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nfq wrote:
for example, there are rumours that say that he has made several surgical operations. but he said in an interview that he has only had one operation: his nose.
Actually in his own autobiography he writes that he had two rhinoplastic surgeries and the surgical creation of a cleft in his chin. There is evidence of more than two rhinoplastic surgeries, though. By 1990 people close to him estimated he had undergone ten operations on his face.
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About the subject: Why does it matter that the music in the SPC files is copyrighted? It's not like we aren't distributing that exact same music in the AVI/MKV files already. An SPC is in no way "more copyrighted" than the video files. If one should not distribute SPC files here, then we should stop distributing all the video files as well.
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Is there an equivalent page for Linux (or Unix in general)? I see that most of the programs and steps would be identical in Linux (as most of the programs are available for both systems). If there isn't a Linux-specific page, how hard would it be to add Linux-specific additions to that page (along the lines of "if you are using Linux, you'll have to do this instead")?
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Personally I find it sad when some people adjust their attitude towards certain songs depending on who made the songs. While most people can make a clear difference between the music and the person who made the music (as nicely demonstrated in this thread), there are some people who detest Jackson's music for the sole reason that they detest Jackson himself. I don't care how music was made or by who: I judge music all by itself, without letting unrelated things, such as the personal life of the author, affect it. I think Jackson was talented and many of his songs are really excellent.
mmbossman wrote:
He was a good entertainer, but it's nice to know another pedophile is off the street.
Why is it that with child molestation charges the judiciary system (or at least people's notion of it) seems to be reversed? In other words, guilty until proven innocent. And even if proven innocent, still highly suspicious. It seems to be that to most people "he was accused of the crime" = "he is clearly guilty of the crime". (No, I'm not saying he was not guilty. I don't know if he was guilty. What I find sad is people's attitude with this subject. I'm sure that many innocent people's lives have been ruined by false accusations and subsequent prejudice.)
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petrie911 wrote:
Also, was my answer to your earlier problem (with the pendulum) correct?
I honestly apologize if I gave the impression that I have done the math myself and thus know the answer. I don't know the answer, nor how to calculate it (as you mentioned, pendulum math is very complicated and cannot be done analytically). I did choose values which I was pretty certain would give a rational answer (ie. the length of the rod would not be larger than the distance to the ground, etc), but I haven't solved the problem myself. My sole intention was to try to come up with a relatively simple physical scenario which is nevertheless very complicated to solve. I was interested to see how the problem is solved, if someone knows.
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A question: Currently Bisqwit can, rather obviously (being the private owner of the server computer), perform any kind of admin stuff he needs. For example, he could ban some vandal by ip (or redirect him somewhere else, or whatever), create special redirection rules, etc, etc. Will this kind of administration be possible with the new rented server?
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The reciprocals of prime numbers produce a divergent series. I wonder how hard it is to prove that... (I'm assuming it's probably very hard, as almost anything involving primes.)
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antd wrote: This is from that page
This is why every person and every nation should bless Israel. Just recently, on the very same day an anti-Israel political party was formed in France (or so I hear), an Air-France airplane was violently torn apart in a storm in flight across the Atlantic. And almost every calamity that has recently stricken America has occurred within a short time from a decision made by the government to betray Israel.
I advise this person to seek professional help from a psychiatrist. I hope it is a joke.
I'm certainly no atheist, but I have to admit that seeing too much causation in such events is probably going too far.
Wikipedia wrote:
"Correlation does not imply causation" is a phrase used in science and statistics to emphasize that correlation between two variables does not automatically imply that one causes the other (though it doesn't remove the fact that correlation can still be a hint, whether powerful or otherwise). The phrase's opposite, correlation proves causation, is a logical fallacy by which two events that occur together are claimed to have a cause-and-effect relationship. The fallacy is also known as cum hoc ergo propter hoc (Latin for "with this, therefore because of this") and false cause.
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Derakon wrote:
Okay, let's assume we can change the speed of light and yet have everything else still work the way it's supposed to (including e.g. neurons firing properly, electrical devices working, etc.).
And what would be the point? It would in no way be even a remotely realistic simulation of what would happen in real life, due to all the exceptions being applied. The only thing you get is some distortion of the image (mainly flattening in certain directions). You might as well simply simulate how the game would look through a fisheye lens. In fact, that would be much more physically realistic.
Did you complain when Super Mario Galaxy had 10m planets with gravity equivalent to Earth's? No? Same deal here.
Those details serve a purpose in SM Galaxy. What would be the purpose of the suggested faux-relativistic effects? If you want the image to get distorted, there are much easier ways, as I already mentioned.
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xPi wrote:
it would also help by offering a smaller download of the same file in cases such as this run: alden-Desert%20Bus.gmv.bz2 (40.4 KB)
Actually if you use maximum compression, the file compresses to 39560 bytes (38.6 kB).
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pirate_sephiroth wrote:
Why does darkkobold need to prove the size of his drawers?
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Blublu wrote:
Well, what if we just imagined that for some reason, c somehow got set to about 20 m/s.
If we go for realism, I think that would screw up things badly, such as the Earth becoming a black hole and stuff like that. (Changing c does not only change how fast photons move. It changes spacetime curvature and stuff like that.)
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I'm not sure relativistic speeds look so "cool" as everyone seems to think. Basically things just flatten out and all colors shift to the blue or the red end of scale (depending on the direction) until it shifts so much that all light goes out of the visible spectrum and you can't see anything anymore. Playing on a black screen doesn't sound so cool. Even if we "cheated" and ignored color shift, I still don't think it would look that cool. Everything would simply flatten (the amount of flattening depending on which direction you look), and that's about it. Also, if we aimed for realism, it cannot be Mario. You can't move at relativistic speeds in an atmosphere because friction would disintegrate you long before you even reach speeds close to c. Mario would have to run in vacuum, in which case he would suffocate and suffer all kinds of other nasty stuff related to vacuum (such as his blood boiling and probably coming out of his eyes and ears). (And yes, I'm aware that eg. in Super Mario Galaxy Mario does kind of run in vacuum of space. But weren't we aiming for realism here?)
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DarkKobold wrote:
Step 3: Form a hypothesis and a null hypothesis
Also note that the hypothesis must be testable and falsifiable, or else it will have little scientific value.
Step 4: Do an experiment
Preferably a controlled experiment. Also, the experiment must be reproducible or, once again, it will have little scientific value. Most hypotheses and experiments in pseudoscience fail most or all of these requirements.
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arukAdo wrote:
Now, the real good test (extreme test at least...) is with desert bus...
I don't think it's a good test because it's an extremely atypical movie, in both size and contents. Any result you get does not necessarily represent what would happen with the actual movies published here. (Btw, why do you insist in using "o" instead of "B"? You are the only person I have ever seen using that, and it's really confusing. It seems to be confusing even for yourself, given your "definition" of "o". What's wrong with "kB"?)
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moozooh wrote:
But most prominently of all, RAR has a far better GUI.
RAR is a file format. File formats don't have graphical user interfaces. They are specifications. I think you are confusing it with a program called winrar. We are talking about the file formats, not the software used to open/create them. Rather ironically, winrar might have a "better GUI"... if you are running Windows. Guess how much better the "GUI" is in Linux. Which is kind of one of the main points here.
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sixofour wrote:
I know what it means, but I also don't believe "just because its not open" is a reason to avoid using something supriour.
It is when it means that to open the file you need to install some proprietary software because your OS cannot support it out-of-the-box. And if the proprietary software doesn't happen to be available for your OS, you are screwed. Besides, rar is certainly not superior, especially not to 7zip.
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Bisqwit wrote:
You mean this kind of games?
Close, but not quite. In text adventures you write what you want to do, and there's a lot of flexibility in what you can do. You can write rather complex commands and combine almost everything with everything else. Think of batmud, only with graphics.
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You know what I really miss from the good old days (ie. the 80's and the so-called 8-bit computers)? Graphical text-based adventure games. They were once really popular and pretty high-sellers, but somehow they just completely died at some point. And I mean totally. I don't think there has been made even one such game since then. And no, I don't consider text adventures (ie. pure text and little else) to be the same thing. Nor the so-called interactive fiction (which often seems to be even poorer in playability than text-based adventures, often concentrating more on the story and leaving the playability as a completely secondary minor feature). The difference between a pure text adventure and a graphical text adventure is that the latter has images for each room (usually the screen is split in about half so that the upper half is the image of the current room and the lower half contains all the text and the input prompt). Not only that, but the image can actually have a role: If you see eg. an apple in the image, it may well be that it's not described in the default room description text, but you can write "examine apple" (or whatever) and you will get a description of it. And if you "take apple", it will actually disappear from the image. If there's a door and you "open door with key", the image of the door changes to reflect that change. That kind of graphical text adventure. I was quite a fan of such games in the 80's, and have missed them since then. Nobody makes such games anymore. Text-only games yes, but they tend to be a bit boring.
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sixofour wrote:
ShinyDoofy wrote:
So is .zip.
I don't think so, given that many competing products, both commercial and open source, support it. The most common compression method for zip files is the so-called deflate algorithm, which is completely patent and IP free. The same cannot be said from the rar format, which is proprietary and bound to license fees.
Post subject: Re: Why do we still use zip instead of 7z to submit movie files?
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arukAdo wrote:
3MO Zip
Ok, I have to admit that I don't know what "3MO" means. You have used it repeatedly so I assume it's not a typo.
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nfq wrote:
Astrology has much truth in it
Out of curiosity: Does your religion have a name? It seems that you believe in everything. Be it ancient or modern, be it about spiritual, superhuman or alien beings, be it about religion, occultism, paganism, astrology or whatever... it seems that for you anything goes. You seem to believe in everything and everybody. How about "new age spiritual secular astrological ufological paranormal christian buddhist shintoist druidic wicca paganism"? OTOH I'm sure that doesn't encompass even nearly everything. Maybe just "the religion of everything"?
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Bisqwit wrote:
Swedishmartin wrote:
This example code is designed to maximize the density of pointer use
I think it's also a good example of how obfuscated and hard to follow C quickly becomes with complex data containers. Not to talk about how easily it becomes unsafe (with unexpected memory leaks, accessing freed memory or out-of-bounds accesses). C doesn't offer many tools for encapsulation, modularity or safety.
Post subject: Re: Why do we still use zip instead of 7z to submit movie files?
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arflech wrote:
7zip provides superior compression
This is generally very true. However, I just tested compressing the largest movie files available, and 7zip showed surprisingly little advantage over the regular zip. For example: bloobiebla-oot.m64, 2.36 MB, 7zip: 81 kB, zip: 96 kB erokky-ffvi.smv, 1.7 MB, 7zip: 19 kB, zip: 16 kB (!) I also tried to compress a bunch of movie files at once, namely bloobiebla-oot.m64, deign-ff4.smv, erokky-ffvi.smv, gunty-lufia2.smv and samuraigoroh-ff5.smv, amounting to 8 MB. 7zip: 158 kB, zip: 170 kB. The difference in compression is rather small. In a few cases 7zip surprisingly compresses less than regular zip. So is it worth the trouble?
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I think I have the same opinion about this game as I have about the snes version: A minimum-kills run is fun to watch... for a while. It would be totally awesome if it was unassisted, but being tool-assisted, it's kind of boring. The thing is, there's not much of a challenge in just dodging bullets in a tool-assisted run. And even the visual novelty gets a bit old after a couple of levels. After that it just becomes a sight-seeing video of the game, little else. However, maximal kills in this game is a real challenge, even when tool-assisted. It really needs a lot more work, and some parts can be really difficult. It's also pretty awesome to see everything killed. A maximal-kills run can also dodge bullets by delaying kills for as long as possible, so you get the best of both worlds.