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Unfortunately, it's called RnF.gba... But they just have to know that you used the US Version... GBA games do not have so much versions (unlike SNES Roms)... Look at my RMZ4 submission, the name of the ROM is really clueless about the version, but i just precised that I was using the Japanese version (anyway the US version is not released now)... BTW Maza did you vote for my time Attack????????? (note that i do not force you to do so ;) )
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Gorash wrote:
I'm open to better names though.
problematic/troublesome number ;)
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Iriasu wrote:
Proto K wrote:
Use this rom: Rockman Megaworld (J) [a1][!].bin It has no problem with SRAM / Wily Tower whatsoever, at least for me.
Wow! Works, like a charm! Thanks for notifying us, Proto K. Although I don't prefer non-altered roms, this is still a neat thing. :)
Would a run using this ROM be accepted on this site????
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Try this site I know it's in french but I can't post the direct link to the Saturn Emulator download right now... Basically, Click first on the "Emulateurs" link then on "Emulateur Saturn" in the list... You should find one working quite well... though saturn is really hard to emulate, i got Panzer Dragoon, Nights and Tunnel B1 to work but the others suck. They also offer Bios link, so check them...
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Try Neo-Rage X, it works way better... ;)
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I agree that using subfactorials are cheating, it was not given as one of the tools you could use... Though, i don't think you can call 5783 a barrier, since there are greater number that can be done with 4 4's, actually there are an infinity of numbers that can be done thiw way...
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You played it on a real NES, I guess, or Radix won't accept it... Good job...
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In Blazin Flizard level, has anyone gpt an idea about how to pass the big lava pit parts without waiting for the big blocks to fall (knowing that you can't get hurt and go through it... b/c there's no enemies near it) ????
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Ferret Warlord wrote:
Only the most horrendous game to have ever been made. It's also a failed submission of mine.
Shaq Fu is also quite lame and has been submitted (by OgreSlayeR I think)
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82-35-43 wrote:
I seem to recall a glitch with the ice wall where you can jump off it even when you form it against a wall. Gigafrost mentioned this in Rockman & Forte. Is it also in the GBA version?
You mean like the Balloon glitch in Mega Man 4 on NES ?? It has to be checked...
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Thx Dark Mana... it's cheering me up... i hope some more will vote :)
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Did you try one 1 Randil ???? :) I'm wondering how far we will be able to go (without getting bored) with the 4 4s challenge... try the 2 2s challenge :)
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That's not the same problem... finding roots for that will give you 2 solutions as (-x)² = x²... The fact is that √ x is positive as it has been defined so... √ x is always positive even if it's confusing... This pretty more understandable with those two properties : √ x = x^(1/2) √ x² = |x| x is a positive number (or you'll get a complex result) so x^(1/2) is also positive... Check it if you do not trust me... 294 = [ 4 ! x ( √ 4 ) ? ] x 4 + ( ( √ 4 ) ? ) !
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Itstoearly wrote:
The only reason most calculators dont show -2 on the graph of the square root of x when x=2 is because they can only graph 1 x for every y.
It's not only a calculator problem... It's the way the word "function" has been defined... functions must be bijective (i don't know if it's the good english word) this means one X must give one and only Y... 293 = [ ( 4 ! x 4 ! ) + 4 ? ] / √ 4
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Bob Whoops wrote:
Anyway, after this, who's up for the One One challenge?
LOL... if anyone try it , he will surely have a very VERY harsh time... HAHAHA :) (if you try it, you'll be as ridiculous as if you try to lick your elbow...) Anyway maybe a 2 2's challenge could be possible (I did not say interesting...)
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Btw : 292 = ( 4 ? ) ? x 4 + ( ( √ 4 ) ? ) x 4 !
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That's aboslutely false SXL... you're right on the fact that (-2)² = 4 and 2² = 4... THOUGH √ x is ALWAYS a positive number... The best proof of that is graphic of the function : f(x) = √x this function is strictly "ascending" and always positive... Click here to see the graphic of this fonction
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Mr. Kelly R. Flewin wrote:
and 288 = 4! x 4? + 4! + 4!
This one works too :)
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Mr. Kelly R. Flewin wrote:
285 = [ 4!(4!) / √4 ] - {√4}? If I'm wrong, forgive me for wasting everyone's time, as this is the first time I've encountered ? and ! in a VERY LONG time. [And it not be in the middle of some spanish instruction manual accidentally shipped out instead of an english one]
It's good, so don't be so sorry... you've already been forgiven by everyone I guess ;) So actually, we should have : 286 = [ ( 4 ! x 4 ! ) / √ 4 ] - √ 4 287 = [ ( 4 ! x 4 ! ) - √ 4 ] / √ 4 288 = [ ( 4 ! x 4 ! ) / 4 ] x √ 4 289 = [ ( 4 ! x 4 ! ) + √ 4 ] / √ 4 290 = [ ( 4 ! x 4 ! ) + 4 ] / √ 4 291 = [ ( 4 ! x 4 ! ) + ( ( √ 4 ) ? ) ? ] / √ 4
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Maza wrote:
I'm quite sure that I'll get this completed during this week so just hang in there. :) (btw, it's so dull to beat up every boss twice!)
Good, good... Though beating up the bosses twice is a Megaman rule... and it should be a lot faster the second time you encounter them... I'll be watching it when i'm back at home this afternoon :)
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Mwuahaha... Thx a lot Shinryuu... Yeah, it's only the first version, i'm working on an improved version right now, though it shall take time to complete it because i'm also working on other games, especially on MMZ3 wich is a lot harder to run than this one... i may post the WIPs of the improved version on the GBA games topic page so check it regularly... The new version should be out by the end of october/november with MMZ3 as well :) Continue to vote for me people :D
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278 = 4 ! * (4 ? + √ 4) –4 ? it's easier
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120 is easy 120 = [(4 ! x 4 ?) / 4] x √ 4 And it's quite late here... i shall sleep...ZZZzzzzz
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I think it's a good idea to do this TA on GBA... It's a well-know and popular game so it may attract more people into the GBA time Attacking "movement"... I hope you'll finish it and you'll submit it Maza :)
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Indeed GBA has the advantage to have an english version... Though for a Megaman game i'm not sure it's really something useful... Particularly while making a Time Attack...
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