Posts for Warp

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I don't think ponies are supposed to be that small.
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This is possibly one of the most awesome things I have seen in a long time:
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rog wrote:
(Wouldn't work if there were three men instead of two.)
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I swear: Some months ago I had the thought that it would be cool if they made an episode where one of the crusaders got lost in the woods. In fact, I was thinking of Scootaloo specifically. This episode was not exactly like that, but pretty damn close. I didn't like Rarity's flanderization, though. She acted like a real jerk towards her sister. I don't think her personality should be like that. She's sophisticated, refined and quite OCD when it comes to cleanliness, but she has never been such a jerk. Speaking of Scootaloo, who exactly is she? I mean, Apple Bloom is Applejack's sister, Sweetie Belle is Rarity's sister, but who is Scootaloo? Who are her parents or other family?
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We can't possibly create a new branch for every single submission just because they do something differently. For example, if there are 20 possible glitches that can be used to complete a certain game faster (ranging from barely noticeable glitches that save just a few frames to absolute game breakers), but using all of them results in a complete mess (ie. not much left of actual gameplay, screen is mostly garbage) and consequently there would be demand for a slightly less glitched version, which ones of those 20 glitches should be "banned" in such a "low-glitch" run? One author might decide to ban glitches A, B and C, while another author decides to ban glitches B, D and F, and a third one just glitch E. Should all of them be accepted as their own branches? If there are 20 possible glitches, there would be over a million possible combinations of which ones are used and which aren't. We can't possibly create a million branches for that one game. It's a question of pure practicality. The line must be drawn somewhere.
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natt wrote:
The GBC has 32K of wram, which can easily fit some of the simpler GB(non-C) games. Due to differences in code location and lack of interrupts though, you wouldn't be able to use any existing game program as is.
I know that programs made for a handheld console probably aren't relocatable (iow. they probably refer to absolute memory addresses, making moving the program code to another location without modification impossible), but all those could ostensibly be changed, probably even programmatically.
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Spikestuff wrote:
Warp wrote:
Is there any GameBoy game that could fit in the RAM of the device?
... We need to create a console verification for this run to find out (Shotgun not it)
Sorry, I didn't quite understand.
Post subject: Re: cleaner punctuation + capitalisation
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CoolKirby wrote:
I thought "A, B, and C" was the correct way to write it out now. At least, that's what my English professor told me.
Maybe it's different in English, and I'm misapplying foreign grammar rules. I don't remember seeing the comma used in that manner even in English text, though.
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ventuz wrote:
2 of pages preview from MLP Comic issue #2. Haha.
Cave troll... or brony? (Btw, my "size of ponies" post was intended to be humorous. The second image was intended to elicit a "lol" reaction. I suppose the humor was too subtle... :P )
Post subject: Re: cleaner punctuation + capitalisation
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antd wrote:
Game Boy, SGB, and Game Boy Color games.
I don't think there ought to be a comma before an "and" when listing things. Either remove the that comma or the word "and".
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Ferret Warlord wrote:
General consensus is about the size of a large family dog.
Would that make them ponies at all? They would be smaller than new-born horses. Some kind of odd dwarf horses.
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So I was wondering: How large are the ponies compared to humans? The subject is actually not very straightforward. It all comes down to the definition of "pony". From what I gather, a pony is just a horse. It's not like they are their own species or anything. What differentiates a pony from other horses is a matter of definition. A common way to define a pony is that it is under an approximate height at the withers. So I searched for a photograph of a person riding a pony in order to get a reference, like this:
Then I took a pony from MLP, scaled it to have the same height at the withers as that one, and embedded it in the picture, like this:
The result is... a bit scary, to be frank.
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Is there any GameBoy game that could fit in the RAM of the device?
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jlun2 wrote:
Ok, jokes aside, here's a conspiracy about MlP.
You realize that Landover Baptist Church doesn't actually exist, and it's actually a parody website?
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One form of conspiracy theory is the kind that tries to find signs of life and alien technology in the photos taken by the Mars rovers. They claim that NASA is censoring and altering photos to remove any such signs, but sometimes they miss something. This kind of conspiracy theory is as hilarious as it is puzzling. So let me get this straight: NASA sends probes to Mars in order to study it, one of the main goals being to discover if life had been possible, if not even actually existed, in the past... and then they censor and cover up all signs of this very goal? Why? What for?
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NitroGenesis wrote:
LOL, this shouldn't have a star, sure it's cool, but it is boring as fuck and everyone knows this.
Moons used to denote notable publications that were nevertheless not star-worthy (at least not at the time of publication.) Have we completely lost this kind of symbol?
Post subject: Re: New category suggestion - Management
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feos wrote:
The current list of movie classes lacks this one, while it says all about how carefully the run was planned out. The resources sometimes get traded so precisely, it's visible for an untrained eye. The main detector is when the player uses ALL lives he has and finishes with zero, spends all items that he has, or that may lose frames at bounses, spends HP right to the points where he can recover it, overall - HOW MUCH you spend and how much you gain back to spend again.
I'm assuming this would be a purely descriptive tag (rather than a tag that eg. denotes an alternative goal or restriction.) After all, if a game has resources to manage, it's a given that the TASer should manage them as optimally as possible in order to get a perfect run (or score, or whatever is one of the goals.) So this tag would be effectively saying "this is a game where there's a significant amount of resource management, and this run demonstrates such management to the extreme"?
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This thread started as mildly interesting, but has now been extremely boring during the last several pages. Please stop the metadiscussion, and make some actual jokes.
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Many, many, many of the 80's games were extremely hard (which is why the whole trope of "Nintendo Hard" exists in the first place.) Thus there's nothing notable in listing a myriad of extraordinarily difficult games from those times. Nowadays some indie games are "Nintendo Hard" on purpose. It's their main shtick. They are difficult purely for the sake of being difficult, and little else, and the (intended) challenge is to overcome the ridiculous difficulty. These games seldom have anything else interesting in them (and even the challenge itself usually becomes boring really quick.) A more interesting topic would be games that are really hard, but also really good otherwise. Something that a casual gamer could not stand for 10 minutes, but a HC gamer gets hooked. Not because of the difficulty, but because of the game just being so damn good. It's not easy to integrate great difficulty into a game in a way that works, but it's doable with enough talent. One game comes immediately to mind: Dark Souls. This is precisely the game that's so difficult that a casual gamer will not play it for more than ten minutes, yet a HC gamer can get completely hooked. You are going to die, a lot, and dying is not just a minor issue (because you can lose everything you have worked so hard to obtain for the last half an hour of play) and can become really frustrating, but the game is just so well done that it's really rewarding when you finally make progress. To be honest, though, after something like 40 hours of gameplay it got so frustrating that I stopped playing, especially after it dawned on me that I had been wasting a significant powerup (which appears in the entire game half a dozen times, as is gone forever when you use it) by using it in the wrong way, only because you can, and because its description is misleading. Because I didn't get even a single such powerup, the game is now even more difficult than it already was.
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One thing I love about the "old-school" conspiracy theorists like Alex Jones and the like (ie. those professing the "traditional" conspiracy theories about the Illuminati, the New World Order, black helicopters and such) is that they themselves are the literally living proof that there's nothing to those conspiracies. You see, one of the most common claims that they make is that they are exposing the most well-guarded secrets of the shady organizations running the world's governments and economy, and that said organizations go to extremes to get rid of people who are a threat to them and expose their plans (via "accidents", outright assassinations and so on.) The amusing thing about all this is that the conspiracy theorists themselves don't see the contradiction and irony here.
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Heisanevilgenius wrote:
That Sarlacc boss fight in level 1 really does not look optimized.
"Does not look optimized" and "is not optimized" are two completely different things. I wouldn't pass judgment before knowing if it is indeed suboptimal.
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Ah, the time when games sold simply because something moves on the screen when you press buttons...
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natt wrote:
"Executes Arbitrary Code" it is then.
Could it be possible that the tag text links to the "arbitrary code execution" wikipedia article?
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ais523 wrote:
Yeah, about the worst you could do doing this on a console would be to trash the save file in such a way that the game crashed on load.
I apologize for going off-topic, but... If the save file on a real cartridge becomes corrupted in such a manner, is there a way to reset or empty it so that you will be able to run the game?
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Ferret Warlord wrote:
You make it sound like it was a cartoon show made for little girls.
I apologize for the gaffe. :P Anyways, I find the (possibly unintentional) matriarchal undertones in the show interesting because a) it's extremely rare in any work of fiction, and b) it's really well handled, in that you don't even notice it when watching the show. It's not like they shove it in your face or anything. It just feels like a natural and unimportant thing of the fictional universe.