different approaches, though none I am completely satisfied with yet. Chapter 7 (4 turn) This is incredibly slow, mainly due to the ~4000 frames required to manipulate the boss double crit. Chapter 7 (stealth) The idea here is to use Toothache's strategy, but have Thany attacking instead of being weaponless. If I clear up some mistakes (eg/ not deploying anyone to rescue Noah), I think this could be more or less the approach used. Chapter 7 (new rout approach) I can't see a rout getting much better than this, but it's still 1300 frames behind Toothache's WIP, and may not get Thany enough exp. Might be worthwhile to deploy some extra attackers (eg/ Dieck) in order to cut down on level-up time wasted.
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How about some more test runs? Chapter 13 Turn 3: Thany should give Miledy an Elysian whip and an iron lance (+6 avo). Without a promotion Miledy cannot reach the armory on the last turn, which means we need to get an extra whip in C12. Turn 6: I’m too lazy to manipulate Miledy’s dodges, so I let her fall victim to Percival’s lance :S Turn 7: If Miledy were alive she’d go to the armory and stock up on killer lances. I have Thany stop on the vendor, where she’s supposed to buy a torch for C19. Chapter 14 Turn 1: Sophia acquires the silence staff in order to save time against berserker druids later on. It’s also very important that Miledy takes away Sophia’s tome, as this allows the enemy mage to ORKO her normally. Otherwise she has WTA and survives with 1 hp. Having Thany hit the hero is important because otherwise an enemy priest blocks her path. Turn 2: Roy needs a wyrmslayer crit (possibly 2) in order to have a clear path to the throne. This is very problematic since Roy needs to gain a sword rank to achieve this. Chapter 15 Overall: Not much to say, Percival’s cavaliers are rescued to save an NPC phase, and Roy has Thany’s killer lance in order to save time through a pacifist approach. Chapter 16 Turn 1: Thany must miss exactly 1 of 2 hits on the fighter she faces, otherwise the bishop blocks her path the next turn. Turn 2: Marcus and Percival kill enemies that would otherwise move every turn. Turn 3: Thany must hit Hugh with a javelin in order to make him heal in a corner. A crit isn’t possible unless she uses a killer lance, but placing her at 1 range makes enemies block her path next turn. Turn 4: Same logic as turn 2 for the Marcus+Percival mage kills. Overall: 1 turn and 3703 frames saved using this new approach. Also makes acquiring the body ring in C13 unecessary since Thany drops Roy before facing Douglas. Chapters 17-21 Overall: Nothing appears to change strategically. Chapter 22 Everything in my old strat should still work, though turn 1 needs a slight modification. Move Miledy to square highlighted (ensures a better distance warp). Place Niime here. In all likelihood Miledy’s role will be swapped with that of a higher stat paladin. That’s of course fine since this is an indoors map and thus no benefit to flight. Btw you can still find all the test run vbms gathered here.
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Miles is amazing, there's no doubt about that. Here's a WIP, I got past the elevator, and we pulled off a funky bomb jump.
Now this is what an optimized MP TAS is supposed to look like :)
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I think it's better to take an extra turn or two for Marcus to trade the Elysian Whip to Thany so she can promote in C8. Since there are no enemies around by that point (the map has literally been routed), the realtime lost is minimal. There might actually be 2 reinforcements that show up, but that's negligible.
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Because the last 10 pages were a disgrace to humanity.
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in Chapter 2 she is used to ferry Roy for the boss kill. She can afford to take a single kill here.
It may be worth considering to deliberately lose some time here in order to train Thany a bit. I noticed that you have Marcus dispose of 3 soldiers and a fighter on turn 3, and that the remaining enemies in the level don’t appear to move unless you’re in range. If Thany has trouble gaining 9 levels in time for C9, sacrificing a turn for those kills may be worthwhile.
Chapter 3 gives her some early options for experience, but her starting location is not very nice. The soldiers near the start should give her some nice exp though, so she can make reach L3 here.
The best Thany can hope for with that awful start position is 4 soldier kills- 2 north and 2 east. They give 35 exp/kill, so that’s 1.4 levels.
In Chapter 4, she's the only unit that can both reach the shop on turn 3 and the Angelic Robe village on turn 4. This means she's only got the ability to earn exp on turn 1 EP or turn 2 PP. Wolt still needs to be killed off here for the 2 turn in chapter 5.
If she goes straight left on turn 1 she’ll fight 2 cavaliers and a nomad (potentially 2 kills). On turn 2 she can actually pass Marcus, meaning she can face up to 5 cavaliers. My only concern is whether Thany will have the combat parameters to defeat them. I’m not sure if she’s within 3HKO range or has a crit rate on them, and I’m pretty sure she doesn’t double.
Chapter 5 requires Thany to be used for one kill, but since she is not at her base level this becomes easier to manage.
Assuming Thany is level 4 by this point, that one kill should net her roughly 32 exp (it’s 42 at lv 1).
In Chapter 6, she can replace the role that Alan took in the previous WIP.
That amounts to 2 kills, or roughly 60 exp.
Chapter 7 requires a bit of thought, but it is probably the best place for her to start catching up in level from about level 5 to level 8 or so. She is still needed to purchase the keys needed for the game. Combat will be inevitably slower than Alan, but she'll get a good amount of the exp needed.
I wholeheartedly agree, though I think 3 levels is pushing it. That would require at least 9 kills. Hard to tell what she’ll gain without planning the new approach, but let’s say 1.5 levels for now.
Chapter 8, and she again swaps roles with Alan as she collects the last few experience points needed to reach L10. I will have to trade her the Elysian Whip in preparations, but she can promote straight away in Chapter 9 turn 1, and still be saving a large amount of time overall since there is less combat to face than Alan's version.
From your C8 WIP, Alan gained 276 exp. C2: 30 exp C3: 140 exp C4: ? C5: 32 exp C6: 60 exp C7: 150 exp C8: 276 exp --- Total: 688 exp That’s well short of the required 900 exp, so it may very well be necessary to slow down in one or two chapters for levelling purposes. Either that, or she needs to get an extra 212 exp out of chapters 4 and 7. === Edit: I had a look at chapter 4. If Thany wants a realistic chance of killing any of the cavs, she needs 2 level-ups. This not only gives her just enough attack to 1HKO with a crit, it also gives her the AS required to double. In fact, she'll be able to ORKO nomads normally. As it stands, she only gets ~170 exp from the first 2 chapters, but there must be a way to squeeze in an extra kill somewhere. One possibility is for Thany to go after an archer up North in C3, near where you recruit Lugh. Edit 2: Chapter 7's a problem. Almost every enemy in the level has ranged options (loads of bows, javelins, and mages), and even with +4 in every stat, Thany's offense is terrible with a javelin (no doubling and 4HKOes). It's best that she still play a passive role, but that kills her potential for exp here. It might be possible for her to get 3-4 kills on the reinforcements near the throne, though.
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Voting yes for Frame Wars
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Location: Montreal, Quebec, Canada Someone actually made a video about whether wrong warping to the credits is considered beating the game. *Facepalm for the ages*
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You guys are a riot sometimes. Seeing the end credits = beating the game. This doesn't change just because you want to see the final boss beaten or feel such an ending is anti-climatic. This warping shouldn't be a separate run either. It's as much a "major" glitch as RBA is, and so it should fall under the any% category. As others have been saying, if you want to see a more complete run, watch an all dungeons run. There's no use clogging the site with uselessly arbitrary categories, otherwise we'll have stupidity like "All dungeons, no RBA, uses warps, acquires 13 skultulas, puts mask of truth on B".
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If anyone ever wants .smv's or anything for this stuff, let me know.
*Looks around with shifty eyes*
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Last set of test runs. Chapter 16 (Miledy+Alan only) Turn 1: It’s possible for Alan to crit the mercenary on EP, but this causes the bishop to block Miledy’s path. Turn 2: Percival attacks a mercenary so that an incoming fighter will not attack Thany later on. Miledy also lands two iron sword kills (6 Wexp). Turn 3: Roy needs to be dropped in order for Alan to ORKO Hugh. Also, it might be a good idea to send another unit to dispatch of that pesky bishop trailing Miledy and Alan. Turn 6: You can get more Wexp by having Miledy crit the armor on the 2nd attack. I was just being lazy. +3 Wexp. Turn 7: Miledy attacks a mercenary just in case the Wexp is necessary. +3 Wexp. Chapter 17 Turn 1: Thany is placed in a “sweet spot”- it’s the only place neither the cavaliers can attack her, nor the ballista can reach her. Turn 2: If Miledy goes down-right 1 more space, a javelin cavalier will attack her. Turn 3: Roy needs to critkill both armors he faces with a rapier. Chapter 17 (passive strategy) In case the 5 turn strategy is too risky for Roy, here's a safer strategy that costs a turn and 2174 frames. On the upside, it helps Miledy's sword Wexp. Turn 4: Miledy should kill both armors with an iron sword, though it requires a crit in both cases. +6 Wexp. Turn 6: If any enemies block Roy's path to the throne, Miledy is free to take them out. Also an opportunity for +3 Wexp. ========== So here’s a tally of the iron sword Wexp I got from watching my test runs. C16: 12 Wexp C17: 0-9 Wexp C18-19: 32 Wexp C20: 0 Wexp C21: 0 Wexp --- Total: 52 Wexp Basically, Miledy will just barely get D swords if we use the 6 turn strategy for C17. ========== For convenience, here's all the up-to-date test runs in one place. Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 20 Chapter 21 Chapter 22 Edit: Made some major updates to account for Thany being the main flier now. Edit 2: Made some further updates to include more realistic leveling + stats for my units. Edit 3: Updates to account for no longer needing the torch staff. Edit 8 million: That's it, folks!
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Chapter 21 (no armorslayer) Chapter 21 (using Alan) 3 turning with Alan is slightly faster than 4 turning with Miledy (no armorslayer). However, both runs are about 3000 frames slower than the Miledy armorslayer 4 turn. In other words, it seems getting Miledy to D rank in swords is worthwhile.
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Some more test runs. Chapter 20 -Pretty sure it’s faster to rescue Lalum and Niime than have Lalum face 2 attacks -Doesn’t matter where you drop Roy since nobody attacks him -If the sleep bishop misses Miledy, the berserk bishop will go for her as well. Therefore it’s important that Miledy’s put to sleep, though that isn’t too hard with her paltry res. Chapter 21 Turn 1 -Yodel, Niime and Lalum are all rescued in order to avoid sage attacks -Miledy is disarmed (Roy has her armorslayer) in order to avoid countering the dragonmaster -(Optional) this would be a good time to repair the warp staff, though that might mean rescuing another character Turn 3 -Roy must kill at least one of the armors he faces with an armorslayer *Using Alan costs at least a turn, and the strategy using him is far less passive. Therefore, it’s definitely worthwhile to find a way to get Miledy’s sword rank to D. Chapter 22 (4 turned!) Prep -I gave all my units 22 res to make the berserk druid less annoying. He has 25 mag, so make sure there’s less than 100% chance of him putting various units to sleep (particularly Alan and Miledy) -I also gave the warp staff 5 uses so I wouldn’t have to hammerne it -It’s a good idea to injure but not kill certain enemies as it makes some of the druids use a physic instead of a status stave -Make sure Alan has his C support with Roy, otherwise Zephiel can’t be one-rounded Turn 2 -It’s hard to tell, but Zealot trades for Niime’s warp and re-moves besides the chest. Then Marcus moves on the chest, trades with Zealot for the warp, opens the chest, then sends the warp to Merlinus. This allows Yodel to acquire the warp on the left side of the map -Percival may need to gain a point of speed in order to double the hero (depending on random factor of enemy stats) Turn 4 -I didn’t even play the last turn because I forgot to hack in the Roy/Alan C support. What should happen is Alan double crits Zephiel with a killer lance for a ORKO. The path to the throne shouldn’t get blocked since Roy can actually kill enemies with the sword of seals (18 mt/10 crit off the weapon alone). *I was extremely lazy with micromanagement optimization here, I just wanted to show what the 4 turn strategy roughly looks like.
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Chapter 19 Test Run Turn 1 -Dieck can be replaced by any unit who happens to start besides Niime -It might be better to put Lalum and Niime on the same tile so that Lalum doesn't need to be rescued -It's very important that Chad is rescue-dropped in order to increase the range that his torch exposes. Unfortunately that means he (or Astohl) will be sacrificed in this chapter. Turn 2 -As usual Roy is beefed up to save me from manipulating misses Turn 3 -Miledy doesn't have any room to RN manipulate, so getting a quality level-up might be an issue
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You're forgetting I also need to kill Douglas in Ch16 in order to skip the 16x gaiden. Vital stats are: 46 HP/20 Def/8 AS/11 Luk with a Silver Axe. And from that analysis, skipping the Speedwing is a good idea.
29 atk/12 AS for a killer lance double crit. The atk is much harder to attain (7 level-ups) than the speed is (2 level-ups), so the speedwings is a moot point. I’d be more worried about getting Miledy 5 levels + promotion in time for C16. Though remember, Miledy needs 2 rounds for Narshen, so if she also needs 2 rounds for Douglas, it’s probably a good idea for Alan to have a prominent role in this chapter. Let’s say Miledy gets 3 level-ups in C14 (2 from regular combat and 1 from bosskill). If she gets a bosskill in C15, and kills some enemies along the way to Douglas in C16, she should get enough exp, but it will be pretty tight. --- As for Chapter 14, Miledy’s going to have one hell of a time there. In your TAS, Alan gets attacked by 4 mercenaries, a hero, a wyvern rider, and a wyvern lord, all on the same turn. Miledy only doubles the wyvern rider, and the hero doubles her. Mercenary x 3: 31 hp/6 def/12 AS/34 avo : 19 atk/98 hit Mercenary x 1: 29 hp/6 def/11 AS/31 avo : 18 atk/113 hit Hero: 41 hp/13 def/15 AS/41 avo : 21 atk/105 hit Wyvern Rider: 30 hp/11 def/6 AS/15 avo : 24 atk/70 hit Wyvern Lord: 41 hp/14 def/10 AS/24 avo : 31 atk/91 hit Base Miledy: 30 hp/13 def/10 AS/25 avo : 22 atk/99 hit She can take 4 mercenary hits and a hero hit before dodges become necessary, and the wyvern rider only has a ~50% chance of hitting her, so she shouldn’t have any trouble surviving. The bigger concern is offence. The hero and wyvern lord are guaranteed to survive, so if they manage to block her path to the throne, a turn is already lost. Moreover, 5 crits in 6 attacks are necessary to clear the remaining enemies, with an imperfect hitrate no less. If we disregard hit issues and assume a 30 crit rate, the odds are 0.51*0.3^4 = 0.41% chance. An estimated 242 RN burns are already required for that. It gets better: If she kills the 4 mercs and the wyvern rider, she levels up twice. Ensuring str/skl/spd twice in a row is a ~1.27% chance. Basically, Miledy would probably have to be spaced in such a way as lessen the amount of enemies she’s exposed to, which may or may not cost a turn. It’s hard to tell without test running the chapter. What’s interesting is that combat suddenly becomes much easier for Miledy in the upcoming chapters. Chapter 16 is a huge throne chapter similar to C8, so the enemy density’s low enough for Miledy’s combat to not be an issue. Chapter 17 and 18 are loaded with falcoknights which she can ORKO at base level. From there she’s gained more than enough experience to overcome her rough start in the desert.
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Should I collect the Ch14 Speedwing while I'm there?
The speedwings is pretty far, it would take a thief or mage 2-3 turns to reach it. There’s no boss in the game named Douglas, though he’s a playable character you get in one of the gaidens. Another thing, Miledy’s speed cap is 23, so she would have 11 AS with Roy rescued. There’s very little she’ll double while holding Roy at any point in the game. My intuition tells me the speedwings isn’t necessary. There’s no rush to promote Miledy, as 9 move is not much different than 10 move, and in most cases will not result in turn loss. And, as I said before, she levels up very fast when unpromoted. The only thing I wonder is, is it faster to give her a speedwings or to net her 2 extra levels for the same speed gain? Speedwings -Character has to move 2-3 turns, may be attacked -The “speedwing acquired” screen takes a while -Miledy must get the speedwings through a trade -Using the speedwing costs a bit of time Leveling -2 level-up screens use up a fair bit of time -Possibly delayed promotion/extra enemies attacked (moot point if her speed ends up being overkill) I suppose the bigger issue is she can have enough spd to double common enemies but not the boss. So let’s revisit some boss killing requirements. C14: Randy (light brand): 40 hp/11 def/16 AS 24 atk required to 1HKO. Miledy (killer lance) needs 1 level-up C15: Reis (spear): 40 hp/13 def/8 AS Miledy needs 2 level-ups in order to double or 3 levels to 1HKO C16: Narshen (runesword): 46 hp/20 def/16 AS 35 atk required to 1HKO. Miledy needs to be 20/3 in order to 1HKO, likely going to be a 2 round. C17: Alucard (silver axe, javelin): 48 hp/16 def/13 AS 33 atk required to 1HKO. It’s more likely Miledy will 1RKO through doubling, which requires 7 level-ups C18: Martel (purge, divine): 45 hp/12 def/11 AS Hahaha C19: Sigurney (spear): 44 hp/12 def/18 AS Only 5 levels needed for a killer lance OHKO C20: Roartz (spear): 50 hp/20 def/12 AS Only 7 levels needed for a ORKO (2 killer lance crits) C21: Murdoch (tomahawk): 62 hp/25 def/12 AS (also 12 luck) If Miledy maxes out her skill she’ll have 1 crit on him with any weapon choice. That requires 9 level-ups + promotion. Otherwise she doesn’t have a chance in hell at a ORKO. Actually, an axereaver has 5 crit and would work well on him, but it might not be realistic to acquire one. C22: Zephiel (eckesachs): 70 hp/22 def/14 AS (also 15 luck) Good chance Alan will attack the boss instead of Roy because you can warp him to the door in one shot. If Alan uses a swordreaver, he can ORKO with a double crit (96 damage). He would have 4 crit, and manipulating a 0.16% chance is surely faster than watching another forced battle animation. If we concede a 2 round on Narshen (or get Alan there before her somehow), Miledy actually doesn’t need much levelling. 5 level-ups + a promotion has her covered up until she reaches Murdoch, and by then she should have gotten enough levels from bosskills, promoted enemy kills and accumulated bits of experience from fighting swarms of enemies to have that skill stat maxed out. You can pretty much just get her to a point where she doubles most enemies, then promote her and she’ll be fine for the rest of the game. Tl;dr, don’t get the speedwings
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You should write a poem about how many clicks a day you waste filling up with excitement at the orange icon besides N64 games, only to find that the only updated topic is some vile and preposterous hack that would make the evil overlords of the binary world cry in disgust. Seriously though, grow up, this is such a petty inconvenience for you to be throwing such a hissy fit about.
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There are some Super Metroid runs I found interesting that weren’t published due to strict categorical rules. Super Metroid Phazon Super Metroid “GT Code”
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Seriously, that was the greatest minute and 12 seconds of my life. If you TAS this entire game you will become a legend amongst our lovely community :P
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Well, if I only need 3-4 levels before promoting Miledy, it is a lot less than the 9 levels at least I need for Thany.
In a Thany run, Alan isn’t getting used beyond chapter 5. By chapter 15 in your TAS you already have a 10/10 Alan. That’s 18 level-ups saved, minus whatever he gains from C1-5, which is about 4 levels. So, those 14 net levels minus Miledy’s 9 makes for a net gain of roughly 5 levels.
While I do miss out in the earlier chapters, once I get Miledy I can definitely give her plenty of chance to level. So, that rules that consideration out.
The longer it takes Miledy to level, the more of an advantage Thany has from already being where she needs to statistically. Even once Miledy joins we’re sacrificing 1 move (no promotion) and statistical advantages until it’s appropriate to promote her.
Now about using the boots on Miledy, it is not that easy to dismiss.
What are you talking about? I specifically said she should get the boots in a run that raises Alan.
As for Alan, I think it is pretty evenly split between him and Miledy as to who gets the advantage with the Boots.
A flier has to get the boots. Look, I vastly underestimated how quickly both Thany and Miledy can be brought to godmode combat status. I really think it’s important to gauge how much time is lost raising Thany early on because I think it’s very little when proper optimization is involved. Of course, you are so far in your run after restarting twice that it’s still up to you what character choices and such you want to make.
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I think people are allowed to discuss games that arn't tas-able yet (e.g. DK for N64). Any usefull information about tasing this game should be posted and discussed here. I have seen other rom hacks been discussed in other threads too. I'm just happy we don't get all these posts in the Zelda OoT thread.
Not the same thing as having someone make 5 posts in a row, many of which are almost one-liners, in a topic they created. Hate to break it to you but nobody is interested in TASing this turd of a game :/ And hell, if they are, they know where to find this topic.
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