Posts for Warp

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With mplayer you can display only part of a video (and mplayer will scale that part to be fullscreen, preserving aspect ratio of course). I'm sure there are players for Windows with a similar capability.
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Bisqwit wrote:
then uses savestates to rewind back to positions where a particular beauty was sighted and take snapshots there.
I thought it looked for positions that are particularly busy (ie. lots of stuff going on). Not necessarily the same thing.
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IronSlayer wrote:
But there's not much content for those in the 13+ year old age range.
They disagree with you.
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I think someone here liked dubstep? Not crappy, but not going to make a new thread for this either. Link to video
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jimsfriend wrote:
this effort will be appreciated by those who cannot playback your movie file are extremely lazy
Why do you assume it's a question of laziness? Emulators are not necessarily available for all platforms. (Also, even if an emulator is available, it may or may not work properly.) Also playing the movie file back requires downloading the game ROM, which is technically speaking an act of software piracy and hence may go against someone's principles. (Yes, there are people who abhor software piracy, as incredibly as that might sound.)
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Noob Irdoh wrote:
I 200% agree with IronSlayer here. Good contributors should be encouraged no matter what, instead of being kicked away because of few questionable issues.
I still find this stance baffling. I don't know if it's just me, but I just can't see how positive contributions somehow "cancel out" constant rude behavior. If someone is reading this forum and sees cursing and inappropriate text, he is not going to think "oh, but he has contributed so much to the site, so I'll not get upset in his case; if it were somebody else, someone who hasn't contributed, then I would get upset". That would be irrational. Nobody thinks like that. Inappropriate text is inappropriate regardless of who writes it. It doesn't somehow become tolerable if the person happens to be a contributor. Think about it from the point of view of the official forum rules. Should there be a clause that states something along the lines of: "Rude behavior will not be tolerated. Except if you contribute to the website; in that case it's ok, go ahead. Be as rude as you like."
Sure he did something wrong, but permabanning such a helpful guy, without even a warning, just seems even wronger to me.
I think most people here agree that warnings should be issued before bans. But that's not the point I'm making here.
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DarkKobold wrote:
This is actually a pretty big problem with the game - I had no idea how fast it was, before TASing it. The problem is, it is CPU throttled, i.e. it runs as fast as your CPU will let it.
If that's the case, how exactly do we determine what the actual length of the run is? I'd say this makes the game unsuitable for TASing (or, more precisely, unsuitable for a TAS to be published here). It's a bit like speeding up an emulator to get a lower completion time of a console game. Completely unacceptable. (The TAS might be acceptable if there's a reasonable "official" CPU model and speed at which the original game was intended to be run with, and then the emulator is set up to emulate exactly that.)
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IronSlayer wrote:
Warp wrote:
The problem I see with that is that you are, basically, suggesting that the forum should tolerate regular use of rude language from a person if that person contributes positively in other ways.
Yes, that is exactly the way I see it.
Then we'll just have to disagree. Rude language is rude language, and whether it's acceptable or not has nothing to do with what else that person might have done.
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I think the "evolution of a scene" series is interesting. Here are the first few: (And so on. You'll find the rest through youtube's suggestions column.)
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I don't understand why the burden of encoding should be put on the submitter. Instead, the idea could be implemented in a more user-friendly way: Make it a site policy that all submission should get an encode as soon as possible (by some of the regular encoders, it doesn't really matter who). Ok, this is already a more or less informal policy. Just make it more explicit.
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IronSlayer wrote:
I think it sets both a bad precedent and takes something away from the board's quality.
The problem I see with that is that you are, basically, suggesting that the forum should tolerate regular use of rude language from a person if that person contributes positively in other ways. A bit like the two things would cancel each other out and thus the overall result is ok. I don't think it works (nor should work) like that. The regular use of rude language doesn't go away by any positive contributions the person might be doing. It's still there, and a lot of people are going to read it. It doesn't have to be tolerated.
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Vykan12 wrote:
But is there even a single published movie on this site with under 1000 re-records?
Quite many.
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You forgot: 7- The emulator might not be available for your OS of preference (or you have technical problems running it).
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IMO publishing polls on people's preferences (iow. "who will you vote for?") should be banned prior to presidential elections. Way too many times too many presidential candidates have lost significant amounts of votes in Finland due to this. (I have heard too many times "I would vote for candidate X, but since according to the polls he will not win anyways, I will vote for candidate Y instead".) Of course another issue is that banning such polls goes blatantly against the constitutional freedom of speech, which could be a problem.
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Finally finished watching all episodes. Now to go through the arduous task of reading the three mile-long tvtropes pages about the show, plus all the individual tvtropes pages dedicated to each individual episode. And try to not get too much carried away by the links to other pages...
Dragonfangs wrote:
Also, Fluttershy supposedly able to gain on Rainbow in a chase through sheer willpower... with a balloon attached...
Maybe she also lost her speed alongside her loyalty?
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Sticky wrote:
Am I the only one who thinks this shit is fucking stupid?
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DarkKobold wrote:
moozooh wrote:
DarkKobold evidently scores 0 on agreeableness. :D
Warp agreed that he was a douche! That scores me 1 point!
I didn't say he's a douche. I just said that's the word you're looking for.
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4chan gave us the lolcats, so it can't be all that bad, can it?
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jimsfriend wrote:
Did they take into account that the earth is spinning in their calibrations? Is that something that would need to be taken into account? Like, the earth is spinning in the opposite direction of neutrino travel so you get speed of light in direction of neutrino movement + whatever speed the earth is spinning at that radius in some other direction.
Speed c is independent on the speed of the observer. Even if the observer is moving at half-c in the opposite direction than the particle being measured (which is traveling at c), the observer will not measure the particle traveling at over c. These things do not follow everyday Newtonian physics, no matter how unintuitive it is.
FODA wrote:
I have a serious question: what stops a spaceship from just accelerating indefinitely?
Nothing. You can travel to Alpha Centauri and back in one second (assuming that you can withstand the acceleration). However, when you arrive back at Earth you'll see that over 4 years have passed there (even though you are only 1 second older than when you left). Yet if you measure your own speed during your travel, by measuring the speed of your surroundings (such as stars), you will notice that you never traveled at a speed over c. It's wonky like that.
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I'm kind of expecting that the reason may either be completely mundane, or even if it's something that requires a change in our understanding of physics, it's something else than FTL travel of particles being possible. After all, the measured speed is only 0.0000002% above c. This might indicate that it's a mundane error. Some possibilities come to mind. It could be that: - regardless of the seemingly high care taken to measure the time very accurately, there was some kind of really tiny calibration error somewhere. - the distance between the two measurement points was measured just a tiny bit wrong (after all, getting the distance wrong by 0.0000002% doesn't sound like an unlikely cause). - there's a physical factor, still completely within current knowledge of physics, that was not taken fully into account, such as the curvature of spacetime near a gravity well (such as the Earth is). I wonder if this might be somehow related to the so-called flyby anomaly. - there's an unknown factor affecting the curvature of spacetime, and hence the distances between points, such as some kind of dark matter. - the equations for spacetime curvature calculations need adjusting for an unknown reason. (OTOH this and the two previous are unlikely because it would affect all measurements of c, including traditional measurements of light itself.) - an unknown or dismissed quantum effect is in play, making it appear as if the particle traveled faster than c, when in fact it didn't.
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DarkKobold wrote:
Needy-narcissitic-asshole-who-created-a-test-just-to-get-feedback-on-how-awesome-he-thinks-he-is. Close enough to one word.
I think the word you are looking for is "douche".
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Is it just me, or does this game have the worst voice acting ever in the history of video games?
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Kuwaga wrote:
[URL=]Here[/URL] are some other examples that you might already be familiar with
I know you are just kidding, but anyways, if someone doesn't know, 1) Unintentional pareidolia. 2) Unintentional pareidolia. 3) No idea about this supposed deleted scene. The character itself is indeed depicted as somewhat lascivious. Daring for a Disney movie. 4) This was a prank played by one of the animators. Disney was not happy. He was fired. 5) Probably reads "SFX" (a nod to the special effects department) before the wind blows it off. 6) It's his knee. Clearer in the original animation. 7) The character is depicted as sexy. Daring for a Disney production.
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KennyMan666 wrote: looks like it's doing something, all right, and it's not eating...
Can't we keep even one thing on the internet clean and innocent?