Posts for Warp

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I don't know anything about the mechanics of the game, but I was wondering about the boss battle in the woodman stage: You switch to that wind weapon before entering the boss room. Then you have to get very close to woodman before being able to hit him. Could it be advantageous to enter the boss room without switching weapons, hit woodman with the current weapon for the entire duration of the approach, and only after you get close enough then switch to the wind weapon? This way you could get more hits. Or is the previous weapon too weak to make any difference?
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adelikat wrote:
Don't know if you have noticed but our server can't handle the load we currently have. We need ways to shift the load elsewhere, not increase it here.
I didn't know embedding videos increases the bandwidth of the server (which contains the page which is embedding the video). I thought it's just like linking to an image in another server: Your server just gives the html, the browser goes to the other server where the actual image is, and wastes that other server's bandwidth to load it. Isn't it the same with embedded videos?
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Swedishmartin wrote:
int main() {char s[] = "int main() {char s[] = %c%s%c; printf(s, 34, s, 34); return 0;}"; printf(s, 34, s, 34); return 0;}
There are (similar) ways to do it without making the assumption that the quotation mark character has a value of 34 (in other words, it will then work even in systems which do not use ASCII). It can be a bit challenging to come up with the solution to that.
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adelikat wrote:
Has anyone with the 5fps problem actually tried some non TAS videos on their site? Are those 5fps too?
I watched a half dozen videos linked from the front page of the site and they played ok for me.
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Glitcher wrote:
God, I found this TAS exceptionally boring. It pales horribly against dedicated combo videos you can find on websites aimed at them.
The question is: Should this be voted as a TAS or as a "dedicated combo video"?
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The videos seem to play at about 5-10 FPS for me. Especially the ones running at something like 5 FPS are a real pain to watch. I don't know if it's just my system. (I don't have any such problem with any other online video site.)
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It's indeed curious how the first intuition is to think that the amount of females would raise compared to males in these conditions, but that isn't so. There's a relatively simple way of seeing why the ratio keeps at about 50/50 even in this situation: Let's assume a sample of 1000 women who give birth. About 500 will be boys and 500 will be girls. So the ratio has remained equal. Now let's assume that some of the women who gave birth to a girl want to have a second child. Let's say, for example, that 400 of them want to do so (it doesn't really matter how many, it's still the same). From them about 200 will have boys and 200 girls. Now there will be 500+200=700 boys and 500+200=700 girls in total. Still the ratio is preserved. Let's assume 100 of the women who gave birth to a second girl want a third child. Again, about 50 boys and 50 girls will be born, in which case we will have 700+50=750 boys and 700+50=750 girls, the ratio still remaining equal. And so on. Perhaps a bit surprisingly, and a bit contrary to intuition, the ratio will indeed keep at about 50/50, no matter how many women give birth to how many children. It doesn't even matter if they decide to stop having children even if they only have female children.
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How about this one: Let's assume that in a country the probability of a newborn child to be either a boy or a girl is exactly 50%. Naturally this means that about 50% of the population will be male and the rest female. To limit overpopulation, the country passes a law that after a boy has been born to a woman, she can no longer have any further children. There's no limit how many girls she can have before her first son is born. Question: Does this change the male/female ratio of the population as time passes, and if so, how much?
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Ah, Descent. It brings memories. Descent was way ahead of its time technologically. This was the time when Doom was considered the state-of-art in first-person shooters. Doom had one axis of freedom (in aviation terminology, yawing), levels were 2-dimensional (ie. no rooms above rooms possible) and geometrically limited (eg. sloped ground was not possible) and monsters/objects were made with 2D sprites. Descent had all three axes of freedom (pitching, rolling, yawing), completely 3-dimensional levels without limitations, and all enemies/objects were 3-dimensional models. Texturing was not completely perspective-correct (Doom had completely perspective-correct texturing because its 1-axis-of-freedom and the geometrical limitations allowed to do it very fast), but still an impressive feat for the time.
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If you are using mplayer, you can get nicer-looking subtitles (when viewing soft-subbed videos, naturally) by using the command-line option -ass (no, I'm not making that one up). This is so with most if not all soft-subbed videos. (I don't know why it isn't the default in mplayer.)
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Hmm, the statistics page is still showing this movie with 6 rerecords. How long does the cache last? Or did something go wrong with the database change? Edit: Well, I'm starting to repeat myself here, but the database seems to still list 6 as the rerecord count for the movie.
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I have been watching too much anime. I could understand much of the conversation at 8:00 into the movie even though I only have a very, very rudimentary understanding of Japanese (some words, a few expressions).
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One possibility would be to create our own romhack of some game, for the sole purpose of making it as difficult to TAS as possible. Bisqwit wrote some years ago tools to customize all the levels in Rockman. His original goal was just to make a different version of the game, playable normally, but they could well be used for this purpose. It could be one possibility.
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LagDotCom wrote:
Also Warp, please drop it.
Some people think that I have some kind of persecution paranoia here, that I think that some people have ganged up at laughing at me and think that I'm like the butt-monkey of the forum who can be freely mocked and insulted. Maybe I am being a bit paranoid, but I just can't help it that comments like yours give me that impression. When someone carelessly writes a highly-insulting remark like I was some kind of lowlife, and I object to this kind of public mockery, it's just me who should drop it. The person who did the mockery in the first place receives no reproach, and I should just accept being mocked publicly.
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Zurreco wrote:
Warp wrote:
Exactly what do you have against me? Just state it openly.
You're a pee pee poo poo. Actually, it's much deeper than that, but it boils down to your inability to see other peoples' arguments, regardless of how logical they may be. It gets really frustrating.
Exactly how was I so unable to see other people's arguments here? Why did I deserve such insulting remark from you? You just can't go and publicly write an insulting remark like I was some kind of lowlife, just for the sake of it. At least have the decency of saying what exactly prompted such childish behavior from your part. Have I ever attacked, mocked or insulted you?
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DarkKobold wrote:
Well, the people in the thread, who are actually going to WATCH the run (read: Not Zurreco or Warp)
I don't understand why do you think I wouldn't watch such a run.
Zurreco wrote:
And don't ever bunch me together with Warp.
Exactly what do you have against me? Just state it openly.
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MexicanHat wrote:
uhh whats a gamepad :D!?
A game controller, eg. like this one Out of curiosity: What "key limit" are you talking about?
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andymac wrote:
Microstorage wrote:
Microstorage This upload script has a limit of about 2 megabytes, and accepts FCM, SMV, VBM, M64 and GMV files right now. And do NOT zip it, rar it, or anything else like that.
Ok, that is dumb, IMO. It's not like it wouldn't be rather easy for the server to check the contents of a zip file.
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Pardon me for the dumb question, but wouldn't it be a good idea to zip the smv file before uploading it?
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Perhaps an admin could manually fix the rerecord count for this movie in the database to either the actual number, or zero? The bogus rerecord count is messing up the position of this movie in the movie statistics page. (IIRC, the statistics page generation routine skips movies with 0 rerecords, for this exact purpose.)
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What would a "good enough" solution be good for, when the whole idea to use a bot is to get a frame-perfect solution? For a "good enough" solution you may just as well do it manually as currently and save yourself a huge amount of trouble. In order to be sure to get the perfect run, you have to try all combinations, and there simply are too many to try for that to be feasible. You could try to use smarter pruning algorithms such as A*, but even that wouldn't get you too far. (As a reference, consider highly-efficient chess programs using similar algorithms, and which are able to only calculate something like 15 moves ahead at most. And increasing the search depth even by one move increases the calculation time exponentially.)
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Just forget about any brute forcing methods. That just doesn't work. The Sun will explode long before you get to the 50th frame by a brute-force method. That's less than a second of gameplay.
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Same effect here, although from 6:30 forward rather than 5:44. Also mplayer starts giving tons of warning messages from that point forward:
mplayer wrote:
Too many video packets in the buffer: (4096 in 2818365 bytes). Maybe you are playing a non-interleaved stream/file or the codec failed?
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mz wrote:
That's what those "reset in the middle of a SRAM save" bugs do, in my opinion. I don't really like them (they're not very "legal" -they depend a lot in the used emulator- and it's not much fun seeing the memory values being freely manipulated like that), but they've been accepted before.
I think they are accepted because, at least in theory, they could be replicated in the real console and are thus not something introduced purely by the emulator. But if SRAM corruption through resetting trickery can be considered as having the same effect as using a gamegenie device, it raises the interesting question of why the former is allowed but the latter isn't, even though the end result is basically the same.
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Zurreco wrote:
Nope. Otherwise, there would be argument to allow cheats that remove speed caps in games/unlock new weapons/etc. It's a slippery slope.
I suppose we are talking about cheats which can be performed from the game itself (eg. by pressing a certain combination of buttons at a certain place, it basically being a kind of easter egg programmed into the game) rather than eg. gamegenie codes etc? I was wondering: What is the basic difference between abusing cheats (the "easter eggs" hidden in the game) and abusing bugs/glitches? Why is abusing bugs ok, but abusing cheats not? This brings up a (more or less philosophical) question: If abusing a bug would cause basically the same effect as a cheat (be it an actual cheat existing in the game, or a potential one), would it be allowed? Likewise: If a bug allows doing effectively the same thing as a gamegenie code, would it be allowed?