Posts for Xoria

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This video is simply incredible. I love the fact that stage 4 continues to go on past the clock, since you can keep playing as long as a chain is breaking down. This was a really impressive run, and I can only imagine how confused people would be if they've never played the game. Hell, even if they HAVE, its a fairly difficult run to follow. Anywho, I can't help but wonder just how much faster this run would be if items were used. I mean, I know items weren't used, and there might be a TON of ways to break the puzzles down, especially if items were used. I hope to see more runs for this game. It's such a great game to play, and just mind boggling to watch.
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awesome game. extremely hard IMO, so i'd love to see a video of it. i couldnt even beat it with game genie codes...:x
Post subject: Ninja Gaiden (Xbox)
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anyone who's played this knows how god damned hard Ninja Gaiden is.. does anyone know of any speed run videos of it? i found a set of Boss time attacks but id really like to see a speed run of the whole game...THAT would be impressive.
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this is still one of my favorite NES games ever :o id love to see a speed run of this
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i havent even beaten the game yet...hell, i havent even beaten the 1st stage :) i was just wondering if people are already working on one. i need a new video card, everything else in my PC is fine..but im going to wait till HL2 goes gold to put any money down. i watched speedruns for the other 2 games and it makes me wonder if people will be able to run through it as fast as the first 2 games were done...
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Blublu wrote:
No, Doom 3 is very un-speedrun-friendly. Normally you walk dreadfully slow. You can dash, but you have very limited stamina.
wow really? i played the game for a few, held down the sprint button and didn't really see any signs of stamina drain. blah, and that's the thing i hated most about farcry. :(
Post subject: Doom 3 Speedrun?
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:x ...wonder how long it'll be till someone finally makes one...
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ahahahahahahaha brilliant! i just started playing FF7 for the first time about a week ago, so its crazy to see you can do that kind of stuff.
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FODA wrote:
yea i'd like to see knights of the round getting to level 16 i never could get that i think it's impossible :P so, some i would like to see: -knights of the round -king of dragons (aiming for high score, perhaps? i could get 3 million or was it billion lol) -super ghouls n' ghosts
i second king of dragons points run/hitless and SGnG, perhaps armorless? id also like to see ZAMN....that bastard of a game... but i can imagine it'd take quite a while, so many stages. but there were also warps? IIRC... either way, that'd be pretty fun to watch.
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...something for the game and watch? i have no clue
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feitclub wrote:
Well, I watched a few fights but I stopped. The fights are quite slow. You need to try a lot more combos. If you want some inspiration, check out this video: It's a movie of SFII with Ryu, all perfects.
i saw that before too, awesome video
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kick ass video, finished watching it about 10 minutes ago. i was impressed by a lot of things, noticed a lot of things that made a lot of sense, yet i never thought of doing them, and laughed several times throughout the video. i laughed at the part where player 1 stood on the ground as the plane in stage 1 came and the floor was engulfed in flames. i always stood on the platforms so i wouldnt die. i was impressed by the use of dual crush guns (or whatever the C represents for the weapons) and the rapid switching by using the X button. had i not looked up, i probably wouldn't have realized it, but i was beginning to wonder how they were shooting that weapon so fast. its usually so slow. the overhead stages were completely a lot faster than i ever thought they could be. i used to play this game with my brother and we'd take a good couple of minutes, it felt as if they beat both stages in maybe 30 seconds (not including the bosses) the final boss fight was pretty cool, but i was surprised by how much damage it took before it finally died. i was hoping for a bit more variety in that last battle, as the players kept choosing the same thing from the boss roullete. and can someone explain the rapid wall climbing technique used twice in the video?
Post subject: Re: Where are the videos?
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Bisqwit wrote:
I'm sorry that some of us don't have infinitely free time. I'm maintaining the site on my free time as my hobby. I have about 30 movies currently in queue, and I'm holding them because I'm developing the new site that will also have a place for SNES and Genesis movies and user-editable pages/entries. Handling the movies takes time. Just learn to wait. :)
do you think you can release a list of movies that are in queue say...weekly or something?
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great start so far, definitely interested in seeing the rest... ive been playing it in animal crossing for GC, since its an unlockable game, and im stuck at around level 88... the later stages are harder than most other puzzle games ive ever played.
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the subtitles in the wizards and warriors video was a great touch, it makes it entertaining and allows the maker to explain what just happened (such as the glitch where he goes back a few stages, unless thats part of the game) had those subs not been there, i wouldve been confused as hell but subtitles can also make videos a lot more fun to watch, like the life force play through that's floating around the 'net that has some pretty funny subtitles scattered through, commenting on the bosses and other stuff
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if bittorrent didn't exist, those 3.2 TB would be coming straight out of your pocket ;)
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i watched it. incredible video, loved it. ive never beaten the game, gotten pretty far but never completed it. looked hard as hell...i love the way he passes bosses and manages to go through huge jumps, avoiding damage by grabbing onto ladders and such and climbing up areas using the tripwire bombs very creative :)
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speed (gradius) glitch exploitation (mega man 2) bypassing seemingly necessary events/bosses (metroid, half life) and good old fashioned ass kicking (RCR, battletoads)
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never played through metal gear 1, but based on what i DID play, i think metal gear 2 would be much more entertaining. ;)
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the 2 player double dragon 2 movie should DEFINITELY be on the site, along with the fastest runs for double dragon 1-3.
Post subject: Re: Queue state currently
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Bisqwit wrote:
Queued: Double Dragon 1 by ... (to be analyzed) Queued: Double Dragon 2 by ... (to be analyzed) Queued: Double Dragon 3 by ... (to be analyzed)
are these by the same person? just curious
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WOOHOO SHADOWGATE! i wonder if that same person will make a deja vu video as well :x shadowgate was so much harder than deja vu, damned torches...
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pretty cool tetris video :D ive never really paid attention to points, so im not sure if ive ever gotten that high when ive managed to beat the game.
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Criswell wrote:
Here's some other suggestions I haven't seen yet: ... Ninja Gaiden(s) ...
lezard has NG vids on his site arc has a vid of the first NG on his as well, but i believe its not the same.
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i've always found the game fun to play, so i thought someone might take a shot at it at some point. it might not be as entertaining as some of the other time attack vids, but its fun to watch nonetheless