Posts for Warp

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The other reason why so many game companies have moved to consoles is because there's less piracy and games just outright sell more. A friend of mine was working at UbiSoft, and he told me that the same game would typically sell something like 10 thousand copies for PC and 100 thousand for consoles. That doesn't give much incentive to develop for PC.
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From a pragmatic point of view, you have to sympathize a bit with companies like Valve. After all, if there was a completely liberal refund policy, what would stop people from buying a game, playing it through, and then demand a refund? Valve would not only not gain any money from this, they would actually lose money (because of all the paperwork, server maintenance costs and so on.) Steam as a service would rather quickly cease to exist.
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So the answer is approximately like this? The molecules move randomly, but when they collide, they lose kinetic energy and slow down. Then they start moving randomly again, but collide again and again lose kinetic energy. Therefore groups of particles that have collided with each other will tend to stay close to each other because they keep colliding and losing kinetic energy.
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I have to agree that "Put all interesting or funny youtube videos in this thread" would be more accurate.
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jlun2 wrote:
I got no idea how to embed this, so.... Farewell to Roger Ebert.
How exactly is that crappy? (Besides, any self-respecting computer nerd is an avid follower of that website anyways, so it shouldn't be anything new at this point... :P )
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If they keep cutting it like that, I don't think I'll be following.
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Mothrayas wrote:
Warp, I still don't see how this has anything to do with the Pokémon Yellow run.
I was writing mostly tongue-in-cheek, given how this is an april fool's submission and all...
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Patashu wrote:
Warp wrote:
AFAIK the answer is that frequency of violet light is twice that of the lower ranges of red light, ie. it's one octave higher. Violet light does trigger the red receptors as well due to this, and that's why we see it as violet.
If true, this is really interesting! Do you have a source?
Unfortunately no. If you ask about it out there, you will get as many different answers as people you ask (or even more.)
Post subject: Re: #3911: henke37's DS Theme Park "0%" in 00:09.41
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TASVideoAgent wrote:
Mothrayas: Rejecting because it fails to beat the game. No matter what Warp might think.
I fully expect the same argument to be used for the pokemon yellow submission.
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I actually voted yes. I found this a lot more entertaining than I was expecting. (If this had been like 15 minutes long, it would have been a completely different matter. However, at 3.5 minutes it's sweet and short and didn't get boring.) Is this the fastest possible completion (given that that's the goal of the run)? Probably not. Could it have used a bit more of variety, even if it costs a few seconds more? Probably. However, I still thought it was quite entertaining enough. I have most certainly seen published movies that were way, way more boring than this. (I really think that this is not getting appreciation because of preconceptions like "aiming for speed in fighting games is boring".) Seems like I'm the only yes vote. Well, at least I enjoyed it.
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Btw, there's an interesting peculiarity about certain colors we perceive. On the lower end of the visible light spectrum, ie. the red end, as we go lower and lower, the light triggers our red receptors less and less. (The light receptors in our eyes are able to perceive a range of light frequencies with a sensitivity that follows an approximate bell curve, so that they perceive light of a certain frequency the best, but as we move higher or lower in the spectrum, they perceive it less and less until it perceives it no more.) In other words, as the frequency of light gets lower and lower, we just see it as a dimmer and dimmer red, until we don't see it anymore. However, on the upper end of the range something peculiar happens. One would think that as we get upper and upper, it would just activate our blue receptors less and less, which means that we see the light as blue, getting dimmer and dimmer until we see it no more. However, that's not what happens. Instead, when the frequency goes above blue, we start seeing violet. Now that's strange indeed. We have no receptors for violet light, only for red, green and blue. The red receptors perceive the lower end of the scale and the blue receptors the high end. Thus it would make sense that on the high end we only see blue (dimmer and dimmer as it goes up.) Yet somehow we instead start seeing a new color: Violet. How come? Violet is the perception we get when both blue and red are combined. If light had two frequencies, one at blue and one at red, at proper amplitudes, we would see it as violet. However, one single frequency above blue is also seen as violet. But how? It's nowhere even near the red receptor's frequency range. How can it affect it in any way? AFAIK the answer is that frequency of violet light is twice that of the lower ranges of red light, ie. it's one octave higher. Violet light does trigger the red receptors as well due to this, and that's why we see it as violet.
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Yes, something definitely felt amiss during Nightmare Moon's appearance. It seemed too sudden. (In this case I couldn't point out what exactly was missing, but it definitely felt like something had been cut.) They have to cut the episode to make time for that stuff at the end? Sheesh. How about just not doing that stuff at the end instead?
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One C++11 feature that I'm really liking is variadic templates. They make many things much easier and type-safe. I have actually got to use them in actual production code, which is nice. Basically what variadic templates allow is to create functions (or classes) that take any amount of parameters. The difference with C functions (which use the "..." operator as parameter) is that the amount of parameters is determined at compile time, and you can implement full type checking (so that if any of the parameters is of an unsupported type, you will get a compile error rather than the program crashing when run, giving garbage as result, or even, in the best case scenarios, getting a runtime error.) This allows for quite many things that might be immediately obvious. For example, let's assume that you have a class that takes an integral template parameter (a typical example would be an array class of some sorts, but it doesn't have to be exactly that). That is, something like:
Language: cpp

template<typename Value_t, unsigned kSize> class MyClass { // something here };
Now, wouldn't it be nice if you were able to write a member function for that class that takes exactly kSize parameters of type Value_t? Since both are known at compile time, that ought to be theoretically possible. C++98, however, provides no tools to achieve this. However, with variadic templates you can. You can do it eg. like this:
Language: cpp

template<typename Value_t, unsigned kSize> class MyClass { public: template<typename... Parameters> void foo(const Parameters&... parameters) { static_assert(sizeof...(Parameters) == kSize, "Wrong amount of parameters"); // handle 'parameters' here } };
Now if you have, for example, an object of type "MyClass<int, 5>", then you can call its 'foo()' function only with exactly 5 values, or else you get a compile-time error. (The nice thing about this is that other possibilities are also available. For example suppose you want the function to take at most kSize parameters rather than exactly that amount. It's easy enough to change the '==' check to a '<=' one. Likewise you could check that there's at least one parameter, and so on.) "But wait", you will be asking (or probably not, unless you are really into C++), "that doesn't actually check that the types of the parameters is right, only that their amount is." That's where the "handle 'parameters' here" comes into play. There are actually many ways in which the parameter pack can be handled. There's no direct way of just writing a loop that goes through the parameters, but there are several other options. You can handle then recursively, like this:
Language: cpp

void handleParameters() {} template<typename... Rest> void handleParameters(const Value_t& parameter, const Rest&... rest) { // handle 'parameter' here handleParameters(rest...); }
You can then make a "handleParameters(parameters);" call from inside the 'foo()' function. The type checking is done because if there's no function to handle one of the types, you'll get a compiler error. A nice thing about this is that you can actually support several different types of parameters, even if they are incompatible. To do this, you can make the above function take a templatized type as its first parameter, and then have overloads of a 'handleParameter()' function for each supported type, which the function above calls. You can write an overload for each supported type. If copying the parameters is expected to be efficient, or if efficiency is a complete non-issue, then there's a simpler trick that can be used to handle those parameters. And that's by creating an array like this:
Language: cpp

template<typename... Parameters> void foo(const Parameters&... parameters) { static_assert(sizeof...(Parameters) == kSize, "Wrong amount of parameters"); Value_t buffer[] = { parameters... }; // Now we can traverse 'buffer' here }
The parameter pack expansion is surprisingly complex. It is, in fact, possible to write code like this:
Language: cpp

template<typename... Coordinates> void foo(const Coordinates&... coordinates) { Node* nodes[] = { createNode(this, coordinates, 1, 0)... }; // ... }
(where 'createNode()' is simply a regular function that takes some regular parameters.) What happens here is that the entire subexpression is expanded for every parameter (and effectively separated by parameter-commas.)
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Rarity's voice reminds me of Kasumi Tendo for some reason...
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MUGG wrote:
Someone subbed the first ep
Wait... why was Twilight thanking the carriage stallions cut out? I would have never thought that Japanese would succumb to bowdlerization. (Or is it just some kind of technical glitch?) (And why do I remember that scene in the first place?)
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I might have to delay acquiring any of the games to the future. I thought that they would be ultracheap and readily available, but seems that I was sadly mistaken. My two regular sources for games are and - Dawn of Sorrow is 29€ at, not available at - Portrait of Ruin, used, is 30€ at, not available at - Order of Ecclesia is not available at 49€ at, not on stock at the moment. Ok, 30€ isn't all that much, but still...
Post subject: Which DS Castlevania to purchase?
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Got a DS recently, and am thinking about getting one of the Castlevania games for it (for, among other things, enjoy its TAS more.) So which one would be the best, as a game? It seems that there are three possible choices: - Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow - Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin - Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia
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Tamis wrote:
Voting no for bad joke, also ban request for ponies.
Swearwords and discriminatory slurs are against the site rules, so you better watch out. (It's largely inconsequential, but your low post count most certainly does not help. If a significant portion of your contribution to the site is swearing and throwing slurs, that doesn't help your case much.)
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Derakon wrote:
Beep boop must categorize everything and have rigid rules for every situation. Exceptions are not allowed.
That's where you are wrong. Exceptions are very much allowed, as long as they are strictly well-defined, described and categorized, are logical and non-arbitrary, and have a purpose.
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KennyMan666 wrote:
Rainbow's voice: Sounds far too much like a guy and that laugh is horrible
It's not actually rare for people to confuse her for a stallion. (I just hope that the she's a man in Japan trope doesn't apply here literally. It would be quite awkward to see "him" wear those frilly dresses on the couple of occasions she has.)
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The fact that not only can you skip forward, but youtube actually shows a thumbnail image of the video at any point by hovering the timeline bar kind of spoils the joke...
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Radiant wrote:
Sorry guys. The IOCCC has an award for most creative use of loopholes, but TASvideos does not.
Say that to the current pokemon yellow submission.
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CoolKirby wrote:
Mothrayas has it right. Pokemon Yellow manipulates memory to trick the game into scrolling the credits, while this one does nothing but show the credits roll on the main menu. They couldn't be more different.
But the requirement for game completion is not "manipulate memory to trick the game".
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Patashu wrote:
1) Black and white lack hue and saturation, which are defining aspects of a colour. 2) We refer to colour-blindness as the inability to see colours. But colour-blind people can perceive black and white fine, therefore they cannot be colours. 3) No one, artist or layman, has ever referred to a monochrome picture or painting as 'colourful'
Well, I said technically speaking. Light with a frequency inside the visible spectrum is perceived by the human eye depending on its frequency spectrum distribution. In fact, several different frequency spectrum distributions might look identical to the human eye (so-called metamerism.) For example light that's a sharp spike at the frequency of yellow will look yellow to the human eye, but also light that has two spikes, one at red and another at green (and with proper amplitudes) will look exactly the same color to the human eye (even though the properties of those two spectra are completely different.) The reason for this is that our eyes do not perceive all frequencies within the visible light spectrum equally because we only have three types of light receptors. These receptors perceive slightly overlapping ranges of light approximately around the red, green and blue frequencies. There are colors perceived by the human eye that have no single frequency. For example there is no frequency that corresponds to magenta. Magenta is a "fake" color, an interpretation of our brain that's triggered when the light has red and blue frequencies. What happens when all three types of receptors are activated in an equal manner? Again, we get another "fake" color perception like magenta. In this case it's perceived as white. Technically speaking there's little difference between the two; in both cases more than one receptor is activated, and our brain interprets the result in a certain manner. In fact, the vast majority of colors in practice activate all three types of receptors in some manner. (Real-life surfaces and lights extremely seldom have pure single frequencies, or completely lack frequencies at the lower or higher ranges of the visible spectrum.) It's just that they activate some receptors more than others, which is why not all colors look white. In case of white, they are all activated almost in an equal amount. Technically there's little difference between white and other colors. It's just our subjective interpretation of white being somehow different from the others. (Black is truly a different matter. Pure black is the complete lack of any light, which truly can be considered a non-color.)