Posts for Warp

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DarkKobold wrote:
The job is to protect the website from lawsuits.
You are being unusually ridiculous with this. The website is approximately one million times more likely to get sued for copyright infringement than something like COPPA. After all, we do distribute videos with copyrighted music (often full-length tracks), which without the shadow of a doubt infringes copyright. (Fair use laws do not allow distributing full pieces of music, not even significant portions.) The graphics in the videos might also be subject to copyright protection (although a case might be made for fair use there). If you are so concerned about lawsuits, you should start from the copyright infringement issues first, as that's by far the most likely target.
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Nach wrote:
You can use your imagination to determine what problems could result of a photo.
I honestly can't even begin to imagine what these problems might be, especially since no contact information is divulged. (And even then it sounds so extremely far-fetched as to be ridiculous. What? Is a neighbor going to stalk and rape him because he saw his photo on an online forum?)
Just be happy we allow him to speak at all.
I'm again leaning on believing this is just some really elaborate joke. You can't be serious.
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Nach wrote:
In the case of Patryk1023, he is quite young and possibly naive. Further, we don't know what is or isn't going on in his life. Who are we to say if organized crime is after him or not? As remote a possibility it is for him to be negatively affected by posting his photo, it's not up to us, or him for that matter to decide that. It's up to his parents and/or legal guardian. Our staff should err on the side of caution and look to protect our minors, I applaud whoever removed the photo.
You have to admit that the above paragraph is pure unadultered paranoia. If you are so concerned about his age, well, his age was already mentioned in this thread. That alone would constitute a serious breach of private information, according to that logic. What difference is a photo going to make? (In fact, divulging someone's age could be considered even worse than him posting his own photo which, without current age information, could just as well be a childhood photo taken 15 years ago for all we know.)
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I honestly can't believe this is a serious policy. Facepalm: (I suppose the above image is bannable as well. After all, it shows a photo of a minor.)
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WTF: Windows TASing Framework.
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Weatherton wrote:
I don't think the fact that a run "was groundbreaking" and had "inspired several other runs" is a good reason for a TAS to maintain a star over time. I don't have an opinion in this case, just saying the run should be especially entertaining and should hold up relative to the current day. I would say the fact that several runs have note completed more games at once (whether they were inspired to do so by this one or not) takes down the novelty factor when viewed today. I also have not opinion on this particular run, just thought I'd share my view on your statement.
Personally I have always found two to be the optimal number of games in a multi-game TAS. Any more than that, and the video becomes extremely confusing to follow. Honestly, I have not really liked all that much any of the subsequent multi-game TASes which have invariably used more than 2 games, for the simple reason that they are difficult (if not outright annoying) to follow. Making an input file that completes 50 games might be a marvelous technical achievement, but it's not very entertaining to watch. 2 games, on the other hand, is much more enjoyable (especially the more visual synchronization there is between the two). For this reason I second the suggestion that the X+X2 TAS keep its star. It's IMO the best representative of multi-game TASing. If someone makes a different 2-game TAS in the future which is even more enjoyable, then we can discuss. (I'm still hoping someone would make such a TAS, eg. of two gradius-style games.)
Post subject: Policy on minors posting their photos in the Gallery topic
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Split from the Userphoto Gallery thread (see this post). — moozooh
Patryk1023 wrote:
POST EDITED BY A MODERATOR: The user is very young, so deleting his picture from this thread for his own protection.
I hope this is a joke.
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Brandon wrote:
Disagree completely. It was groundbreaking and inspired several other runs.
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FerretFaucet wrote:
Edit: Yeah, I have a huge clock.
I swear that when I read that sentence the first time, I didn't see the 'l' and was like "whaa?", and then read it again and was like "aah, clock".
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Could this be considered a speedrun of sorts?-) Link to video
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Tales of Vesperia can be bought from Xbox Live for 30 euros. Or if you use Microsoft points, and buy them from, for 23 euros. Guess what I just did. I wasn't going to celebrate until the game was on my HD and running, but now it is. \o/ Now I'm a happy man. (Well, at least until the next time I find something to complain about.)
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Shinryuu wrote:
Damn.. can't resist myself!
Too sexy for your shirt?-)
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You should listen the beeps coming out of "PC Speaker", it tells you the problematic area.
It's not reliable. One of the most common sources of hardware failure is the PSU, and if it starts failing, it can cause the system to diagnose all kinds of problems that aren't there (which are caused by the PSU not giving enough power, or the power being noisy). For example, I had once my PC tell me repeatedly that the CPU had failed ("No CPU installed"). Nope, the problem was a failing PSU. (Replaced the PSU, the computer has been working ok for a couple of years since.)
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You should double-check that it's really the video card that is broken. Just because you get no image doesn't mean it's the video card. It could be a myriad of other things. (OTOH, if your video card is oldish, you probably want to upgrade it anyways. Nowadays you can get pretty decent video cards for relatively low price, so it isn't a really big investment.)
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Scepheo wrote:
So yeah, I'm pretty sure this planet is going to hell.
I'm quite pessimistic myself as well. Even though the True Finns (I also find that translation a bit inaccurate; the Finnish for "true finns" would be "aidot suomalaiset", not "perussuomalaiset") got 39 seats in the parliament, that's just not enough. There are 200 seats in total, and as long as they don't get at least 101 of them, nothing much is going to change. All the other parties are simply going to vote against them. This is not unprecedent. AFAIK this is exactly what has been happening in Sweden for years, with their equivalent party.
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There's a common misconception (promoted by the media and the multiculturalists) that people and political parties who criticize immigration would want to stop all immigration. While there certainly are individuals who fit that description (and who often are truly racist even by the strictest and most accurate definition of the word), that's not the general sentiment. Where immigrants come from does matter. That's a huge taboo to say, and breaks political correctness very blatantly, but it just is a fact. Not all cultures are the same, and people who rise in one culture often have quite different attitudes from people who rise in another. Also environmental factors, such as poverty, crime and corruption can mold people's attitudes and ideologies. When you grow up in a certain environment, you tend to learn bad attitudes. Again, this may be a taboo, but it just is a fact. This is not just theoretical fear-mongering. We have hard statistics on how well immigrants from different countries integrate into the hosting cultures from different parts of Europe. Unlike the multiculturalist dogma claims, not all of this (nor probably even any significant part of it) can be attributed to prejudice and racism by the hosting country. It just is so that people from certain cultures integrate on average significantly more poorly than from other cultures. Immigrants from some countries don't generally have too much difficulty in integrating, fitting in, and being a productive member of the hosting community, while immigrants from certain other countries in average do. And this doesn't have anything to do with skin color or religion. Should rich countries try to help poor countries so that their citizens can, in time, live better lives? Definitely. If rich countries have the resources, the right thing to do is to try to help countries with less resources to get on their feet. However, this is not accomplished by importing some thousands of people from that country (from the millions there), especially if those people have a track record of non-integration, isolation tendencies and destructive behavior. That helps nobody. The only thing it does is to diminish the capability of the hosting country to help the poorer country. It doesn't help that sustaining a person who doesn't integrate and doesn't earn his own living in a rich country is really expensive. The money which goes to sustain one such person in a rich country could help dozens of people in their country of origin. However, immigrants who have a good track record of integration and contributing to the hosting society, are quite benefitial. Nobody opposes those. It's just the leftist media who wants to give a picture of the "racist" average citizen opposing all immigration.
Post subject: Re: Finnish election 2011
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Dada wrote:
The idea that you "can't discuss immigration" or that multiculturalism is "practically a religion" is a stubborn lie that's kept alive only by those opposed to immigration who use it to gain sympathy.
I didn't say anything even resembling "you can't discuss immigration" in my post. You are reading something that isn't there. As for multiculturalism being an ideology not much unlike a religion, it just is true. It was especially true 5 to 10 years ago, and it still is to a large extent today among many influential people, a large part of the media, and many politicians (the Green Party being the most blatant example). You just have to read what they themselves write to realize this. You don't even have to take the word of "some right-wing fundamentalist" for it. I don't know how it is in your country, but it certainly is so in Finland (and Sweden, from what I can see). The situation has marginally improved lately, but there are still many influential people here who take multiculturalism, with all of its dogmas, like a religion. You wouldn't believe the blatant lies that the multiculturalists come up with in their writings. (For example in one infamous case the Finnish police had to issue an official rebuke to a newspaper article which claimed that an immigrant was stabbed to death by a racist. No such stabbing ever happened, by anybody.)
Now basically what opponents of immigration will have you believe is that progressives (such as the Green Party you so derisively namedropped just now) don't care about any of this and are uninterested in even acknowledging this reality, let alone do anything to improve it.
About the only "commendable" thing about the Finnish Green Party is that at least they do what they profess, unlike many other parties who say one thing but do the opposite. In other words, they say one thing, but when it comes the time to vote for new legislation, they vote for the exact opposite. At least the Green Party is open about their position and vote according to it. The problem is that the Green Party has an absolute multiculturalist agenda: No amount of immigration is ever enough, and laws restricting immigration are always too strict and must be alleviated.
Right-wingers would rather have us not spend any more money on them (they consider the whole issue a lost cause, anyway) because they "should be able to pull themselves up by their bootstraps". You can chalk that one up to right-wingers generally believing problems will solve themselves if only you hope for it badly enough.
I find it a bit amusing how you talk about lies, and then just repeat lies yourself.
Warp wrote:
(which scarcity is aggravated even more due to the economic crisis and the need to cut on budgets)
This is also an extremely misguided idea posited by those who want to use the crisis for reasons of increasing the gap between rich and poor.
Way to miss the point completely. I was talking about compulsory Swedish teaching in Finland. It was in no way whatsoever related to immigration or anything else.
Bisqwit wrote:
I principally supported three parties: The Pirate Party
I will never support that party. Why? Because they want to make me unemployed. And no, this is not just prejudice. I have talked to them. Their position was that if because of their policies I become unemployed (because the gaming company I work for becomes bankcrupt), then tough luck. Sucks being me. They couldn't care less. I hate intrusive DRM and draconian copyright laws like everybody else. However, that's not the only agenda that the Pirate Party is pushing. If they had their way, they would destroy companies and make people unemployed.
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I think that the main target audience for a 7+ hour run is people who have played the game. I doubt anybody else would be willing to sit through it. Fortunately, I have this game for the PSP (I'm assuming it's pretty similar to the PSX version). In fact, I'm still playing it, so I'll have to wait to finish it before I watch.
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These are not crappy. In fact, they are pretty awesome. Ghostbusters (Ray Parker, Jr.) + Thunderstruck (AC/DC): Stayin' Alive (Bee Gees) + Another Brick in the Wall (Pink Floyd): The Final Countdown (Europe) + Smells Like Teen Spirit (Nirvana):
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Scepheo wrote:
I actually find this well judged.
Seconded. Adelikat pretty much expressed the same sentiments as I had, but much more eloquently and better justified. I wasn't completely happy with the camera work (compared to the previous run), but didn't see it as a reason for rejection.
Post subject: Video game console knockoffs
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Video game console knockoffs are quite plentiful (as one can surmise by eg. making a quick google images search). Seems like China is by far the largest producer of these knockoffs whose clear intention is to fool parents and grandparents (and very young children) into buying them believing they are the real mccoy. I am wondering, though: Exactly what kind of machines are these? Are they full-fledged modern consoles, just with cheaper parts? Are they perhaps compatible with the consoles they are plagiarizing? Or perhaps with older consoles? (Do they internally eg. run some kind of emulation for older consoles?) Or are they original proprietary consoles with their own unique games? If so, who makes these games, and what do they look like? Does anyone know? In at least one case, I found a video demonstrating a PSP knockoff: Link to video It was quite a shock. These types of LCD games were popular in the early 80's, yet this thing is being sold today, fooling some people into thinking it's comparable to the PSP (if not the PSP itself).
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Did you know that Super Mario 64 has lots of glitches and tricks that can be used to do unusual things? Although I bet the video is just fake and photoshopped. No way you can do those things for real.
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I think that what you are engaging in is called "psychological projection": You are attributing to others a characteristic that you are uncomfortable with (in this case, being ridiculous and highly amusing). This is a psychological defense mechanism that helps you avoid admitting your own flaws, by attributing the flaws to others.
Post subject: Re: Finnish election 2011
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Truncated wrote:
In the Swedish media at least, there has been a focus on Perussuomalaiset/Sannfinländarna/True Finns, and their success. This is partly because they have a critical view of immigration (which is a very sensitive issue in Sweden)
The major problem is the practically religious multiculturalism that basically all the other political parties and the entirety of the media professes, and where it has lead other European countries (such as Sweden, the UK, France, Belgium, Germany and others). As a Swedish, you can check the success of your multiculturalist experiment in your own country (although in many cases you'll have to check it from foreign media, as your own media is rather keen to censor itself, not unlike the Finnish media). Another problem is that Finns are getting tired of political parties and the media treating their own citizens like trash. If you were to believe what the Finnish media claims, Finland would be like the US at the height of the Ku Klux Klan. It's no wonder that citizens are looking towards a party that does understand them and the real problems. (It seems that the Finnish press is not the only one who is spreading lies about that party. For example check this BBC article with such pearls as "They believe that a low birth rate is not solved by immigration, as that results in problems and foreigners are do not fit into Finnish culture. Instead, young women should study less and spend more time giving birth to pure Finnish children. That is like a faint echo of Nazi ideology." I suppose the writer has been talking to the Green Party or some Finnish reporter.)
and because they want to get rid of compulsory education of Swedish.
The key word here is compulsory. Nobody is promoting removing the education of the language. What is being promoted is that the scarce teaching resources (which scarcity is aggravated even more due to the economic crisis and the need to cut on budgets) be used for more important subjects. You don't need Swedish to live and work in Finland. The amount of people living in Finland who speak only Swedish and do not speak Finnish nor English is a very small minority, and it makes no sense to force everybody to study the language just because of them. After all, there are other language minorities in Finland, such as Sami and Russian, yet they are not compulsory languages at school. The resources currently spent on teaching Swedish could be better spent in something more useful.
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nfq wrote:
Warp wrote:
Popular science does not mean the same thing as pseudoscience.
*rolling on the floor without laughing*
Could you please explain?