Posts for Warp

Post subject: Re: Top 100 Movies
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Captain Forehead wrote:
I am so stupid. I am going to reveal my top 100 favorite movies of all time.
I don't see the connection. (Also, "reveal"? Is it a big secret or something?) At least personal top movie lists are not like best guitarists lists, which in all cases consist of Jimi Hendrix at place #1 and then a completely random list of other guitar players with no logic or consistency whatsoever from person to person. (The major difference is that only old-school movie aficionados put always Citizen Kane at #1 and Godfather somewhere on the top-5, but younger people have a more varied (read: random) choice for #1, usually some newer movie.)
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Swordless Link wrote:
AngerFist wrote:
Slowking, I think you are a prime example of why men should use condoms.
You're a piece of shit. Please stop posting in my run's thread.
This must be quite a moderator's dilemma. What should be done when the respected submitter himself starts using profanity and insults in his own submission thread?
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AngerFist wrote:
jimsfriend wrote:
What things have you cooked recently?
Pasta med svenska köttbullar serru!
And when I sidetrack the topic, someone immediately makes a jab at me... ("You are only paranoid when you are wrong.")
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Miles wrote:
The discussion became uncivil.
For a moment I read that as "the discussion became evil".
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You know what would be cool? If there were leds on the circuit board that light up to show which buttons are being pressed (iow. one led for each controller button). Even cooler if they were positioned (at least approximately) in the same way as the buttons on the console's controller. I'm not an electronics expert, but I'm assuming this ought be relatively easy to implement.
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omg lol this is so fake!!!1 the nes cant produce music like this! I'm joking, of course.
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Enterim wrote:
You are aware "slippery slope" is a logical fallacy, correct?
(Actually it isn't. It's an argument. It can be a fallacious one, but not necessarily so.) And by the way, my earlier post about being able to follow cutscenes was not intended to mean I think this should not be published.
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alec kermit wrote:
reduce boring cutscene time
That's one of the things I have never liked about speedruns. Most speedrunners make their runs for themselves and for other speedrunners of the same game (who have seen those cutscenes hundreds of times), not for an audience who might have never seen the game, or only played it once 10 years ago. For a significant portion of the latter group of people cutscenes are not boring. This is especially so if text goes slow enough to be read (even if you have to speed-read it). In the same way as when actually playing the game, the cutscenes help you understand the story. The usual answer to that is "if you want to see the story, play the game or watch a let's play". Except that most people do not have the motivation or the time or the resources to play the game, and most let's plays are horrendously long and boring (while a speedrun is much more entertaining). If the cutscenes are in Japanese, then only a very small minority of people can enjoy them, and for the rest they become an annoyance.
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ElectroSpecter wrote:
After reading through this thread, the only slightly objective point I've come across explaining the show's popularity (to the more adult audience) is that it's appealing to children and adults alike. However, there are several shows I can think of off the top of my head that do the same thing
In the end, does it really matter why it's so popular?
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True wrote:
How can you people create drama out of anything?
I don't see any drama. Someone makes a hypothetical suggestion and other people discuss the difficulties involved. How is that "drama"?
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rog wrote:
It is written for PPC, not x86 or x86-64.
Btw, I got curious: How do you know this? Given that Nintendo has not (as stated) released the source, how do you know that the emulator has been written specifically for the PPC? For it to be specifically targeted at the PPC it would either have portions of PPC asm or require (for some reason) a PPC-specific compiler. If this is the case, has Nintendo stated this somewhere? It might of course be that the emulator has been specifically written for the Wii (eg. to use its hardware or system libraries), but that's not the same thing as it having been written specifically for the PPC processor. (The executable binary running on the Wii has been compiled for the PPC, of course, so running the binary in another system would require emulation. But that's not the same thing as the emulator having been written for the PPC.) I would guess that the emulator has been written in a portable language, and while it might use system-specific libraries, it would only be a question of porting those libraries for other platforms. </nitpick>
Post subject: Why was the award for innovation retired?
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I must have missed the memo for retiring the award for the most innovative TAS of the year (or, what's more probable, I don't remember the thread where this was discussed, assuming I saw it in the first place). Could someone remind me of the reasoning behind dropping it? Looking at past winners of this award, I think it was a quite sensible and informative award.
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Btw, any interest in reviving this idea? (Yeah, I know, if I wanted to see this done I should do something about it rather than being lazy but... Yeah, I am lazy. Just hoping that someone would get the inspiration to do it.)
Post subject: Re: this sounds so wrong out of context
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Kyman wrote:
Cardboard wrote:
Mothrayas wrote:
[02:37] <Kyman> well shes 9 so i cant be too rough so i'm trying to lightly shove her but it isn't working
I... gotta know the context.
I was talking about my cat!
If I had to have guessed, I would have said a sister...
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By changing it they are only drawing attention to it. This is similar to the so-called Streisand effect.
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Does anyone have an idea why they changed it? Executive meddling perhaps?
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AngerFist wrote:
FODA wrote:
I'm glad this has stayed on topic.
Heaven forbid that other topics be discussed in a thread.
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Sheesh, don't take it so seriously. It's all harmless fun.
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I think this is spot on: Link to video
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What I'm wondering is: Why does it seem so hard to come up with a framework that efficiently fights real piracy, such as counterfeit jeans, iPhones or DVDs made in China and brought to and sold in western countries by illicit means, without also compromising the most basic human rights of freedom of speech? (Also another thing that puzzles me is that governments giving themselves rights to limit freedom of speech is one thing, but why do these proposals seem to always want to give private corporations those same rights?)
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Rena wrote:
The rootkit thing was one major reason. There's also the Lik-Sang incident, the PS3 OtherOS nonsense, BD+ and the mandatory encryption on Blu-ray discs (your home video footage of your kids certainly needs DRM, right?), phony movie reviewers, exploding laptop batteries, huge breaches of personal data including credit card numbers that they try to sweep under the rug, and all the little things they do all the time, like how practically every model of every one of their products has a new, incompatible, proprietary standard USB connector and memory card format.* Basically, it's because they're huge jerks that screw over their customers much too frequently for my liking.
The same can also be said of most other big conglomerations and companies. They are there to make business, and sometimes they play dirty. It sucks, but that's economy. If you were to boycott all companies that have played dirty with their customers you would have to move to a cave and live of carrots you grow yourself. The other possibility is to realize that they are not going down regardless of what you do (and in fact, they are getting part of your money whether you want it or not), so you might as well enjoy the good things they offer you, such as video games, consoles, consumer electronics and so on. Avoiding eg. a game just because it's made by the eeevil big corporation is just depriving yourself of something that you might enjoy for an inconsequential reason. Also realize that not all people working for said companies are evil, but honest workers who want to make good products. Boycotting them is not going to help them nor their families.
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Ferret Warlord wrote:
I feel sorry for the kid in the striped shirt.
Btw, there's a video on bronies reacting to that video:
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I wonder if you have seen this:
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Rena wrote:
I don't buy Sony products...
I'm curious to know why. Perhaps because of the rootkit fiasco? Even without going to the discussion of whether it makes sense to boycott an entire conglomerate because one of their branches did something heinous (possibly without the knowledge of any of the other independent branches), it seems to be a rather futile endeavor. Not only is not Sony going to notice you don't buying their product, but ironically you probably are buying their products (or at the very least buying products that Sony shares part of the profits). Perhaps you bought or went to see a movie by Columbia Pictures? Yup, the money goes to Sony. Perhaps you have bought a game by Psygnosis? Again, money goes to Sony. Or maybe a game by Square Enix? Part of money goes to Sony. A movie by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer? You guessed it. If you buy any piece of consumer electronics, there's a pretty good chance that parts of it have been manufactured by Sony or one of its affiliates. The list goes on.
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Antoids wrote:
I think the best way to reconcile is just to make a sub/splinter site with greater emphasis on entertainment, while tasvideos keeps itself devoted to "gotta go fast".
Splitting the site into more categories has been suggested several times in the past. It has never caught.