Posts for Warp

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CoolKirby wrote:
OK, so I unwittingly used a trope. I'm not debating anything, just expressing my opinion. What do you want me to say instead, "and that's just sick"?
Chill out. It was just some innocent humor.
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CoolKirby wrote:
Then the narrator says something like "If you do this, bad things will happen" and the video shows a computer (automatically) shutting down.
I think that's supposed to be symbolic, not to be taken literally.
and that's just terrible.
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I can honestly emphatise with the feelings of loneliness, and how hard and depressing that can be. Many people probably can't understand it because they have so many friends, family members, acquaintances, coworkers and other people who they interact with every single day. Not all people have that fortune. And it's not just a feeling of loneliness, but literally not having much physical interaction with other people and lacking social contacts with friends and family members. Chronic loneliness can be a serious matter. Not only is chronic loneliness linked to depression, it's also linked to physical ailments. As Wikipedia puts it: "Chronic loneliness is a serious, life-threatening condition. At least one study has empirically correlated it with an increased risk of cancer, especially for those who hide their loneliness from the outside world, and it is also associated with increased risk of stroke and cardiovascular disease." "People who are socially isolated may report poor sleep quality, and thus have diminished restorative processes." Chronic loneliness can become a vicious cycle. The longer you live without much social interactions with other people, the harder it becomes to form new friends. The longer this continues, the stronger the feelings of apathy towards it. At some point a person just gives up even trying. If trying to form new social contacts has failed for the past decade, why would the next decade be any different? And this may not be for the lack of trying; it's just that when a person lacks the skills to form social bonds, it can be very difficult to form them. It is, after all, a learned and acquired skill. Some people may be "natural" at it, others have to learn it. Some people never learn it properly. Such a person can, for example, go to a social event (eg. a party), be there for six hours, and gain no new acquaintances. Such a person might leave the event more depressed than he was before.
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DarkKobold wrote:
Warp, I meant in earnest that I did not intend for those comments to be taken as insulting. I consulted with others, and yes, they do appear insulting. So, I apologize for any offense caused by my comments, that was never my intention. In the future, I will do my best to be at peace with you.
In the unfortunate incident that I was referring to you were probably not intending anything negative, yet I interpreted it like that and protested. That was most probably a mistake from my part. However, what really crossed the line was your response to it. Anyways, apology accepted. I hope to make less such mistakes in the future (although I can't promise anything; it's difficult to get rid of paranoia just like that ;) ), and I hope that if I ever make such a mistake again, you will be more understanding. As for this whole April's Fools thing, having slept over it, I have came to agree that maybe it wasn't the greatest of ideas. The whole idea behind April's Fools jokes is to deceive people with an innocent prank. A successful prank is one that truly fools people who aren't aware of the date. Thus the prank has to be something subtle and believable. Doing something that screams "this is an April's Fools joke" kind of defeats the whole idea (if it's not fooling anybody, then it kind of isn't an April's Fools prank). Of course that alone would just make it a poor joke. The prank being about a controversial subject makes it approach the line of being distasteful and disrespectful.
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I think this apology is an overreaction. Nazis are and have always been an acceptable target for parody (for example, one of the most popular internet memes is the "Hitler reacts" fake subs). Moreover, I personally find DarkKobold being the one writing the apology to be quite hypocritical considering his attitude towards me, as he feels that he's free to hurl demeaning and insulting comments to my person, with no ensuing apology of any kind. Apparently not all people are equally "valued members" in his view.
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This might be the first TAS that requires censor boxes so as to not to offend puritans.
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Define "lag". Generally games must try to make the gameplay proceed always at the same average speed regardless of the speed of the PC because else the game would, rather obviously, become completely unplayable (way too slow in slow machines, way too fast in faster ones). If the machine is slow, the gameplay will make "bigger jumps" to compensate, and vice-versa, so that the average speed is always the same. OTOH, "lag" could also be defined as "slow framerate". In other words, even though the gameplay (eg. running) speed is always the same, the screen will update less frequently on a slow computer. If it's really slow, then one could say that it's "laggy". (Certainly, if you imagine eg. having to play a modern game at 2 frames per second, "laggy" would be an apt name for it.) If the game has to pause to load data, then that's true lag in the sense that the player has to wait and the game doesn't advance for that period of time.
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I wish that for once in their lives the creator team dared to break the holy unwritten rule of Status Quo Is God and actually allow the crusaders to get their marks. Be radical, be innovative, be progressive, break the rules. Dare to be different. Do not always follow the leader and established conventions. A hopeless cause, though. The rule is too holy to be broken. Ever.
Post subject: Re: Do PC games have ingame lag?
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feos wrote:
There's been a discussion in russian wikipedia about the term "lag". My opponent says that PC games never fail to pull the controller or refresh the screen, there's just a variable framerate. I don't know anything about PC games so it's snag for me.
Define "PC game". The very first PC games ever created assumed an certain exact CPU (and would run faster if the CPU was faster). This is the reason why even some 486's had a "turbo" button to slow down the CPU.
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AnS wrote:
Well, last time this happened to me, I was able to provide made-up address and phone number, and got the video restored. So it's like: fight fire with fire.
If you are caught and you are an US citizen then you can be sued by the government for giving false information. If you aren't a citizen, then you better never go to the US.
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VanillaCoke wrote:
Bring out the tar and feathers.
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If this were ported to English, I would definitely play it.
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The original post has to be read like this:
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Dada wrote:
You can challenge these copyright claims, by the way. If you look at the details for each claim there should be a link that permits you to write a message explaining why the claim is false.
There's a caveat: You have to provide your real name and contact information to the counterclaim, which goes to the claimant. Say bye bye to privacy. The claimant now knows your true identity and address. And yes, this has been actually abused.
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adelikat wrote:
I would be open to hosting doom movie files.
How would you ensure that no cheating was done?
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AnS wrote:
It would not make it ineligible for publication if the movie syncs back with original game code.
I suppose you are right. On the other hand, it then becomes a question whether a game's own internal recording format, rather than an emulator's one, is acceptable or not. (Why wouldn't it be acceptable? IIRC for example Quake demo files do not actually contain key presses but timestamps with player and NPC/object coordinates. The game just puts the camera and all the NPCs and objects to those coordinates at those times. This would easily allow creating a run that's impossible in real-time, for example the player being at the starting spawn point in one frame and in the level's exit at the next frame. I don't know how Doom demo files work, but I'm assuming they are similar.) The good thing about emulator keypress files is that there's no way of "cheating" and making the game do something that's impossible: They are just timed keypresses, nothing else.
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It really depends on your definition of "TAS". TAS-Doom used many of the same techniques as modern TASes, but one major difference was that it was not run on an emulator and the game itself was hacked (iow. rather than the TAS tools being added to an emulator, they were added to the game code itself, which was then run natively). That would make it ineligible for publication at Morimoto's SMB3 run was most likely not the very first "modern-style" TAS ever made, but it was certainly the first one to gain popularity (and basically the reason why this site exists).
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Thunderbird wrote:
I've always thought Google Chrome likes to overreact with stuff like this. I've seen it pull this garbage on other boards for the same reason it's being mentioned here.
The irony is that Chrome touts itself as being a safe browser (even safer than eg. Firefox), yet it gives such messages, as if merely downloading an image from an "unsafe" website could harm your system. Talk about mixed signals.
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speedofsound92 wrote:
I did not share my IP with anybody else.
"Shares an IP address" means "has the same IP address as". You can't deliberately share an IP address with someone else unless you are an ISP or something. Btw, could someone explain this run? The submission text is not extremely explanatory and seems to assume that people already know what it's about.
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Since this is strictly better than the 1-player run, I suppose it should obsolete it, but not the 4-player run because that's its own category.
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I have a better idea: We should create a program that acts as if it was a PC running Windows, and which interprets a Windows executable binary in the same way as a physical PC would. The advantage of this over running the Windows executable directly is that we can more easily control how fast this "virtual PC" is running, and we can even pause the execution of the program. In fact, thinking about it, we could save the entire state of this virtual machine so that it can be loaded later. I think this is a marvelous idea. How come nobody has ever thought of this before? I should make a patent application for this.
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A better solution would be to make a bug report to the Google Chrome developers (or whoever is responsible for that warning filter). Assuming they have a public bugtracker and that they pay attention to it, of course... (Yes, I consider it a huge bug to give a warning from an entire web service like "" just because some of its sub-sub-sub-sub-pages might try something nasty. Besides, wasn't Chrome supposed to be a safe browser? Why is it warning about potential risks then?)
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Mothrayas wrote:
Personally, I don't see any reason for the two different formats to have different file extensions.
The reason was stated in the original post: Windows can't change the file type association based on its contents, only on its name extension.
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moozooh wrote:
Warp wrote:
What should appear if you have already rated a movie?
The combined rating for it. IIRC it's "2/3 entertainment, 1/3 tech" or somesuch.
How would you then change your rating if you wanted to?